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教学工作 模拟电子技术(2013年春季至今,本科生专业基础课) 数字电子技术(2019年,本科生专业基础课) 多媒体信息处理与传输技术(2015年秋季至今,研究生专业课) 多媒体通信(2013年秋季至2015年秋季,本科生专业课) 现代通信概论(2011年春季至2013年春季,本科生限选课) 教育背景 1、2000.09 - 2004.07,北京交通大学通信工程专业,工学学士 2、2004.09 - 2009.01,北京交通大学通信与信息系统专业,工学博士学位,博士研究方向为:多媒体通信,论文题目为:无线多媒体网络视频压缩与流量模型的研究 工作经历 1、2019.01 - 至今,北京交通大学电子信息工程学院,教授 2、2012.12 - 2018.12,北京交通大学电子信息工程学院,副教授 3、2017.09 - 2018.02,北京鼎兴达信息科技股份有限公司,工程师 4、2015.02 - 2016.02,美国The George Washington University,访问学者 5、2011.03 - 2012.11,北京交通大学电子信息工程学院,讲师 6、2009.02 - 2011.02,上海交通大学信息与通信工程流动站,博士后研究工作,出站报告题目为:面向无线视频传输的码率控制与联合编码的研究


研究方向 宽带移动通信系统与专用移动通信 电子与通信工程(专业学位)

专利 荆涛, 安茜雯, 范新, 霍炎. 一种基于原子范数最小化的三维信道参数估计方法, ZL 2019 1 0483315.9 霍炎, 黄鹏, 李洁, 卢燕飞, 荆涛. 一种基于位置相似性的智能终端动态密钥分配机制, ZL 2013 1 0676470.5 荆涛, 邢晓双, 周洁, 霍炎. 一种适用于多个主用户、多个次级用户认知无线电网络的协作, ZL 2013 1 020 6560.8 荆涛, 邢晓双, 周洁, 霍炎. 一种认知无线电网络次级用户动态频谱感知间隔决策方法, ZL 2013 1 0293813.X 软件著作权 基于边缘羽化的虚假图像盲识别软件(2009SRBJ4101) 基于JPEG双压缩特性的彩色伪造图像盲检测软件(2010SRBJ0614) 基于特征像素相关性的虚假图像盲检测软件(2010SRBJ0617) 基于ROI的宏块级自适应频率加权视频压缩软件(2011SRBJ2926) 基于Weibull分布率失真模型的视频帧比特分配软件(2011SRBJ2929) 基于端到端失真的联合信源信道编码软件(2011SRBJ2928) 基于Radon和Fourier-Mellin变换图像盲取证软件(2011SRBJ2927) 基于机器视觉的车道偏离报警软件(2011SRBJ2925) 基于矩特征和HHT的图像拼接盲取证软件(2011SRBJ2923) 基于JPEG压缩局部块效应彩色伪造图像盲取证软件(2011SRBJ2924) 科研项目 工业互联网创新发展工程项目:面向信息物理系统(CPS)的制造执行系统(MES),2019-12-31--2021-12-31,7000万元,主研参加 基本科研业务费重大项目:后5G智慧物联中面向物理与链路层关键技术研究,2019-04-01--2024-03-31,300万元,主持 北京市自然科学基金“面上”:面向智慧物联的协作认知动态安全传输系统研究与设计,2020-01-01--2022.12.31,20万元,主持 国家自然科学基金“重点”:面向未来移动通信的低功耗安全智慧物联网系统关键技术研究,2020-01-01--2024-12-31,290万元,主研参加 国家自然科学基金"面上":面向下一代无线网络的多维度物理层安全绿色通信系统研究,2019-01-01--2022-12-31,66万元,主持 铁科研横向项目:“升降式站台门系统障碍物探测算法及电机同步性研究”,2019-08-15--2019-10-31,主持 国家自然科学基金"面上":移动社交网络中考虑用户自私性的路由协议研究,2015-01-01--2018-12-31,92.0万元,主持 中央高校基本科研业务费:面向区域协同干扰的隐蔽通信策略研究,2017-01-01--2018-12-31,10万元,主持 中央高校基本科研业务费:面向车联网的实时信息传输路由协议研究,2015-01-01--2016-12-31,7.0万元,主持 国家自然科学基金“面上”:高速移动条件下无线宽带网络资源管理研究,2012-01-01--2015-12-31,60.0万元,主持 国家自然科学基金“其他”:无线算法,系统和应用国际会议,2012-06-01--2013-06-01,5.0万元,主持 铁道部科技司:牵引供电安全服役技术研究——牵引变电所开关设备安全在线监测系统,2013-06-01--2014-12-31,30.0万元,参加 博士点基金:面向认知网的动态频谱资源管理与多址接入技术研究,2014-01-01--2016-12-31,12.0万元,参加 中央高校基本科研业务费(重点项目):面向5G的低功耗巨连接关键技术研究,2016-01-01--2019-12-31,105.0万元,参加 红果园“四总部”项目:多跳自组协同弹性组网关键技术研究,2017-01-01--2019-12-31,100.0万元,参加 红果园“四总部”项目:多跳协同自组织网络通信系统,2016-10-08--2018-10-08,66.0万元,参加


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

论文/期刊 截止2020年6月共发表(含录用)学术论文140余篇,部分成果如下: 【部分期刊文章】 Yan Huo, Chun Meng, Ruinian Li, Tao Jing, An Overview of Privacy Preserving for Industrial Internet of Things, China Communications, accepted Yan Huo, Jingjing Fan, Yingkun Wen, Ruinian Li, A Cross Layer Cooperative Jamming Scheme for Social Internet of Things, Tsinghua Science and Technology, accepted Xin Fan, Yan Huo*, Cooperative Secure Transmission against Collusive Eavesdroppers in Internet of Things, International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, accepted Xin Fan, Yan Huo*, Blockchain Based Dynamic Spectrum Access of Non-real-time Data in Cyber-Physical-Social Systems, IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 64486-64498, 2020 Qinghe Gao, Yan Huo, Tao Jing, Liran Ma, Yingkun Wen, Xiaoshuang Xing, An Intermittent Cooperative Jamming Strategy for Securing Energy-Constrained Networks, IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol.67(11), pp.7715-7726 Yan Huo, Xin Fan, Liran Ma, Xiuzhen Cheng, Zhi Tian, Dechang Chen, Secure Communications in Tiered 5G Wireless