Lijuan Sun^, Songhe Feng*. Partial Multi-Label Learning with Noisy Side Information, 2020.
Lijuan Sun^, Gengyu Lyu^, Songhe Feng*. Partial Multi-Label Learning with Global and Local Label Correlation, 2020.
Lijuan Sun^, Gengyu Lyu^,Songhe Feng*. Beyond Missing: Weakly-Supervised Multi-Label Learning with Incomplete and Noisy Labels, 2020.
Yanan Wu^, Songhe Feng*. L4Net: An Anchor-Free Generic Object Detector with Attention Mechanism for Autonomous Driving, 2020.
Gengyu Lyu^, Songhe Feng*. Noisy Label Tolerance: A New Perspective of Partial Multi-Label Learning, 2020.
Gengyu Lyu^, Songhe Feng. Partial Multi-Label Learning via Probabilistic Graph Matching Mechanism. ACM SIGKDD, 2020. (Research Track, CCF A类)
Ziwei Li^, Gengyu Lyu^, Songhe Feng*. Partial Multi-Label Learning via Multi-Subspace Representation. IJCAI, 2020. (CCF A类)
Gengyu Lyu^, Songhe Feng*. GM-PLL: Graph Matching based Partial Label Learning. IEEE Trans. on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 2020. (CCF A类)
Gengyu Lyu^,Songhe Feng*. A Self-paced Regularization Framework for Partial-Label Learning. IEEE Trans. on Cybernetics, 2020. (CCF B类)
Gengyu Lyu^, Songhe Feng*. HERA: Partial Label Learning by Combining Heterogeneous Loss with Sparse and Low-Rank Regularization. ACM Trans. on Intelligent Systems and Technology, 11(3), 34: 1-34:19, 2020. (CCF B类)
Gengyu Lyu^, Songhe Feng*. Partial Label Learning via Self-Paced Curriculum Learning, ECML-PKDD, 2020. (CCF B类)
Yue Sun^, Gengyu Lyu^, Songhe Feng*. Partial Label Learning via Subspace Representation and Global Disambiguation, ECML-PKDD, 2020. (CCF B类)
Lijuan Sun^, Ping Ye^, Gengyu Lyu^, Songhe Feng*. Weakly-Supervised Multi-Label Learning with Noisy Features and Incomplete Labels. Neurocomputing, 2020. (CCF C类)
Gengyu Lyu^, Songhe Feng*. Partial Label Learning via Low-Rank Representation and Label Propagation. Soft Computing, pp. 5165-5176, 2020. (CCF C类)
Honglin Quan^, Songhe Feng*. Improving Person Re-identification via Attribute-identity Representation and Visual Attention Mechanism. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 79(11-12), pp. 7259-7278, 2020. (CCF C类)
Liqian Liang, Congyan Lang, Yidong Li, Songhe Feng, Jian Zhao. Fine-Grained Facial Expression Recognition in the Wild. IEEE Trans. on Information Forensics and Secruity, 2020. (CCF A类)
Min Wang, Congyan Lang, Liqian Liang, Yutong Gao, Songhe Feng, Tao Wang. End-to-End Text-to-Image Synthesis with Spatial Constraints. ACM Trans. on Intelligent Systems and Technology, 11(4): 47:1-47:19, 2020. (CCF B类)
Yingxia Jia, Congyan Lang, Songhe Feng. A Semantic Segmentation Method of Traffic Scene Based on Categries-Aware Domain Adaption. Journal of Computer Research and Development, 2020. (In Chinese)
Lijuan Sun^, Songhe Feng*. Partial Multi-Label Learning by Low-Rank and Sparse Decomposition. AAAI, 2019. (CCF A类)
Tao Wang, Haibin Ling, Congyan Lang, Songhe Feng, Xiaohui Hou. Deformable Surface Tracking by Graph Matching. ICCV, 2019. (CCF A类)
Zhongyi Li, Yi Ji, Yidong Li, Congyan Lang, Songhe Feng, Tao Wang. Learning Part-Alignment Feature for Person Re-Identification with Spatial Temporal based Re-ranking Method. World Wide Web, 2019. (CCF B类)
