Richard de Grijs obtained his PhD from the University of Groningen (Netherlands) in 1997, and subsequently held two postdoctoral positions (at the University of Virginia, USA, and the Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge, UK), before being appointed to a permanent post at the University of Sheffield (UK) in 2003. He joined the Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics at Peking University in September 2009 as a full professor, where he actively contributed to the Institute's development (until February 2018). Since March 2018, he has been a Professor of Astrophysics and Associate Dean (Global Engagement) at Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia. Richard has been one of the scientific editors of The Astrophysical Journal (2006-2012). He was promoted to deputy Editor of The Astrophysical Journal Letters in September 2012, in which role he served until mid-2018. He is the founding director of the East Asian Regional Office of Astronomy for Development (2012-2016). He also served as the international coordinator for China of the Institute of Physics (UK; 2009-2018). He was awarded the 2012 Selby Award for excellence in science by the Australian Academy of Science, a 2013 Visiting Academy Professorship at Leiden University by the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, a 2017 Erskine award by the University of Canterbury (Christchurch, New Zealand), and a 2017 Outstanding Undergraduate Instructor Award, nominated by the student body at Peking University.
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Current appointments
03/2018 - present Associate Dean (Global Engagement)
Faculty of Science and Engineering
Macquarie University (Australia)
03/2018 - present Professor of Astrophysics
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Macquarie University (Australia)
Honorary appointments
12/2016 - present Visiting Professor and Advisory Board Member
Department of Astronomy, China West Normal University, Nanchong (Sichuan), China
12/2016 - present Columnist
china.org.cn (State Council Information Office)
04/2015 - present Discipline Scientist (Astrophysics)
International Space Science Institute--Beijing
07/2011 - present International Scientific Publishing Advisor
International Journal of MCH and AIDS
12/2010 - present Guest professor
Shanghai Astronomical Observatory (China)
09/2002 - present (for life) Prize fellow
Hughes Hall (College), University of Cambridge (UK)
Previous appointments
09/2009 - 02/2018 Professor of Astrophysics
Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics
Peking University (China)
04/2012 - 12/2013 Associate Director
Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics
Peking University (China)
01/2008 - 02/2010
10/2005 - 12/2007
06/2003 - 09/2005
Reader in Astrophysics
Senior Lecturer in Astrophysics
Lecturer in Astrophysics
Department of Physics & Astronomy
The University of Sheffield (UK)
11/2000 - 05/2003 Research fellow
Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge (UK)
11/1997 - 10/2000 Research associate
Department of Astronomy, University of Virginia (USA)
Previous honorary appointments
09/2012 - 06/2018 Deputy Editor
The Astrophysical Journal Letters
05/2015 - 02/2018 Visiting Professor
Qiannan Normal College for Nationalities, Duyun City (Guizhou), China
02/2013 - 01/2014 Visiting Academy Professor
Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences
(held at Leiden University)
08/2012 - 08/2016 Director
East Asian node of the Office of Astronomy for Development (International Astronomical Union)
2012 Selby Fellow
Australian Academy of Science
11/2006 - 08/2012 Scientific Editor
The Astrophysical Journal
04/2011 - 03/2012 Visiting professor (distinguished international scholar)
Kyung Hee University (Republic of Korea)
03/2010 - 02/2012 Honorary Reader
Department of Physics & Astronomy
The University of Sheffield (UK)
09/2005 - 08/2009 Adjunct professor
National Astronomical Observatories (Chinese Academy of Sciences), Beijing (China)
1993 - 1997 PhD in Astrophysics
University of Groningen (Netherlands)
1988 - 1992 M.Phil. in Physics & Astronomy
University of Groningen (Netherlands)
young massive star clusters, Internal star cluster dynamics
[R217] Constraining the thermally pulsing asymptotic giant branch phase with resolved stellar populations in the Large Magellanic Cloud, Pastorelli G., Marigo P., Girardi L., Aringer B., Chen Y., Rubele S., Trabucchi M., Bladh S., Boyer M.L., Bressan A., Dalcanton J.J., Groenewegen M.A.T., Lebzelter T., Mowlavi N., Chubb K.L., Cioni M.-R.L., de Grijs R., Ivanov V.D., Nanni A., van Loon J.T., Zaggia S., 2020, MNRAS, submitted
[R216] European Longitude Prizes. II. Astronomy, Religion and Engineering Solutions in the Dutch Republic, de Grijs R., 2020, J. Astron. Hist. Heritage, submitted
[R215] European Longitude Prizes. I. Spanish Longitude Projectors and their "Solutions", de Grijs R., 2020, J. Astron. Hist. Heritage, submitted
[R214] Blame game: Restoration quarrels and the Anglo--Dutch wars, de Grijs R., 2021, Arquebusier, submitted
[R213] The VMC survey. XLI. Stellar proper motions within the Small Magellanic Cloud, Niederhofer F., Cioni M.-R.L., Rubele S., Schmidt T., Diaz J.D., Matijevič G., Bekki K., Bell C.P.M., El Youssoufi D., de Grijs R., Ivanov V.D., Oliveira J.M., Ripepi V., Subramanian S., Sun N.-C., van Loon J.T., 2020, MNRAS, submitted
[R212] The VMC Survey. XL. Three-dimensional structure of the Small Magellanic Cloud from red clump stars, Tatton B.L., van Loon J.T., Cioni M.-R.L., Bekki K., Bell C., Choudhury S., de Grijs R., Groenewegen M.A.T., Ivanov V.D., Marconi M., Oliveira J.M., Ripepi V., Rubele S., Subramanian S., Sun N.-C., 2020, MNRAS, submitted
[R211] The intrinsic reddening of the Magellanic Clouds as traced by background galaxies. II. The Small Magellanic Cloud, Bell C.P.M., Cioni M.-R.L., Wright A.H., Rubele S., Nidever D.L., Tatton B.L., van Loon J.T., Zaritsky D., Choi Y., Choudhury S., Clementini G., de Grijs R., Ivanov V.D., Majewski S.R., Marconi M., Martínez-Delgado D., Massana P., Muñoz R.R., Niederhofer F., Noël N.E.D., Oliveira J.M., Olsen K., Pennock C.M., Ripepi V., Subramanian S., Vivas A.K., 2020, MNRAS, submitted