本科毕业 2008-09-2012-06,会计学,中国人民大学,
硕士毕业 2012-09-2014-06,会计学,中国人民大学,
博士毕业 2014-09-2017-06,会计学,中国人民大学
金融资产公允价值变动、商业银行资本监管与系统性金融风险 张姗姗 卢晓哲,戴德明 经济学(季刊)【人大国际货币评论全文转载】 2022-11 6期
审计师选择与企业租赁合约安排 刘畅 张姗姗 审计研究 2019-04 2期
会计准则复杂性、CFO财务专长与所得税会计操作困境 周华 张姗姗, 李勤裕, 戴德明 财贸经济【人大复印报刊资料全文转载】 2017-08 8期
资产减值与会计盈余可比性 张姗姗 戴德明, 张卓然 财经论丛【人大复印报刊资料全文转载】 2016-10 10期
贷款损失准备、盈余管理与商业银行风险管控 戴德明 张姗姗 会计研究 2016-08 8期
【实务指南】金融工具减值:从已发生损失模型到预期损失模型 张姗姗 中国注册会计师【人大复印报刊资料全文转载】 2015-07 7期
企业战略差异与会计信息的价值相关性 叶康涛 张姗姗, 张艺馨 会计研究 2014-05 5期
【实务指南】远期外汇业务账务处理|基于我国会计准则和国际会计准则的比较与评价 张姗姗 财务与会计【人大复印报刊资料全文转载】 2014-05 5期
State Ownership and the Structuring of Lease Arrangements 【获PWC3535优秀论文提名奖】 Shanshan Zhang Chang Liu Journal of Corporate Finance 2020-06 62期
Large Shareholder Incentives and Auditor Choice Shanshan Zhang Kangtao Ye, Yijing Cui, Wenjiao Zang Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory 2019-08 3期
Shanshan Zhang Qian Sun, Xiaoke Cheng Auditor Judgements and the Audit Quality of Accounting Estimates: Evidence from Individual-auditor-specific Key Audit Matters in China American Accounting Association Annual Meeting Concurrent Session Online 2022-08
Shanshan Zhang Xiaozhe Lu Fair-value-related Asymmetric Prudential Filter and the Quality of Regulatory Capital: Evidence from Chinese Banking Industry American Accounting Association Annual Meeting Concurrent Session Online 2020-08
Shanshan Zhang Kangtao Ye, Yijing Cui, Large Shareholders’ Incentives and Aditor Choice American Accounting Association Annual Meeting Concurrent Session Online 2017-08
Shanshan Zhang Hua Zhou, Cheng Lai, Deming Dai Deferred Tax Assets and Liabilities of Listed Firms in China:Evidence on Costs of IFRS Implementation American Accounting Association Annual Meeting Concurrent Session Online 2016-08
Shanshan Zhang Hua Zhou, Cheng Lai, Jianming Ye Asset Reserves of Listed Companies in China: A Normative Analysis and an Empirical Examination American Accounting Association Annual Meeting Concurrent Session Online 2015-08