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?2001.1-2003.6: 清华大学,精密仪器系,博士后 ?2003.6-2005.7:北京航空航天大学,讲师 ?2004.1-2005.1:新加坡国立大学(NUS),访问学者 ?2005.7-2011.7:北京航空航天大学,副教授 ?2011.4-2011.7:香港中文大学(CUHK),访问学者 ?2013.6-2013.8:加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚大学(The University of British Columbia),高级研究学者 ?2014.8-2014.9:法国南特大学(UNIVERSITE DE NANTES),访问学者 ?2015.5:美国密歇根大学(University of Michigan),访问学者 ?2016.4-2016.5:德国多特蒙德大学(Technische Universität Dortmund,Dortmund polytechnic university),访问学者 ?2011.7-现在: 北京航空航天大学,教授


先进加工技术及装备(包括:难加工材料、复合材料高效加工技术及装备,绿色高效加工技术及装备等); 医工结合;智能微小型执行器


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发表论文100余篇,其中SCI收录论文21篇,已授权发明专利24项,申请国际PCT专利1项,参编著作4部。 1.Cong Zhu, Xiangcheng Chu, Songmei Yuan, Zuojin Zhong, Yanqiang Zhao, Shuning Gao. Development of an ultrasonic linear motor with ultra-positioning capability and four driving feet. Ultrasonics,2016,72:66-72(Q1, SCI收录号:000383943900008) 2.Yuan S, Fan H, Amin M, et al. A cutting force prediction dynamic model for side milling of ceramic matrix composites C/SiC based on rotary ultrasonic machining [J]. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2016, 86(1-4):37-48. (Q2, SCI收录号:000382174400005) 3.Songmei Yuan, Yanqiang Zhao, Xiangcheng Chu, et al. Analysis and Experimental Research of a Multilayer Linear Piezoelectric Actuator [J]. Applied Sciences, 2016, 6(8):225-237 (Q2, SCI收录号:000385517300020) 4.Yanqiang Zhao, Songmei Yuan, Xiangcheng Chu, et al. Ultrasonic micro-motor with multilayer piezoelectric ceramic and chamfered driving tips [J]. Review of Scientific Instruments,2016, 87(7):095108 (Q2, SCI收录号:000385634500071) 5.Chong Zhang, Songmei Yuan, Muhammad Amin, et al. Development of a cutting force prediction model based on brittle fracture for C/SiC in rotary ultrasonic facing milling [J]. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2016, 85(1):573-583. (Q2, SCI收录号:000378875500050) 6.Songmei Yuan, Cong Zhu, Xiangcheng Chu, Yanqiang Zhao, Muhammad Amin, and Yanglei Fan. A novel linear piezoelectric actuator with two working principles of standing and traveling wave vibration mode [J]. AIP ADVANCES 5, 107213 ,2015,5(10).(Q3, SCI收录号:000364228800062) 7.Yuan SM, Zhang C, Amin M, et al. Development of a cutting force prediction model based on brittle fracture for carbon fiber reinforced polymers for rotary ultrasonic drilling [J]. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2015, 81(5-8): 1223-1231.(Q2, SCI收录号:000363718600045) 8.Yuan SM, Zhang C, Hu JJ. Effects of cutting parameters on ductile material removal mode percentage in rotary ultrasonic face machining [J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 2015, 229:1547-1556.(Q3, SCI收录号:000360836400007) 9.Songmei Yuan, Lutao Yan, Weidong Liu, Qiang Liu. Effects of Cooling Air Temperature on Cryogenic Machining of Ti-6Al-4V Alloy [J]. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2011, 211(3):56-362.(Q2, SCI收录号:000286954200005) 10.L.T.Yan, S.M.Yuan and Q.Liu. Influence of Minimum Quantity Lubrication Parameters on Tool Wear and Surface Roughness in Milling of Forged Steel [J]. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering,2012,25(3):419-429.(Q4, SCI收录号:000302282100002) 11.Yuan Songmei, Tang Zhuangyun. A Novel Piezoelectric Device, International Journal of Modern Physics B, 2010,24(15-16): 2417-2422.(Q4, SCI收录号:000282197000032) 12.严鲁涛,袁松梅,刘强.绿色切削高强度钢的刀具磨损及切屑形态研究[J].机械工程学报, 2010,46(9):187-192 13.Songmei Yuan, Zhaoying Zhou, Guohui Wang. Experimental research on piezoelectric array microjet [J]. Sensors and Actuators, vol 108(1-3),pp182-186,2003.(Q1, SCI收录号:000186955600032) 14.Yuan Songmei, Zhou Zhaoying, Wang Guohui, Liu Changgeng. MEMS-Based Piezoelectric Array Microjet [J]. Microelectronic Engineering, vol 66/1-4,pp767-772 , 2003.(Q2, SCI收录号:000182725500113) 出版专著和教材 ? 《机械制造传统工艺绿色化》编委,第6章“典型高效绿色切削加工技术”第1编者。单忠德,胡世辉主编,机械工业出版社,2013年1月,第6章第1编者 ? 《装备制造业节能减排技术手册》编委,第8章“切削加工节能减排技术”主编,机械工业出版社, 2013年8月,第8章主编 ? 《纳米材料和器件》编委,参编编著:第10章“微系统和纳系统”,清华大学出版社,2003年4月 ? 《机床数字控制技术手册》技术基础卷编委,参编编著:第1章“数控机床工作原理”,“十二五”国家重点出版规划精品项目,国防工业出版社,2013年10月
