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文东升,国家特聘教授。1997年本科毕业于北航飞行器设计与应用力学系,2000年获清华大学工程热物理硕士学位,2003年英国牛津大学工程科学博士学位;2003年起担任利兹大学研究助理,2005-2012年历任伦敦玛丽女王大学讲师,资深讲师及候任教授,2013年担任利兹大学首席教授,曾先后担任北京航空航天大学航空科学与工程学院院长,国际通用工程学院院长。 文东升教授的研究方向为航空航天热物理,包括高超声速力热耦合及热管理,高效防除冰技术,多尺度模拟计算,纳米流体,纳米燃料及新能源无人机等。已授权国际专利三项,发表SCI文章260多篇,被引用1.3万余次,H因子=49。主持多项国家自然科学基金,科技部,教育部,国家数值风洞等项目;为欧洲杰青基金获得者(200万欧元支持),自然科学基金委海外合作项目负责人(原海外杰青);为英国能源协会会士(FEI),皇家化学会会士(FRSC),纳米技术协会会士(FION);为哈尔滨工业大学,中科院过程所等8所国内外研究机构兼职/客座教授; 担任《Advances in Aerodynamics》 主编,《AppliedThermal Engineering》及《航空工程进展》副主编,《Renewable Energy》,《Powder Technology》等SCI期刊客座主编。




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1)高效防除冰基础及应用 F Chu, J Luo, C Hao, JZhang, X Wu andDS Wen*(2020). Directional transportation ofimpacting droplets on wettability-controlled surfaces.Langmuir, F Chu, S LI, Z Ni,DSWen*(2020), Departure velocity of rolling droplet jumping,Langmuir,DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.0c00185 X. Bu, G. Lin, X. Shen,Z. Hu,DSWen* (2020), Numerical simulation of aircraft thermalanti-icing system based on a tight-coupling method.International Journal ofHeat and Mass Transfer,148, 119061 F Chu, S Gao, X Zhang,X Wu andDS Wen*(2019)Droplet re-icing characteristics on a superhydrophobic surface.Applied Physics Letters,15,073703 F Chu, X Zhang, S Li, HJin, J Zhang, XM Wu andDS Wen*(2019)Bubble formation in freezing droplets.Physical Review Fluids,7, 071601 S Li, F Chu, JZhang D Brutin,DS Wen*(2020), Droplet jumping induced bycoalescence of a moving droplet and a static one: Effect of initial velocity.ChemicalEngineering Science,211, 115252 MAmjad, Y Yang, G Raza, H Gao, J Zhang, L Zhou, X Du,DS Wen*(2017)Deposition pattern and tracer particle motion ofevaporating multi-component sessile droplets.Journal ofColloid and Interface Science,506, 83-92 2)分子动力学及多尺度模拟 J Zhao, G.C.Yao,D Wen*(2020), Salinity-dependent alterations of static and dynamiccontact angles in oil/brine/calcite systems: A molecular dynamics simulationstudy.Fuel, 272,117615 J Zhang, B John, MPfeiffer, F Fei,DS Wen*(2019)Particle-based hybrid and multiscale methods for nonequilibrium gas flows,Advances in Aerodynamics1(1), 1222019 J Zhao, G Yao, SB Ramisetti, RB Hammond,D Wen*(2019),Molecular dynamicsinvestigation of substrate wettability alteration and oil transport in acalcite nanopore.Fuel,239, 1149-1161 G Yao, J Zhao, SB Ramisetti,D Wen*(2018),Atomistic Molecular Dynamic Simulationof Dilute Poly (acrylic acid) Solution: Effects of Simulation Size Sensitivityand Ionic Strength,Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research57(50),17129-17141 Chen X, MunjizaA, Zhang K andWen DS* (2014) Molecular dynamics simulation ofheat transfer from a gold nanoparticle to a water pool.Journal of PhysicalChemistry C.118(2),1285–1293 Song, P, Ding YandWen DS*(2013). A reactive molecular dynamics simulation ofoxidation of a silicon nanocluster.Journal of Nanoparticle Research.15(1) 1-11. Song P andWenD S*(2010). Molecular dynamic simulation of heating and cooling of acore-shell structured metallic nanoparticle.The Journal of PhysicalChemistry C,114(19), p 8688–8696 3)纳米流体及太阳能应用 H. Jin, G. Lin, Y. Guo,L. Bai,DS Wen* (2020), Nanoparticles enabled pump-free directabsorption solar collectors.Renewable Energy,145, 2337–2344 H Jin, G Lin, A Zeiny,L BaiDS Wen*(2019),Experimentalstudy of transparent oscillating heat pipes filled with solar absorptivenanofluidsInternational Journal of Heat and MassTransfer,139,789-801 M Amjad, J Gardy, A Hassanpour,DSWen*(2018),Novel draw solution for forward osmosisbased solar desalination.Applied Energy,230, 220-231 M Amjad, H Jin,X Du,DS Wen* (2018) Experimental photothermal performanceof nanofluids under concentrated solar flux.Solar Energy Materials andSolar Cells,182, 255-262 S Soltani, AKasaeian, H Sarrafha,DS Wen*(2017)An experimental investigation of a hybridphotovoltaic/thermoelectric system with nanofluid application. Solar Energy155, 1033-1043 H Jin, G Lin, LBai, A Zeimy andDS Wen*(2016). Steam generation in ananoparticle-based solar receiver.Nano Energy,28, 397-406 Zhang H, Chen H,Du XZ andDS Wen*.