Networks with Cooperative Jamming, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol.18 (6), 2019, pp.3265-3280 Yingkun Wen, Yan Huo*, Liran Ma, Tao Jing, and Qinghe Gao, A Scheme for Trustworthy Friendly Jammer Selection in Cooperative Cognitive Radio Networks, IEEE Transactions on on Vehicular Technology, vol.68 (4), 2019, pp.3500-3512 Yan Huo*, Mi Xu, Xin Fan and Tao Jing, A novel secure relay selection strategy for energy-harvesting-enabled Internet of things, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, (2018) 2018:264 Tao Jing, Yu Pei, Bowu Zhang, Chunqiang Hu, Yan Huo*, Hui Li, and Yanfei Lu, An Efficient Anonymous Batch Authentication Scheme Based on Priority and Cooperation for VANETs, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, vol.2018, pp.277, Dec.2018 Yan Huo, Chengtao Yong, and Yanfei Lu, Re-ADP: Real-time Data Aggregation with Adaptive w-event Differential Privacy for Fog Computing, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, vol. 2018, pp. 1-13, 2018 Kaiwei Jiang, Tao Jing, Yan Huo, Fan Zhang, and Zhen Li, SIC-Based Secrecy Performance in Uplink NOMA Multi-Eavesdropper Wiretap Channels, IEEE Access, vol.6, pp.19664-19680, 2018 Tao Jing, Zhen Li, Liwen Jiang, and Yan Huo*, Preventing Eavesdropper by Artificial Noise in MIMO-OFDM Systems, Wireless Personal Communications, First online: 09 March 2018 Yan Huo, Yuqi Tian, Liran Ma, Xiuzhen Cheng, and Tao Jing, Jamming Strategies for Physical Layer Security, IEEE Wireless Communications, vol.25(1), pp.148-153, 2018 Chunqiang Hu, Hang Liu, Liran Ma, Yan Huo, Arwa Alrawais, Xiuhua Li, Hong Li, Qingyu Xiong, A Secure and Scalable Data Communication Scheme in Smart Grids, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, vol. 2018, pp. 1-17, 2018 Chengtao Yong, Yan Huo*, Chunqiang Hu, Yanfei Lu, Guanlin Jing, A Real-time Aggregate Data Publishing Scheme with Adaptive w-event Differential Privacy, Mathematical Foundations of Computing, vol. 1, No. 3, 2018 Yanfei Lu, Zihan Zhao, Bowu Zhang, Liran Ma, Yan Huo*, Guanlin Jing, A Context-Aware Budget-Constrained Targeted Advertising System for Vehicular Networks, IEEE Access, vol.6, pp. 8704-8713, 2018 Yanfei Lu, Xu Wang, Chunqiang Hu, Hui Li, Yan Huo, A Traceable Threshold Attribute-Based Signcryption for m-Healthcare Social Network, International Journal of Sensor Networks, vol. 26, No. 1, pp.43-53, 2018 Liang Huang, Xin Fan, Yan Huo*, Chunqiang Hu, Yuqi Tian, Jin Qian, A Novel Cooperative Jamming Scheme for Wireless Social Networks Without Known CSI, IEEE Access, vol. 5, pp. 26476-26486, 2017 Yan Huo, Yuqi Tian, Chunqiang Hu, Qinghe Gao, Tao Jing, A Location Prediction-based Helper Selection Scheme for Suspicious Eavesdroppers, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, vol. 2017, pp. 1-11, 2017 Yan Huo, Chunqiang Hu, Xiaowei Qi, and Tao Jing, LoDPD: A Location Difference-Based Proximity Detection Protocol for Fog Computing, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 4, no. 5, pp. 1117-1124, Oct. 2017 Yan Huo, Wei Dong, Jin Qian, and Tao Jing, Coalition Game-Based Secure and Effective Clustering Communication in VCPS, Sensors, Vol. 17, No. 3, pp.475, 2017 Yan Huo, Yanfei Lu, Jianmin Ren, and Tao Jing, Improved Predictive Contention Window-Based Broadcast Optimization Strategy in Vehicular Cyber-Physical System, International Journal of Sensor Networks, Vol. 25, No. 2, pp. 115-125, 2017 Yan Huo, Lingling Liu, Liran Ma, Wei Zhou, Xiuzhen Cheng, and