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二氧化碳捕集(CO2 Capture); 磷钾矿资源化利用; 生物质能源与膜分离技术


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5. T. Wang, K.J. Jens. Oxidative degradation of aqueous PZ solution and AMP/PZ blends for post-combustion carbon dioxide capture. Int. J. Greenh. Gas Con., 2014, 24: 98-105. 4. T. Wang, K.J. Jens. Oxidative degradation of AMP/MEA blends for post-combustion CO2 capture, Energy Procedia, 2013, 37: 306-313. 3. T. Wang, K.J. Jens. Oxidative degradation of aqueous 2-amino-2-methyl-1-propanol solvent for post-combustion CO2 capture. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2012, 51: 6529-6536. 2. T. Wang, M. Á. M. López, S.T. Hagen, K.J. Jens. Determination of degraded ethanolamines for post-combustion CO2 capture technology by non-suppressed ion chromatography. Fresen. Environ. Bull., 2012, 21(8c): 2298-2303. 1. T. Wang, K.J. Jens. A study of oxidative degradation of AMP for post-combustion CO2 capture. Energy Procedia, 2012, 23: 102-110.