(2014) Photothermal conversion characteristicsof gold nanoparticle dispersions.Solar Energy,100, 141-147 4)流固耦合及弹性湍流 M Ghalambaz, SAMMehryan, MA Ismael, A ChamkhaDSWen*(2019)Fluid–structure interaction of freeconvection in a square cavity divided by a flexible membrane and subjected tosinusoidal temperature heating,International Journal of NumericalMethods for Heat & Fluid Flowin press M Ghalambaz, A Tahmasebi,AJ Chamkha,DS Wen*(2019)Conjugate localthermal non-equilibrium heat transfer in a cavity filled with a porous medium:Analysis of the element location ,International Journal of Heat and MassTransfer138, 941-960 M. Ghalambaz, S.M.H.Zadeh, S.A.M. Mehryan, I. Pop,DSWen* (2020), Analysis of melting behavior of PCMs in a cavity subject to anon-uniform magnetic field using a moving grid technique.AppliedMathematical Modelling,77, 1936–1953 G. Yao, J. Zhao, X. Shen, H. Yang,DSWen* (2020), Effects of rheological properties on heat transferenhancements by elastic instability in von-Karman swirling flow.InternationalJournal of Heat and Mass Transfer,152,119535 H. Yang, G. Yao,DSWen* (2020), Experimental investigation on convective heat transfer ofShear-thinning fluids by elastic turbulence in a serpentine channel.ExperimentalThermal and Fluid Science,112, 109997 G. Yao, J. Zhao,H. Yang, M.A. Haruna,DSWen*(2019), Effects of salinity on the onset of elastic turbulence in swirling flowand curvilinear microchannels.Physics of Fluids,31, 123106 5)能源管理及新型无人机 A. Zhao, D. He,DS Wen*(2020), Structural design and experimental verification of a novel split aileronwing.Aerospace Science and Technology,98, 105635 A Zhao, H Zou, HJin,DSWen*(2019)Structuraldesign and verification of an innovative whole adaptive variable camber wing,Aerospace Science and Technology,89,11-18 X,Xiao; H. Jia, S. Pervaiz andDS Wen*(2020) Molten Salt/Metal Foam/Graphene Nanoparticle Phase Change Composites forThermal Energy Storage.ACS Applied Nano Materialsin press A Awad, A Burns,M Waleed, M Al-Yasiri,DS Wen*(2019), Latent and sensibleenergy storage enhancement of nano-nitrate molten salt.Solar Energy,172,191-197 X Wang, Y Xie, R Day, H Wu, Z Hu, J Zhu,DSWen*(2018)Performanceanalysis of a novel thermal management system with composite phase changematerial for a lithium-ion battery pack,Energy156, 154-168 Wang, Z, ZhangH, Li Y andWen, DS*(2013)Characterisation of theInGaP/InGaAs/Ge triple-junction solar cell with a two-stage dish-stylephotovoltaic concentration system.Energy Conversion and Management,76177-184 6)纳米燃料及高效推进 F Noor, AVorozhtsov, M Lerner, EP Bandarra Filho andDS Wen*(2015)Thermal-chemical characteristics of Al–Cu alloy nanoparticles.TheJournal of Physical Chemistry C119(25), 14001-14009 F Noor andDSWen*(2015) Experimental study of thermal oxidation of nanoscale alloysof aluminium and zinc (nAlZn).Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids85, 188-196 NoorF, Zhang H, Korakianitis T andDS Wen*Oxidation andignition investigation of aluminum nanomaterials.Physical Chemistry andChemical Physics15(46), 20176 - 20188 Balazs I,Korakianitis T*, Paula, R, Diez A, Crookes R andDS Wen*(2014).Assessment of elliptic flame front propagation characteristics of iso-octane,gasoline, M85 and E85 in an optical engine.Combustion and Flame, 161(3),696-710 Song P X,DSWen*, Guo Z X and T. Korakianitis (2008) Oxidationinvestigation of nickel nanoparticles,Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics10(33):5057-65 Song P X,DSWen*(2010).Surface melting and sintering ofmetallic nanoparticles.Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology.10,8010-8017 WenD S*(2010).Nanofuels as an alternative energy carrier.Energyand Environmental Science,3, 591-600.
