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教学工作 主讲:现代控制理论、自适应控制及应用 教育背景 1993-1997, 山东大学数学与系统科学学院,获得理学学士; 1997-2000, 山东大学数学与系统科学学院, 获得理学硕士学位; 2001-2004, 中科院数学与系统科学研究院, 获得理学博士学位; 工作经历 2004年10月---北京交通大学任教


研究方向 轨道交通自动化与控制 控制理论与控制工程 控制工程(专业学位)

专利 刘峰 等, “一种风电机组的跟踪优化控制方法”,国家发明专利,(201410540059.x)。 李鹏 刘峰 等, “一种并网光伏储能系统的负载峰值期能量调配方法”,国家发明专利,(201410064936.0)。 科研项目 国家重点实验室:基于非合作动态博弈的大规模风电场群监测和调控能力研究,2019-01-01--2020-12-31,主持 科技部“973”:新能源电力系统先进控制理论,2014-01-01--2016-10-31,主持 国家自然科学基金“面上”:基于融合感知的机器人实时定位与3D环境建模理论及轻型化装置研制,2016-01-01--2019-12-31,参与 中央高校基本科研业务费:局部信息反馈下带有多智能体特征的风场优化调度,2015-03-19--2016-12-31,主持 科技部“863”:超大型超导式海上风电机组设计技术研究,2012-03-15--2014-09-15,参加 中央高校基本科研业务费:基于采样反馈的非线性系统稳定性和优化,2012-03-19--2013-12-31,主持 科技部“973”:新能源电力系统先进控制理论,2012-01-01--2016-12-31,参加 国家重点实验室:高速列车运行控制模型及优化算法研究,2011-05-06--2013-05-04,参加 国家自然科学基金"青年基金":含未知参数随机跳变系统的自适应镇定性研究,2010-01-01--2012-12-31,主持 国家重点实验室:基于Markov跳变系统的列车动力学模型参数辨识及稳定性分析,2009-06-04--2011-06-03,参加 科技部“科技支撑”:北京市西半部城区交通仿真数据源采集方案,2008-12-17--2009-01-31,参加 国家自然科学基金“面上”:不确定切换系统的分析与控制,2008-01-01--2010-12-31,主持


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

论文/期刊 期 刊-> Yuan Cao, Zhengchao Wang, Liu Feng(*), Peng Li and Xie Guo. “Bio-inspired Speed Curve Optimization and Sliding Mode Tracking Control for Subway Trains”.IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY, 68(7), 2019.(SCI,HIGH CITED) 期 刊-> Liu Feng, P.Li, Zh.B. Lei and Y.D. Song. “Linear quadratic optimal sampled data control of linear systems with unknown switched modes and stochastic disturbances”. OPTIMAL CONTROL APPLICATIONS AND METHODS, DOI: 10.1002/oca.2227, 2016.(SCI) 期 刊-> P.Li, Dargaville, Liu Feng(*), ect.. “Data-Based Statistical Property Analyzing and Storage Sizing for Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems”, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, 62(11), 11, 2015. (SCI) 期 刊->Liu Feng(*),Y.D.Song. Stability condition for sampled data based control of linear continuous switched systems[J]. Systems & Control Letters,2011-10,60(10),787:797(SCI) 期 刊-> Liu Feng(*),S.Peng. ON CONTROLLABILITY FOR STOCHASTIC CONTROL SYSTEMS WHEN THE COEFFICIENT IS TIME-VARIANT[J]. Journal of Systems Science and Complexity,2009-12,23(2)(SCI), 期 刊-> Liu Feng.一类有界干扰的线性切换系统的可镇定性[J]。北京交通大学学报,2007-12,31(5), 期 刊-> Liu Feng. Stabilization of switched linear systems with bounded disturbances and unobservable switchings[J]。Science in China Series F:Information Sciences,2007-12,50(5)(SCI), 会议论文-> Liu Feng, D.Y. Li, P.Li, et al.. “Quadratic Optimal Tracking Control of Wind Turbine Systems”. 17th IFAC Symposium on System Identification, 10, 2015. (EI,ISTP) 会议论文-> J.Yu, Liu Feng, Y.D.Song, Optimal scheduling for wind farms power generation based on partial information, Proceedings of the 34th Chinese Control Conference,2015,7. (EI,ISTP) 会议论文-> X.D.Liu, Liu Feng, Y.D.Song, Nonlinear Adaptive Approach of Wind Power Systems with Stochastic Disturbances, Proceedings of the 33th Chinese Control Conference,2014,7. (EI,ISTP) 会议论文-> P. Wang, Liu Feng, Y.D.Song, A Novel Maximum Power Point Tracking Control Method in Wind Turbine Application, Proceedings of the 32th Chinese Control Conference,2013,7. (EI,ISTP) 会议论文-> 张露,刘峰2,宋永端.Linear Quadratic Optimal Sampled-Data Control of Linear Continuous Switched Systems with Stochastic Disturbance。2012 Chinese Control Conference,合肥,2209:2209,2012-07 会议论文-> 刘峰2,宋永端,马小平.Sampled-Data Adaptive Control of Linear Continuous Switched Systems with Stochastic Disturbance。2012 Chinese Control Conference,合肥,1479:1479,2012-07 会议论文-> 王小芳,刘峰2,宋永端.Sampled Feedback Stabilization of Switched Continuous-time Systems with Bounded Disturbance and Unknown Switching。2011 Chinese Control Conference,中国山东省烟台,1098:1098,2011-07 会议论文-> 刘峰2,宋永端,唐涛.Stabilization of Switched Linear Systems with Sampled Feedback Controller and Bounded Disturbance。the 29th Chinese Control Conference,Beijing,China,2010-12 会议论文-> 刘峰2,刘泽.Sufficient and Necessary Condition for Stabilization of Jump Linear Systems with Noise。the 2010 Chinese Control and Decision Conference,Xuzhou,China,2010-12 会议论文-> 刘峰2.Stabilization of Jump Linear Systems without Noise。2009 Chinese Control and Decision Conference,广西桂林,2009-12 会议论文-> 刘峰2.The Stablization for a kind of nonlinear stochastic control systems which the coefficient。Chinese Control Conference,云南昆明,2008-12 会议论文-> 刘峰2,彭实戈.非线性时变随机控制系统的能控性判据。第26届中国控制会议,湖南张家界,2007-12


2010 WASE International conference on Information Engineering和2010 WASE International Workshop on Energy, Electronic and Communication Engineering两个国际学术会议的技术委员会的委员。
