科技部“科技支撑”: 高速磁浮半实物仿真多分区运行控制系统设备研制-满足5分区半实物仿真系统的分区控制系统软件研究, 2013-2016,参加
Yonghua Zhou, Xin Tao, Zhenyu Yu, Hamido Fujita. Train-movement situation recognition for safety justification using moving-horizon TBM-based multisensor data fusion. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2019, vol. 177, pp. 117-126. (SCI)
Lu Zhao, Yonghua Zhou, Huapu Lu, Hamido Fujita. Parallel computing method of deep belief networks and its application to traffic flow prediction. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2019, vol. 163, pp. 972-987. (SCI)
Yonghua Zhou, Xin Tao. Robust safety monitoring and synergistic operation planning between time- and energy-efficient movements of high speed trains based on MPC. IEEE Access, 2018, vol. 6, pp. 17377-17390. (SCI)
Jingjie Ning, Yonghua Zhou, Fengchu Long. A synergistic energy-efficient planning approach for urban rail transit operations. Energy, 2018, vol. 151, pp. 854-863. (SCI)
Yongnan Zhang, Yonghua Zhou. Distributed coordination control of traffic network flow using adaptive genetic algorithm based on cloud computing. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 2018, 119, pp. 110-120. (SCI)
Zhihui Wang, Yonghua Zhou, Deng Liu. Models and algorithms of conflict detection and scheduling optimization for high-speed train operations based on MPC. Journal of Control Science and Engineering, 2018, Article number: 3473175. (EI)
Yonghua Zhou, Xin Tao, Lei Luan, Jingjie Ning. Revisiting the 7/23 train accident using computer reconstruction simulation for causation and prevention analysis. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 2018, vol. 148, pp. 1-15. (SCI)
Yonghua Zhou, Xin Tao, Lei Luan, Zhihui Wang. Safety justification of train movement dynamic processes using evidence theory and reference models. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2018, vol. 139, 78-88. (SCI)
Yonghua Zhou and Zhenlin Zhang. High-speed train control based on multiple-model adaptive control with second-level adaptation. Vehicle System Dynamics, vol. 52, no. 5, pp. 637-652, May 2014. (SCI)
Yonghua Zhou, Zhenlin Zhang and Deng Liu. Analysis of train movement dynamics under various temporal–spatial constraints in fixed-block railway network using extended cellular automaton model. Modern Physics Letters B, vol. 28, no. 8, pp. 1450060-1~1450060-11, March 2014. (SCI)
Yonghua Zhou and Chao Mi. Modeling and simulation of train movements under scheduling and control for a fixed-block railway network using cellular automata. Simulation - Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International, vol. 89, no. 6, pp. 771-783, June 2013. (SCI)
Yonghua Zhou, Xun Yang and Chao Mi. Dynamic route guidance based on model predictive control. CMES - Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, vol. 92, no. 5, pp. 477-491, June 2013. (SCI)
Yonghua Zhou. Fuzzy indirect adaptive control using SVM-based multiple models for a class of nonlinear systems. Neural Computing & Applications, vol. 22, no. 3-4, pp. 825-833, March 2013. (SCI)
Yonghua Zhou, Xun Yang and Chao Mi. Model Predictive Control for High-speed Train with Automatic Trajectory Configuration and Tractive Force Optimization. CMES - Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, vol. 90, no. 6, pp. 415-437, February 2013. (SCI)
Yonghua Zhou, Xun Yang and Chao Mi. State Estimation of Unequipped Vehicles Utilizing Microscopic Traffic Model and Principle of Particle Filter. CMES - Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, vol. 89, no. 6, pp. 497-512, December 2012. (SCI)
Yonghua Zhou, Chao Mi and Xun Yang. The Cellular Automaton Model of Microscopic Traffic Simulation Incorporating Feedback Control of Various Kinds of Drivers. CMES - Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, vol. 86, no. 6, pp. 533-549, August 2012. (SCI)
Yonghua Zhou and Chao Mi. Modeling train movement for moving-block railway network using cellular automata. CMES - Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, vol. 83, no. 1, pp. 1-21, January 2012. (SCI)
Yonghua Zhou and Yuliu Chen. The Analytic Supporting Tools for Business Reengineering With System Integration Design. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A: Systems and Humans, vol. 40, no. 2, pp. 285-300, March 2010. (SCI)
Yonghua Zhou. Study on the simulation of traffic navigation predictive control. Control and Decision, vol. 24, no. 12, pp. 1869-1872, December 2009. (EI)
Yonghua Zhou and Yuliu Chen. Project-oriented resource assignment: from business process modelling to business process instantiation with operational performance consideration. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 97-110, January 2008. (SCI)
Yonghua Zhou. Mechanism and approach of traffic flow predictive control. China Journal of Highway and Transport, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 107-111, January 2007. (EI)
Yonghua Zhou, Xun Yang, Qiancan Liu and Zhenlin Zhang. Train Movement High-level Model for Real-time Safety Justification and Train Scheduling Based on Model Predictive Control. 2013 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Rail Transportation (ICIRT), pp. 48-53, August 2013.
Yonghua Zhou. Web Services-based Grid Computing for Traffic Flow Predictive Control. 1st WRI Global Congress on Intelligent Systems (GCIS 2009), pp. 455-459, May 2009.
Yonghua Zhou, Yangpeng Wang, Pin Wu and Peng Wang. Real-time Optimal Speed Coordination and Scheduling for High-speed Trains Based on Model Predictive Control. Advanced Materials Research, vol. 433-440, pp. 6043-6048, 2012.
Hong Wang, Yonghua Zhou, Yangpeng Wang, Wei Wang and Xu Yang. Traffic signal predictive control based on cellular automata prediction model and non-analytical optimization. Advanced Materials Research, vol. 433-440, pp. 2831-2836, 2012.
Yonghua Zhou and Yangpeng Wang. Coordinated Control among High-speed Trains Based on Model Predictive Control. Key Engineering Materials, vol. 467-469, pp. 2143-2148, 2011.
Chao Mi and Yonghua Zhou. The Integration Framework of Train Scheduling and Control Based on Model Predictive Control. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol. 236, pp. 492-499, 2011.
Yonghua Zhou, Xu Yang and Wei Wang. Data-driven route guidance under the framework of model predictive control. IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology, 9-11 July, 2010, Chengdu, China, pp. 378-383.
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2. 魏学业,周永华,祝天龙. 传感器应用技术及其范例. 北京:清华大学出版社,2015.