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1. Luo, X.; Mohanty, A. K and Misra, M*. 2013. Lignin as a Reactive Reinforcing Filler for Water-Blown Rigid Biofoam Composites from Soy oil-based Polyurethane. Industrial Crops and Products, 47: 13, 2013. 2. Luo, X; Mohanty, A. K and Misra, M*. 2012. Green Composites from Soy-based Biopolyurethane with Microcrystalline Cellulose. Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, 298: 412, 2012. 3. Luo, X.; Mohanty, A. K and Misra, M*. 2012. Water-Blown Rigid Biofoams from Soy-based Biopolyurethane and Microcrystalline Cellulose. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society, 89: 2057, 2012. 4. Luo, X. and L. Zhang*, Functionalized Magnetic Cellulose Microspheres for the Immobilization of penicillin G acylase. Biomacromolecules, 11 (11): 2896, 2010. 5.Luo, X. and L. Zhang*, Creation of regenerated cellulose microspheres with diameter from micron to millimeter for chromatography applications. Journal of Chromatography A, 1217: 5922, 2010. 6. Luo, X. and L. Zhang*, In situ synthesis of Fe3O4/cellulose microspheres with magnetic-induced protein delivery. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 19: 3538, 2009.