Tao Jing, A Coalition Formation Game based Relay Selection Scheme for Cooperative Cognitive Radio Networks, ACM/Springer Wireless Networks, Vol. 23, No. 8, pp. 2533-2544, 2017 Chunqiang Hu, Yan Huo, Efficient Privacy-Preserving Dot-Product Computation for Mobile Big Data, IET Communications, Vol.11, No.5, 2017, pp. 704-712 Kaiwei Jiang, Tao Jing, Fan Zhang, Yan Huo, and Zhen. Li, ZF-SIC Based Individual Secrecy in SIMO Multiple Access Wiretap Channel, IEEE Access, vol. 5, pp. 7244-7253, 2017 Qinghe Gao, Yan Huo*, Liran Ma, Xiaoshuang Xing, Xiuzhen Cheng, Tao Jing, and Hang Liu, Joint design of jammer selection and beamforming for securing MIMO cooperative cognitive radio networks,IET Communications, vol. 11, no. 8, pp. 1264-1274, 2017 Fan Zhang, Tao Jing, Yan Huo, and Kaiwei Jiang, Throughput Optimization for Energy Harvesting Cognitive Radio Networks with Save-Then-Transmit Protocol, Computer Journal, Vol. 60, No. 6, 2017, pp.911-924 Fan Zhang, Tao Jing, Yan Huo, and Kaiwei Jiang, Outage Probability Minimization for Energy Harvesting Cognitive Radio Sensor Networks, Sensors, Vol. 17, No. 2, pp.1-23, 2017 Tao Jing, Yating Zhang, Zhen Li, and Yan Huo, DRL: A multi-factor mobility model in mobile social networks, Wireless Personal Communications, Vol. 95, No. 2, 2017 Tao Jing, Cheng Zeng, Jin Qian, Zhen Li, and Yan Huo, An Optimal Multiple Stopping Rule-Based Cooperative Downloading Scheme in Vehicular Cyber-physical Systems, International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, Vol. 13, No. 3, pp.1-13, 2017 Kaiwei Jiang, Tao Jing, Zhen Li, Yan Huo, and Fan Zhang, Individual secrecy of fading homogeneous multiple access wiretap channel with successive interference cancellation, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, Vol. 2017, No. 1, 165, 2017 Yan Huo, Yuejia Liu, Xiaoshuang Xing, Liran Ma, Xiuzhen Cheng, and Tao Jing, An Enhanced Low Overhead and Stable Clustering Scheme for Crossroads in VANETs, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, Vol. 2016, No. 1, pp.1-13, 2016 Yan Huo, Jinghao Qi, Zhen Li, and Tao Jing, APPOW: An Advanced Routing Protocol Based on Parameters Optimization in The Weighted Mobile Social Network, China Communications, Vol. 13, No. S1, pp. 107-115 Chunqiang Hu, Hongjuan Li, Yan Huo, Tao Xiang and Xiaofeng Liao, Secure and Efficient Data Communication Protocol for Wireless Body Area Networks, IEEE Transactions on Multi-Scale Computing Systems, Vol. 2, No. 2, 2016, pp.94-107 Tao Jing, Ping Lin, Yanfei Lu, Chunqiang Hu, and Yan Huo, FPODG: A Flexible and Private Proximity Testing Based on “One Degree” Grid, International Journal of Sensor Networks, Vol.20, No.3, pp. 199-207, 2016 Zhen Li, Tao Jing, Liran Ma, Yan Huo, and Jin Qian, Worst-Case Cooperative Jamming for Secure Communications in CIoT Networks, Sensors, Vol. 16, No. 3, pp.1-19, 2016 Zhen Li, Kaiwei Jiang, Tao Jing, Yan Huo, and Jin Qian, Fan Zhang, Achieving secure communications in multi-antenna cooperative cognitive radio networks using cooperative jamming, International Journal of Sensor Networks, Vol. 22, No. 2, pp. 100-110, 2016 Jin Qian, Tao Jing, Yan Huo, Hui Li, and Zhen Li, Energy-Efficient Data Dissemination Strategy for Roadside Infrastructure in VCPS, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, Vol. 2016, No. 6, pp. 1-13, 2016 Jin Qian, Tao Jing, Yan Huo, Hui Li, and Zhen Li, Efficient Evaluation of Member Cardinality in Cluster-based