Zun Li, Congyan Lang, Jiashi Feng, Yidong Li, Tao Wang, Songhe Feng. Co-Saliency Detection with Graph Matching. ACM Trans. on Intelligent System and Technology, 10(3), 22:1-22:22, 2019. (CCF B类)
Xiaoying Wang^, Songhe Feng*. Semi-supervised dual low-rank feature mapping for multi-label image annotation. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 78(10), pp. 13149-13168, 2019. (CCF C类)
Lijuan Sun^, Songhe Feng*. Robust Semi-Supervised Multi-Label Learning by Triple Low-Rank Regularization. PAKDD, 2019. (CCF C类)
Yanan Dong, Congyan Lang, Songhe Feng*. General Structured sparse learning for human facial age estimation. Multimedia Systems, 25(1), pp. 49-57, 2019. (CCF C类)
Mengxia Yin, Congyan Lang, Zun Li, Songhe Feng, Tao Wang. Recurrent Convolutional Network for Video-based Smoke Detection. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 78(1), pp. 237-256, 2019. (CCF C类)
Bingqian Geng, Congyan Lang, Junliang Xing, Songhe Feng. MFAD: A Multi-modality Face Anti-spoofing Dataset. PRICAI, 2019. (CCF C类)
Ping Ye^, Songhe Feng*. Robust Multi-Label Learning with Corrputed Features and Incomplete Labels. CAC, 2019.
Tao Wang, Haibin Ling, Congyan Lang, Songhe Feng. Graph Matching with Adaptive and Branching Path Following. IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 40(12), pp. 2853-2867, 2018. (CCF A类)
Tao Wang, Haibin Ling, Congyan Lang, Songhe Feng. Constrained Confidence Matching for Planar Object Tracking. ICRA, 2018. (CCF B类)
Songhe Feng, Congyan Lang. Graph Regularized Low-rank Feature Mapping for Multi-label Learning with Application to Image Annotation. Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing, 29, pp. 1351-1372, 2018. (CCF C类)
Zun Li, Congyan Lang, Songhe Feng, Tao Wang. Saliency Ranker: A New Salient Object Detection Method. Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 50(1), pp. 16-26, 2018. (CCF C类)
Jun Zhou, Tao Wang, Congyan Lang, Songhe Feng. A Novel Hypergraph Matching Algorithm based on Tensor Refining. Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 57, pp. 69-75, 2018. (CCF C类)
Wenying Huang^, Songhe Feng*. Partial Label Learning via Low-rank Representation and Label Propagation. ICIMCS, 2018.
Shaoyan Xu, Tao Wang, Congyan Lang, Songhe Feng, Yi Jin. Graph-based Visual Odometry for VSLAM. Industrial Robot, 2018.
Songhe Feng, Congyan Lang, Jiashi Feng, Tao Wang, Jiebo Luo. Human Facial Age Estimation by Cost-Sensitive Label Ranking and Trace Norm Regularization. IEEE Trans. on Multimedia, 19(1), pp. 136-148, 2017. (CCF B类)
Zhu Teng, Junliang Xing, Qiang Wang, Congyan Lang, Songhe Feng, Yi Jin. Robust Object Tracking Based on Temporal and Spatial Deep Networks. ICCV, 2017. (CCF A类)
Honglin Quan^, Songhe Feng. Two Birds with One Stone: A Unified Approach to Saliency and Co-Saliency Detection via Multi-Instance Learning. IEEE Access, 2017.
Congyan Lang, Jiashi Feng, Songhe Feng, Jingdong Wang, Shuicheng Yan. Dual Low-Rank Pursuit: Learning Salient Features for Saliency Detection. IEEE Trans. On Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 27(6), 1190-1200, 2016. (CCF B类)
Tao Wang, Haibin Ling, Congyan Lang, Songhe Feng. Symmetry-Aware Graph Matching. Pattern Recognition, 60, pp. 657-668, 2016. (CCF B类)
Jingwei Li^, Songhe Feng*. Graph Regularized Low-rank Feature Learning for Robust Multi-Label Image Annotation. ICSP, 2016.
