2007 - 2013 北京交通大学 计算机与信息技术学院 硕博连读
2003 - 2007 北京交通大学 计算机与信息技术学院 本科
2014 - 2015 伦敦大学玛丽女王学院 访问学者
2013 - 2015 北京交通大学 博士后
林友芳, 韩升, 万怀宇, 武志昊. 数据中心服务器的业务应用逻辑网络的构建方法. (专利号:201610526019.9)
[1] 国家自然科学基金青年基金,复杂网络链接预测与社团发现混合方法研究,编号:61403023,2015.1-2017.12,主持;
[2] 中国博士后基金,利用网络社团结构的链接预测方法研究,编号: 2014M550604,2014.4-2015.12,主持;
[3] 某军工单位项目,基于复杂网络的适配性管理技术研究,50万,2013.12-2016.7,主持
[4] 中央高校基本科研业务费项目,多层复杂网络结构分析与挖掘,2017.1-2018.12,主持
[5] 中关村科技软件公司应用研究项目,北京市基于手机信令数据的人口大数据监测,2017.9-2018.9,主持
[6] 中央高校基本科研业务费项目,旅客行为与需求预测方法研究及其在旅客保护业务中的应用, 2019-2020,主持
[7] 中国航信,民航应用运维系统数据分析模块技术, 2018-2020,主持
[8] 中国航信,航班大面积延误场景下的旅客流向与动态需求预测方法研究, 2018-2019 ,主要负责
[9] 中国航信, 民航核心业务系统与市场规模匹配性总体分析方案研究, 2018-2020,主要负责
[10] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,节点内容和链接相结合的大规模内容网络社区发现方法及应用研究,编号:61473030,2015.1-2018.12,参与(3/10)
[11] 教育部-中移动联合基金项目,基于位置和社交网络的移动用户精准营销算法研究,编号:MCM20150513,2015.12-2017.12,参与(3/24)
[12] CSDN横向应用项目,CSDN社交网络构建及用户技能与兴趣挖掘研究,60万,2016.6-2.17.6,参与(3/25)
[13] 中国航信横向应用项目,航信数据中心服务器应用网络发现及结构与健康分析系统,95万,2016.8-2017.7,参与(2/10)
1.Zhihao Wu, Youfang Lin, Yiji Zhao, Hongyan Yan. Improving local clustering based top-L link prediction methods via asymmetric link clustering information. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 492(15): 1859-1874, 2018. (An3)
2.Zhihao Wu, Youfang Lin, Huaiyu Wan, Waleed Jamil. Predicting top-L missing links with node and link clustering information in large-scale networks. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2016 (8):083202. (IF=2.09, An2)
3.Zhihao Wu, Youfang Lin, Jing Wang, Steve Gregory. Link prediction with node clustering coefficient. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 452(15): 1-8, 2016. (An3)
4.Zhihao Wu, Giulia Menichetti, Christoph Rahmede, Ginestra Bianconi. Emergent Complex Network Geometry. Scientific Reports. 5:10073, 2015. (An2)
5.Zhihao Wu*, Youfang Lin, Huaiyu Wan, Shengfeng Tian. Efficient overlapping community detection in huge real-world networks. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 391(7):2475-2490, 2012. (An3)
6.Zhihao Wu*, Youfang Lin, Steve Gregory, Huaiyu Wan, Shengfeng Tian. Balanced multi-label propagation for overlapping community detection in social networks. Journal of Computer Science and Technology. 27(3): 468-479, 2012. (An4,SCI citation: 46, Top-100 cited paper of JCST)
7.Zhihao Wu*, Youfang Lin, Huaiyu Wan, Shengfeng Tian. An efficient method to find overlapping communities in networks. Journal of Computational Information Systems. 7(16):5650- 5659, 2011. (EI)
8.Zhihao Wu, Youfang Lin, Huaiyu Wan, Shengfeng Tian. A fast and reasonable method for community detection with adjustable extent of overlapping. In Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Knowledge Engineering (ISKE), pp. 376-379, 2010. (EI & ISTP)
9.Zhihao Wu, Youfang Lin. Community merger of optimization algorithm for highly overlapping communities. In Journal of Beijing Jiaotong University. Vol 35(3), 2011.
10.Youfang Lin, Huaiyu Wan, Rui Jiang, Zhihao Wu, Xuguang Jia. Inferring the Travel Purposes of Passenger Groups for Better Understanding of Passengers. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 16(1), 2015. (An2)
11.Jacopo Iacovacci, Zhihao Wu, Ginestra Bianconi. Mesoscopic Structures Reveal the Network Between the Layers of Multiplex Datasets. Physical Review E, 2015 (An2)
12.Ginestra Bianconi, Christoph Rahmede, Zhihao Wu. Complex Quantum Network Geometries: Evolution and Phase Transitions. Physical Review E, 2015 (An2)
13.Huaiyu Wan*, Youfang Lin, Zhihao Wu, Houkuan Huang. Discovering typed communities in mobile social networks. Journal of Computer Science and Technology. 27(3): 480-491, 2012. (An4)
14.Huaiyu Wan*, Youfang Lin, Zhihao Wu, Houkuan Huang. A community-based pseudolikelihood approach for relationship labeling in social networks. Proceedings of the European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML PKDD 2011). September 5th to 9th, 2011, Pages 491-505, Athens, 2011. (EI & ISTP)
15.Huaiyu Wan, Youfang Lin, Zhihao Wu, Houkuan Huang. A two-stage learning framework of relational Markov networks. Journal of Computational Information Systems. 2010, 6(4):1027-1035. (EI)
目前任多个国际国内期刊(如IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics,Physica A, Plos one, Joural of WWW and Chaos, Solitons & Fractals以及《计算机学报》等)的稿件评审人。