VCPS, International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, Vol. 12, No. 8, pp.1-13, 2016 Tao Jing, Xing Wei, Wei Cheng, Mingyang Guan, Liran Ma, Yan Huo, and Xiuzhen Cheng, An Efficient Scheme for Tag Information Update in RFID Systems on Roads, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 65, No. 4, pp. 2435-2445, 2015 Tao Jing, Shixiang Zhu, Hongjuan Li, Xiaoshuang Xing, Xiuzhen Cheng, Yan Huo, Rongfang Bie, and Znati, T, Cooperative Relay Selection in Cognitive Radio Networks, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 64, No. 5, pp. 1872-1881, 2015 Xiaoshuang Xing, Tao Jing, Wei Zhou, Xiuzhen Cheng, Yan Huo, and Hang Liu, Routing in user-centric networks, IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol. 52, No. 9, pp.44-51, 2014 Xiaoshuang Xing, Tao Jing, Hongjuan Li, Yan Huo, Xiuzhen Cheng, and Znati, T, Optimal Spectrum Sensing Interval in Cognitive Radio Networks, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Vol. 25, No. 9, pp. 1045-9219, 2014 Xiaoshuang Xing, Tao Jing, Wei Cheng, Yan Huo, and Xiuzhen Cheng, Spectrum Prediction in Cognitive Radio Networks, IEEE Wireless Communications, Vol. 20, No, 2, pp. 90-96, 2013 【部分会议文章】 Yingkun Wen, Yan Huo, Tao Jing, Qinghe Gao, A Reputation framework with Multiple-threshold Energy Detection in Wireless Cooperative Systems, IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 2020, Accepted Xin Fan, Yan Huo, Security Analysis of Cooperative Jamming in Internet of Things with Multiple Eavesdroppers, IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Waikoloa, HI, USA, December 9-13, 2019 Qianwen An, Tao Jing, Yingkun Wen, Zhuojun Duan, Yan Huo*, Decomposable Atomic Norm Minimization Channel Estimation for Millimeter Wave MIMO-OFDM Systems, The 14th International Conference on Wireless Algorithms, Systems, and Applications (WASA), 2019 Yihui Zhang, Xin Fan, Yan Huo*, Yanfei Lu, An Improved Off-grid Channel Estimation Scheme for Lens Antenna Arrays in mmWave Systems, 2019 International Conference on Identification, Information and Knowledge in the Internet of Things, IIKI 2019 Jingjing Fan, Yan Huo*, Xin Fan, Chunqiang Hu, Guanlin Jing, A Cooperative Jamming Based Secure Uplink Transmission Scheme for Heterogeneous Networks Supporting D2D Communications, The 13th International Conference on Wireless Algorithms, Systems, and Applications (WASA), 2018 Honghao Ma, Tao Jing, Fan Zhang, Xin Fan, Yanfei Lu, Yan Huo*, Throughput Analysis for Energy Harvesting Cognitive Radio Networks with Unslotted Users, The 13th International Conference on Wireless Algorithms, Systems, and Applications (WASA), 2018 Luwei Wei, Tao Jing, Xin Fan, Yingkun Wen, Yan Huo*, The Secrecy Analysis over Physical Layer in NOMA-enabled Cognitive Radio Networks, IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 2018 Mi Xu, Tao Jing, Xin Fan, Yingkun Wen, Yan Huo*, Secure Transmission Solutions in Energy Harvesting Enabled Cooperative Cognitive Radio Networks, IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), 2018 Kaiwei Jiang, Tao Jing, Zhen Li, Yan Huo, and Fan Zhang, Analysis of Secrecy Performance in Fading Multiple Access Wiretap Channel with SIC Receiver, International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), 2017 Yuqi Tian, Yan Huo*, Chunqiang Hu, Qinghe Gao, and Tao Jing, A Location Prediction-based Physical Layer Security Scheme for Suspicious Eavesdroppers," The 12th International Conference on Wireless Algorithms, Systems, and Applications (WASA), 2017 