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教学工作 《交通港站与枢纽》、《铁路站场与枢纽》 教育背景 2001.9~2005.7就读于北京交通大学交通运输学院交通运输专业,获得工学学士学位 2005.9 保送北京交通大学交通运输学院免试直接攻读交通运输规划与管理博士学位,于2010年1月获得该专业的博士学位 研究方向:轨道交通运力资源优化配置与运用 工作经历 2019.12~ 北京交通大学 交通运输学院 教授、博士生导师 2016.9~ 2019.12 北京交通大学 交通运输学院 副教授、博士生导师 2014.12~2016.9 北京交通大学 轨道交通控制与安全国家重点实验室 副教授、博士生导师 2012.9~2014.11 北京交通大学 轨道交通控制与安全国家重点实验室 讲师 2011.12~2012.8 北京交通大学 交通运输学院 运输管理工程系 讲师 2011.5~2011.12 北京交通大学 交通运输学院 系统科学研究所 博士后 2010.5~2011.5 荷兰代尔夫特理工大学 土木工程与地球环境科学学院 交通运输系 博士后


交通运输规划与管理 交通运输工程(专业学位) 运输组织理论与技术 交通运输(专业学位)

专利 2016年,一种城市轨道交通路网运输能力仿真计算方法和系统,专利号:ZL201310214090.X, 5/6 科研项目 国家自然科学基金"面上项目":高速铁路调度指挥计划同步优化模型和算法, 2016-01-01--2019-12-31, 59.0万元,主持 国家自然科学基金"青年基金":预测型列车运行调整计划鲁棒优化方法研究,2013-01-01--2015-12-31,22.0万元,主持 北京市自然科学基金“青年基金”:基于乘客感知的城市公共交通出行者选择行为机理研究,2014-01-01-2015-12-01,8.0万元,主持 教育部博士点基金:基于转换极大加代数的列车运行图动态性能模型与算法研究,2013-01-01--2015-12-01,4.0万元,主持 北京市教委:北京高等学校青年英才计划-列车运行路径和列车到发时刻同步优化,2013-11-01--2015-12-31,15.0万元,主持 中国博士后科学基金:基于不确定扰动信息的鲁棒列车运行调整方案优化编制理论与方法,3.0万元,2011-07-01-2013-07-01,主持 轨道交通控制控制与安全国家重点实验室:路网条件下列车运行调整计划同步闭环优化模型与求解方法,2013-08-01--2016-12-01,50.0万元,主持 天津南环铁路有限公司:运统46登销记软件系统开发,2014年6月-2015年6月,10.0万元,主持 国家民航局,大型枢纽机场旅客捷运系统关键技术研究与应用-4(应急保障),84.5万,参加 科技部“科技支撑”:成网条件下城轨交通运输组织关键技术与系统研究--城轨交通线网运输能力计算与运力资源配置评估关键技术,2011-01-01--2013-12-31,252.54万元,参加 科技部“科技支撑”:成网条件下城轨交通运输组织关键技术与系统研制 --成网条件下城轨交通运输组织仿真评估系统构建,2011-01-01--2013-12-31,254.88万元,参加 铁道部科技司:铁路运输组织系统理论及其发展,2010-07-01--2012-01-31,80.0万元,参加 基本科研业务费:轨道交通枢纽的行人微观仿真研究,2014-01-14--2014-12-31,1.0万元,参加 基本科研业务费:列车运行计划统一建模与决策支持方法研究,2013-01-01--2014-12-31,7.0万元,参加 轨道交通控制控制与安全国家重点实验室:特大客流条件下的综合交通枢纽客流安全态势分析评估技术研究,2013-01-01--2014-12-31,50.0万元,参加 轨道交通控制控制与安全国家重点实验室:突发情况下城市轨道交通路网客流动态分布建模与仿真技术,2013-01-01--2014-12-31,15.0万元,参加