Songhe Feng, Zheyun Feng, Rong Jin. Learning to Rank Image Tags with Limited Training Examples. IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, 24(4), pp. 1223-1234, 2015. (CCF A类)
Chenjing Yan, Congyan Lang, Songhe Feng. Facial Age Estimation Based on Structured Low-rank Representation. ACM Multimedia, 2015. (CCF A类)
Tao Wang, Hua Yang, Congyan Lang, Songhe Feng. An error-tolerant approximate matching algorithm for labeled combinatorial maps. Neurocomputing, 156(25). 211-220, 2015. (CCF C类)
Xiaoyuan Luo^, Songhe Feng*. A General Method for Sensitive Identification Detection in the Terrorist Video. ICIMCS, 2015.
Zheyun Feng, Songhe Feng, Rong Jin, A. K. Jain. Image Tag Completion by Noisy Matrix Recovery. ECCV, 2014. (CCF B类)
Songhe Feng, Weihua Xiong. Hierarchical sparse representation based multi-instance semi-supervised learning with application to image categorization. Signal Processing, 94(1), pp.595-607, 2014. (CCF C类)
Songhe Feng, Congyan Lang. Adaptive All-Season Image Tag Ranking by Saliency-Driven Image Pre-Classification. Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 24(7), pp.1031-1039. 2013. (CCF C类)
Congyan Lang, Songhe Feng. Supervised sparse patch coding towards misalignment-robust face recognition. Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 24(2): 103-110, 2013. (CCF C类)
Songhe Feng, Congyan Lang, Bing Li. Towards Relevance and Saliency Ranking of Image Tags. ACM Multimedia, 2012. (CCF A类)
Bing Li, Songhe Feng. Scaring or pleasing: exploit emotional impact of an image. ACM Multimedia, 2012. (CCF A类 )
Songhe Feng, Hong Bao. Combining Visual Attention Model with Multi-instance Learning for Tag Ranking. Neurocomputing, 74(2011). 3619-3627. (CCF C类)
Songhe Feng, Congyan Lang. Combining Graph Learning and Visual Attention Model for CBIR. Chinese Journal of Electronics, 2011. (In Chinese)
Shuoyan Liu, De Xu, Songhe Feng. Region Contextual Visual Words for Scene Classification. Expert Systems with Applications, 11591-11597, 2011. (CCF C类)
Hong Bao, Songhe Feng. A Novel Saliency-based Graph Learning Framework with Application to CBIR. IEICE Trans. on Information System, 94(6), 1353-1356, 2011.
Songhe Feng, De Xu. Transductive Multi-Instance Multi-Label Learning Algorithm with Application to Automatic Image Annotation. Expert Systems with Applications, 37(1), pp. 661-670, Jan.2010. ( CCF C类)
Songhe Feng, De Xu. Attention-driven Salient Edge(s) and Region(s) Extraction with Application to CBIR. Signal Processing, 90(1), pp.1-15, 2010. (CCF C类)
Songhe Feng, Congyan Lang, De Xu. Beyond Tag Relevance: Integrating Visual Attention Model and Multi-Instance Learning for Tag Saliency Ranking. ACM CIVR, 2010. (CCF B类)
Shuoyan Liu, De Xu, Songhe Feng. Discriminating Semantic Visual Words for Scene Classification. IEICE Trans. on Information System, 93(6), 1580-1588, 2010.
Songhe Feng, De Xu. Combining Attention Model with Hierarichical Graph Representation for Region-based Image Retrieval. IEICE Trans. on Information System, 91(8), pp. 2203-2206, 2008.
Songhe Feng, De Xu. Automatic Image Annotation Using An Improved Multiple-Instance Learning Algorithm. Chinese Journal of Electronics, 17(1), pp. 43-47,2008.
Songhe Feng, De Xu. A Novel Graph Kernel Based SVM Algorithm for Image Semantic Retrieval. ISNN, 2016.
Songhe Feng, De Xu. Locating Salient Edges for CBIR Based on Visual Attention Model. ICNC, 2006.
Songhe Feng, De Xu. A Novel Region-based Image Retrieval Algorithm Using Selective Visual Attention Model. ACIVS, 2005.