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教育背景 本科毕业 2005-2009,信息管理与信息系统,解放军信息工程大学, 博士毕业 2009-2015,管理科学与工程,北京交通大学,


信息管理/管理科学|医疗与健康管理信息技术,信息管理/管理科学|数据驱动的医疗卫生与健康管理,信息管理/管理科学|科技与社会 个人简介 教育背景

科研项目 2015.6至今,主持科研项目14项,包括国家自然科学基金(青年项目)、教育部人文社科基金(青年项目)、北京市自然科学基金(面上项目)、北京市社科基金(青年项目)等纵向课题8项(136万元),横向课题6项(44.8万元),项目总经费累计180.8万元。


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期刊论文 中文 序号 论文名称 第一作者 合作者 期刊名称 发表年月 期号 1 中文超声文本结构化与知识网络构建方法研究 尚小溥 许吴环,赵红梅,张润彤,朱燊 图书情报工作 2019-08 16期 2 SNOMED CT体系下医疗健康大数据映射和迁移方法研究 陈东华 张润彤,付磊,尚小溥,朱晓敏 情报学报 2018-08 5期 3 “身化技术”论|—与“物化技术”共在的一种技术实在 尚小溥 自然辩证法研究 2017-07 33期 英文 序号 论文名称 第一作者 合作者 期刊名称 发表年月 期号 1 CYFRA21-1 tests in the diagnosis of non-small cell lung cancer: A meta-analysis 付磊 Wang,Yin,尚小溥,张润彤,Zhang International journal of biological markers 2019-08 无期 2 Discovering Medication Patterns for High-Complexity Drug-Using Diseases Through Electronic Medical Records 黄慧群 尚小溥,赵红梅,Wu,Li,许媛,Zhou,Fu IEEE ACCESS 2019-08 期 3 Why do patients follow physicians’ advice? The influence of patients’ regulatory focus on adherence: an empirical study in China 张润彤 陆心怡,武文,尚小溥 BMC HEALTH SERVICES RESEARCH 2019-05 19期 4 Some Interval-Valued q-Rung Dual Hesitant Fuzzy Muirhead Mean Operators With Their Application to Multi-Attribute Decision-Making 许媛 尚小溥,王军,赵红梅,张润彤,白凯元 IEEE ACCESS 2019-05 7期 5 A method to multi-attribute decision making with picture fuzzy information based on Muirhead mean 许媛 尚小溥,王军,张润彤,Li,邢玉平 JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT & FUZZY SYSTEMS 2019-04 4期 6 A Novel Approach to Multi-Attribute Group Decision-Making based on Interval-Valued Intuitionistic Fuzzy Power Muirhead Mean 许吴环 尚小溥,王军,Li SYMMETRY 2019-03 3期 7 Some q-rung orthopair fuzzy Muirhead means with their application to multi-attribute group decision making 王军 张润彤,朱晓敏,周珍,尚小溥,Li JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT & FUZZY SYSTEMS 2019-03 2期 8 Understanding inter-organizational trust among integrated care service provider networks: A perspective on organizational asymmetries Li Islam,Johnson,Lauchande,尚小溥,Xu HEALTH POLICY 2018-12 12期 9 A context-awareness positioning scheme in hospital WLAN environment 周阳 张润彤,陈东华,尚小溥,Zhou International Journal of RF Technologies 2018-11 9期 10 Some q-Rung Dual Hesitant Fuzzy Heronian Mean Operators with Their Application to Multiple Attribute Group Decision-Making 许媛 尚小溥,王军,武文,黄慧群 Symmetry 2018-10 10期 11 Medical service unity: an effective approach for medical care in rural areas in China Liu 张润彤,尹岭,Sun,Pan,Hou,尚小溥,Yang RURAL AND REMOTE HEALTH 2018-09 3期 12 Medical Service Unity: an Efficient Approach for Medical Care in Romote Areas in China Liu 张润彤,尹岭,Sun,潘雪,侯磊,尚小溥,杨小渝 Rural and Remote Health 2018-09 3期 13 A Novel Multiattribute Decision-Making Method Based on Point-Choquet Aggregation Operators and Its Application in Supporting the Hierarchical Medical Treatment System in China 张润彤 邢玉平,王军,尚小溥,朱晓敏 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH 2018-08 8期 14 Some q-orthopair linguistic Heronian mean operators with their application to multi-attribute group decision making 李莉 张润彤,王军,尚小溥 Archives of Control Sciences 2018-08 4期 15 The Relationship between Internet Health Information and Patient Compliance based on Trust: an Empirical Study 陆心怡 张润彤,武文,尚小溥,Liu Journal of Medical Internet Research 2018-08 8期 16 Gain without pay causes lazybones’ loss: The influence of formal and informal leader–member relationships on customer service performance 武文 Liu,尚小溥 Chinese Management Studies 2018-08 3期 17 Mature or Emerging? The Impact of Treatment-Related Internet Health Information Seeking on Patients’ Trust in Physicians 张润彤 陆心怡,武文,尚小溥,Manlu International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2018-08 9期 18 Relationship Between Internet Health Information and Patient Compliance Based on Trust: Empirical Study 陆心怡 张润彤,武文,尚小溥,Manlu JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH 2018-08 8期 19 A Novel Multi-Attribute Decision-Making Method Based on Point-Choquet Aggregation Operators and Its Application in Supporting Hierarchical Medical Treatment System in China 张润彤 邢玉平,王军,朱晓敏,尚小溥 International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2018-07 7期 20 Pythagorean Fuzzy Interaction Muirhead Means with Their Application to Multi-Attribute Group Decision-Making 许媛 尚小溥,王军 Information 2018-06 7期 21 A Novel Approach to Multi-Attribute Group Decision Making with q-Rung Picture Linguistic Information 李莉 张润彤,王军,尚小溥,白凯元 Symmetry 2018-05 5期 22 A Knowledge-Constrained Access Control Model for Protecting Patient Privacy in Hospital Information Systems 张润彤 陈东华,尚小溥,朱晓敏,Liu IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics 2018-05 22期 23 Privacy Preserving for Patients’Information: A Knowledge-Constrained Access Control Model for Hospital Information Systems 张润彤 陈东华,尚小溥,朱晓敏,Liu IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics 2018-05 3期 24 A Text Structuring Method for the Chinese Medical Text based on Temporal Information 张润彤 褚夫志,陈东华,尚小溥 International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2018-03 3期 25 Design theory, modelling and the application for the Internet of Things service 尚小溥 张润彤,朱晓敏,周荃 ENTERPRISE INFORMATION SYSTEMS 2016-03 10期