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

论文/期刊 Qingying Lai, Jun Liu, Ali Haghani, Lingyun Meng(孟令云), Yihui Wang, 2020. Energy-efficient speed profile optimization for medium-speed maglev trains. Transportation Research Part E, 141, 1-23. Sihui Long, Lingyun Meng(孟令云), Yihui Wang,Jianrui Miao, Xuan Li, 2020. A Discrete-Space Train Movement Model for a High-Speed Train under Temporary Speed Restriction. Mathematical problems in engineering. https://doi.org/10.1155/2020/5386406 Sihui Long, Lingyun Meng(孟令云,通讯作者), Jianrui Miao, Xin Hong, Francesco Corman, 2020. Synchronizing Last Trains of Urban Rail Transit System to Better Serve Passengers from the Late Night Trains of High-speed Railway Lines. Networks and Spatial Economics. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11067-019-09487-0 Xin Hong,Lingyun Meng(孟令云,通讯作者),Jian An, 2019. Quantifying Travel Physical Energy Expenditure for Urban Travellers – A Case Study of Beijing, Promet-Traffic&Transportation, 32(2): 219-228. Lingyun Meng (孟令云), Malik Muneeb Abid et al., 2019. Increasing Robustness by Reallocating the Margins in the Timetable, JOURNAL OF ADVANCED TRANSPORTATION, 2019:1-15. Lingyun Meng (孟令云), Xuesong Zhou, 2019. An integrated train service plan optimization model with variable demand: a team-based scheduling approach with dual cost information in a layered network. Transportation Research Part B, 125: 1-28. Yihui Wang, Andrea D’Ariano, Jiateng Yin, Lingyun Meng(孟令云,通讯作者), Tao Tang, Bin Ning, 2018. Passenger demand oriented train scheduling and rolling stock circulation planning for an urban rail transit line. Transportation Research Part B, 118: 193-227. Andrea D'Ariano, Francesco Corman, Taku Fujiyama, Lingyun Meng (孟令云), Paola Pelligrini, 2018. Editorial of Special issue Simulation and Optimization for Railway Operations Management, Journal of Advanced Transportation, 1-3. Xiaojie Luan, Yihui Wang*, Bart De Schutter, Lingyun Meng (孟令云), Gabriel Lodewijkse, Francesco Corman, 2018. Integration of real-time traffic management and train control for rail networks - Part 1: Optimization problems and solution approaches. Transportation Research Part B, 115: 41-71。 Xiaojie Luan, Yihui Wang, Bart De Schutter, Lingyun Meng (孟令云,通讯作者), Gabriel Lodewijkse, Francesco Corman, 2018. Integration of real-time trac management and train control for rail networks - Part 2: Extensions towards energy-efficient train operations . Transportation Research Part B, 115: 72-94。 Lingyun Meng (孟令云), Francesco Corman, Xuesong Zhou, Tao Tang, 2018. Editorial of Special Issue on Integrated optimization models and algorithms in rail planning and control. Transportation Research Part C, 88: 87-90. D’Ariano, A., Meng, L. (孟令云), Centulio, G., Corman, F., 2017. Integrated stochastic optimization approaches for tactical scheduling of trains and railway infrastructure maintenance, Computers & Industrial Engineering. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cie.2017.12.010 Yihui Wang, Tao Tang, Bin Ning, Lingyun Meng, (孟令云,通讯作者), 2017. Integrated optimization of regular train schedule and train circulation plan for urban rail transit lines. Transportation Research Part E, 105:83-104. Xiaojie Luan, Francesco Corman, Lingyun Meng (孟令云,通讯作者),2017. Non-discriminatory train dispatching in a rail transport market with multiple competing and collaborative train operating companies. Transportation Research Part C, 80: 148-174. Xiaojie Luan, Jianrui Miao, Lingyun Meng (孟令云), Francesco Corman et al,2017. Integrated Optimization on Train Scheduling and Preventive Maintenance Time Slots Planning. Transportation Research Part C, 80: 329-359. Ding, Liu, Xi Jiang, Lingyun Meng(孟令云), Ying-En (Ethan) Ge, 2016. Minimizing Investment Risk of Integrated Rail and Transit-Oriented-Development Projects over Years in a Linear Monocentric City. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2016, 1-8, Article ID 1840673. Lingyun Meng(孟令云), Xiaojie Luan, Xuesong Zhou, 2016. A train dispatching model under a stochastic environment: stable train routing constraints and reformulation. Networks and Spatial Economics,16(3): 791–820. Francesco Corman, Lingyun Meng (孟令云,通讯作者), 2015. A review of online dynamic models and algorithms for railway traffic management. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 16(3): 1274-1284. Xun Zheng, Haiying Li, Lingyun Meng (孟令云), Xinyue Xu, Xu Chen, 2015. Improved social force model based on exit selection for microscopic pedestrian simulation in subway station. Journal of Central South University, 22:4490-4497 . Huiling Fu, Lei Nie, Lingyun Meng (孟令云) et al., 2015. A hierarchical line planning approach for a large-scale high-speed rail network: the China case. Transportation Research Part A, 75: 61-83. Lingyun Meng(孟令云), Xuesong Zhou, 2014. Fast Train: A Computationally Efficient Train Routing and Scheduling Engine for General Rail Networks. IEEE 17th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), 2416-2421. Lingyun Meng(孟令云),Xuesong Zhou, 2014. Simultaneous train rerouting and rescheduling on an N-track network: a model reformulation with network-based cumulative flow variables. Transportation Research Part B, 67, 208-234. Yun Bao, Jun Liu, Minshu Ma, Lingyun Meng(孟令云), 2014. Seat inventory control methods for Chinese passenger railways. Journal of Central South University, 21(4): 1672-1682. Jianrui Miao, Yong YU, Lingyun Meng(孟令云),Zhaoxia Yang, 2012. Stability-oriented optimization of train platforming problem on high-speed railway. Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology, 12(3): 115-121. Lingyun Meng(孟令云),Xuesong Zhou, 2011. Robust single-track train dispatching model under a dynamic and stochastic environment: a scenario-based rolling horizon solution approach. Transportation Research Part B, 45(7): 1080-1102. Rob Goverde, Lingyun Meng (孟令云),2011. Advanced monitoring and management information of railway operations. Journal of Rail Planning and Management. 1:69-79. 廖正文,苗建瑞,孟令云,李海鹰,赵岚,2016. 基于拉格朗日松弛的双线铁路列车运行图优化算法。铁道学报,第38卷,第9期,1-8页. 穆策,孟令云,苗建瑞,冉锋,2016. 行车设备施工登销记人员管理信息系统。铁路计算机应用,25(6):35-38. 洪鑫,孟令云,安健,郭子渝,2016. 城市青年公共交通出行体能消耗定量测度及分析。公路与汽运,176:49-52. 陈苒,孟令云,2016.沈阳南站旅客导向标识布点优化研究。铁道运输与经济,38(9):39-44. 刘岩,郭竞文,罗常津,孟令云,2015. 列车运行实绩大数据分析及应用前景展望。中国铁路,2015(6):70-73. 郭竞文,孟令云,冉锋,陈瑞金, 2014.列车间不确定性资源请求冲突的预测方法.铁道运输与经济,36(7): 34-39. 李海鹰,栾晓洁,孟令云,王莹, 2014. 铁路既有线释放能力计算方法.中国铁道科学,35(3): 113-119. 孟令云,Rob M.P. Goverde.,2012. 基于实际数据分析的列车晚点传播过程构建方法与实例. 北京交通大学学报,第36卷,第6期: 15-20页。 孟令云,杨肇夏,李海鹰,2011.单线铁路区间能力失效条件下列车运行调整模型.系统工程理论与实践,第32卷,第4期,885-894页. 孟令云,杨肇夏,李海鹰,安健,2010. 基于列车运行线分布的客运专线列车运行图动态性能及其仿真计算。中国铁道科学,第31卷,第2期,90-95页. 孟令云,蒋熙,杨肇夏,2009.基于Agent的客运专线列车运行仿真研究.系统仿真学报,第21卷,第6期,1538-1542页.


International Association of Railway Operations Research (IAROR)委员会委员 中国管理科学与工程学会 理事 以下刊物/会议的审稿人: Transportation Research Part A,B,C, E IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems Journal of Advanced Transportation Applied Mathematical Modelling IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference 2013 2013 Joint Rail Conference Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture 北京市自然基金评审人