Chunqiang Hu, Yan Huo, Liran Ma, Hang Liu, Shaojiang Deng, and Liping Feng, An Attribute-Based Secure and Scalable Scheme for Data Communications in Smart Grids, The 12th International Conference on Wireless Algorithms, Systems, and Applications (WASA), 2017 Xin Fan, Liang Huang, Yan Huo, Chunqiang Hu, and Yuqi Tian, Space Power Synthesis-based Cooperative Jamming for Unknown Channel State Information," The 12th International Conference on Wireless Algorithms, Systems, and Applications (WASA), 2017 Fan Zhang, Tao Jing, Yan Huo, and Kaiwei Jiang, Throughput Maximization for Energy Harvesting Cognitive Radio Networks with Finite Horizon, WCSP'17 Wireless Networking Symposium, 2017 Qinghe Gao, Yan Huo*, Liran Ma, Xiaoshuang Xing, Xiuzhen Cheng, Tao Jing, and Hang Liu, Optimal Stopping Theory based Jammer Selection for Securing Cooperative Cognitive Radio Networks, IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 2016 Yan Huo, Xiangqian Li, Jin Qian, Liran Ma, and Zheng Xu, A Fuzzy Adaptive Data Fusion Strategy for Intelligent Vehicle Systems, IEEE International Conferences on Big Data and Cloud Computing (BDCloud), Social Computing and Networking (SocialCom), Sustainable Computing and Communications (SustainCom), 2016 Tao Jing, Yangyang Liu, Yan Huo, and Yingkun Wen, Home-based Multi-copy Routing in Mobile Social Networks, The 12th International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks (MSN), 2016 Jin Qian, Tao Jing, Yan Huo, Hui Li, Liran Ma, and Yanfei Lu, An Adaptive Beaconing Scheme based on Traffic Environment Parameters Prediction in VANETs, The 13th International Conference on Wireless Algorithms, Systems, and Applications (WASA), 2016 Jin Qian, Tao Jing, Yan Huo, Yikai Li, Wei Zhou, and Zhen Li, A Next-hop Selection Scheme Providing Long Path Lifetime in VANETs, IEEE 26th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications - (PIMRC), 2015 Yan Huo, Yuejia Liu, Xiaoshuang Xing, Liran Ma, Xiuzhen Cheng, and Tao Jing, A Low Overhead and Stable Clustering Scheme for Crossroads in VANETs, The 12th International Conference on Wireless Algorithms, Systems, and Applications (WASA), 2015 Zhen Li, Tao Jing, Xiuzhen Cheng, Yan Huo, Wei Zhou, and Dechang Chen, Cooperative Jamming for Secure Communications in MIMO Cooperative Cognitive Radio Networks, IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 2015 Qinghe Gao, Tao Jing, Xiaoshuang Xing, Xiuzhen Cheng, Yan Huo, and Dechang Chen, Simultaneous energy and information cooperation in MIMO cooperative cognitive radio systems, IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), 2015 专著/译著 荆涛, 卢燕飞, 霍炎, 多媒体通信, 科学出版社, 2012


IEEE Senior Member,IEEE Comsoc Member 中国通信学会高级会员 An associate editor for IEEE Access Local Organization Chair: WASA 2012 Industry Chair: WASA 2018 TPC Member (selected): IPCCC(2018), ICC(2018, 2016), GLOBECOM(2016), WASA(2012至2018), ICNC(2018), ISBRA(2017), IIKI(2017) Journal Referee (selected): IEEE Communications; IEEE Wireless Communications (WCM); IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (TWC); IEEE Wireless Communications Letters (WCL); IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC); IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (TITS); IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking (TCCN); IEEE System Journal; IEEE Access Guest Editor of special issue on Security and Privacy for Smart Cyber-Physical Systems for Hindawi Security and Communication Networks (SCN), 2018
