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教学工作 光波技术基础;光纤通信概论 教育背景 2005-2011 博士 北京航空航天大学 2008-2010 访问学生 加拿大渥太华大学 2001-2005 本科 吉林大学 工作经历 2014至今 北京交通大学 2012-2014 韩国科学技术院(KAIST) 2011-2012 阿尔卡特朗讯上海贝尔股份有限公司


研究方向 全光交换、特种光纤及器件 电子与通信工程(专业学位)


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论文/期刊 唐宇,王目光,武蓓蕾,牟宏谦,延凤平,张静,丁琪,孙剑,尹彬.Chromatic dispersion measurement based on a high-Q optoelectronic oscillator incorporating cascaded FIR and IIR filters.OSA CONTINUUM,2018,1(4) 唐宇,王目光,武蓓蕾,董悦,肖涵,张静,牟宏谦,范国芳.High-sensitivity displacement sensing based on an OEO incorporating an unbalanced MZI.optics and laser technology,2020,2020(121) 李耀祖,王目光,郭玉箫,牟宏谦.基于简化EKF的双偏振载波相位恢复算法.光学学报,2019,11(39) 郭玉箫,王目光,牟宏谦,韩梦瑶,刘艳.Optical Signal-to-Noise Ratio Monitoring Based On Back-Propagation Network With an Autoencoder.2018 Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP),2018 张乃晗,武蓓蕾,王目光,韩梦瑶,唐宇,牟宏谦,刘艳,延凤平.High-Sensitivity Sensing for Relative Humidity and Temperature Based on an Optoelectronic Oscillator Using a Polyvinyl Alcohol-Fiber Bragg Grating-Fabry Perot Filter.IEEE Access,2019,1(7) 郭玉箫,王目光,李耀祖,牟宏谦,武蓓蕾,刘艳,延凤平.Joint Modulation Format Identification and Frequency Offset Estimation Based on Superimposed LFM Signal and FrFT.IEEE Photonics Journal,2019,5(11) 韩梦瑶,王目光,张乃晗,牟宏谦,武蓓蕾,刘艳,延凤平.A bandwidth-enhanced polarization division multiplexed intensity modulation-direct detection system utilizing a dual polarization-DPMZM.Optical Fiber Technology,2019,2019(53) 丁琪,王目光,武蓓蕾,张静,牟宏谦,刘艳,延凤平.Tunable optoelectronic oscillator based on a polarization-dependent phase modulator cascaded with a linear chirped FBG.OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY,2019,None(119) 唐宇,王目光,武蓓蕾,董悦,韩笑,张静,牟宏谦,范国芳.High-sensitivity displacement sensing based on an OEO incorporating an unbalanced MZI.OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY,2020,None(121) 牟宏谦,王目光,李敏.Power-efficient FCC-compliant UWB generator using polarization-maintaining FBG-based spectral shaper and incoherent wavelength-to-time mapping.OPTICAL FIBER TECHNOLOGY,2019,50(50) 唐宇,王目光,武蓓蕾,张静,丁琪,牟宏谦,尹彬,孙剑,延凤平.Chromatic dispersion measurement based on a high-Q optoelectronic oscillator incorporating cascaded FIR and IIR filters.OSA CONTINUUM,2018,4(1) 孙梦吉,王目光,郭玉箫,牟宏谦,武蓓蕾.Optical modulation format recognition for polarization-multiplexed coherent system using Chinese restaurant process.Proc. SPIE 10822, Real-time Photonic Measurements, Data Management, and Processing III,2018 武蓓蕾,王目光,董悦,唐宇,牟宏谦,李海粟,尹彬,延凤平,韩臻.Magnetic field sensor based on a dual-frequency optoelectronic oscillator using cascaded magnetostrictive alloy-fiber Bragg grating-Fabry Perot and fiber Bragg grating-Fabry Perot filters.Optics Express,2018,21(26) 丁琪,王目光,牟宏谦,唐宇,张静,武蓓蕾,李唐军.Full-duplex broadcast RoF-WDM-PON with self-coherent detection and photonic frequency up/down-conversion using SSB pilot-carrier.Optics Communications,2018,无(427) 唐宇,王目光,孙剑,武蓓蕾,张静,丁琪,牟宏谦,李唐军.Optical Signal Processing Based On an Optoelectronic Oscillator Employing a Polarization- Dependent Phase Modulator.2017 International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics (MWP),2018 张静,王目光,唐宇,丁琪,武蓓蕾,杨宇光,牟宏谦,尹斌,简水生.High-sensitivity measurement of angular velocity based on an optoelectronic oscillator with an intra-loop Sagnac interferometer.Optics Letters,2018,43(12) 牟宏谦,王目光,武蓓蕾,唐宇,张静,丁琪.BACKGROUND-FREE MICROWAVE PULSE GENERATOR BASED ON BOTH BRIGHT AND DARK TEMPORAL GATE AND A SINGLE PHOTODETECTOR.Optics communications,2018,425C(425C) 牟宏谦,王目光,唐宇,张静,简水生.Photonic generation of FCC-compliant UWB pulses based on modified Gaussian quadruplet and incoherent wavelength-to-time conversion.Optics Communications,2017,411(411) 牟宏谦,王目光,简水生.Photonic Generation of Power-Efficient UWB Pulses Adaptable to Multiple Modulation Formats Using a Dual-Drive Mach-Zehnder Modulator.The 15th International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks (ICOCN’2016),2016 牟宏谦,王目光,叶军,简水生.PHOTONIC GENERATION OF BINARY-PHASE-CODED DIRECT-SEQUENCE ULTRA-WIDEBAND SIGNALS BASED ON SPECTRAL SHAPING AND INCOHERENT frequency-to-time mapping SPECTRAL SHAPING AND INCOHERENT FREQUENCY-TO-TIME MAPPING.The 2015 International Conference on Management, Information and Communication and the 2015 International Conference on Optics and Electronics Engineering,2016 牟宏谦,王目光,叶军,简水生.PHOTONIC GENERATION OF BINARY-PHASE-CODED DIRECT-SEQUENCE ULTRA-WIDEBAND SIGNALS BASED ON SPECTRAL SHAPING AND INCOHERENT frequency-to-time mapping.ICOEE2015,2015 牟宏谦,王目光,叶军,简水生.Photonic generation of bipolar direct-sequence UWB signals based on optical spectral shaping and incoherent frequency-to-time conversion.Optics Communications,2016,369(369) 郑晶晶,裴丽,李晶,牟宏谦.自媒体发展现状及高校爱国主义教育应对方法浅析.《北京交通大学本科教育教学研究论文集》,北京交通大学出版社,2015,2015(10) 牟宏谦,王目光,简水生.A cost-effective ultra-dense WDM PON system with speed of 12.5 Gbits/s and channel spacing of 12.5 GHz.optoelectronics letters,2014,6(10)
