网络与通信概论 (全校任选课)
2010/7-至今 北京交通大学 电子信息工程学院 讲师/副教授
2001/9-2005/7 北京邮电大学 通信工程学院 学士
2005/9-2006/9 英国伦敦大学 电信工程专业 硕士
2006/9-2010/4 英国伦敦大学 通信与信息系统专业 博士
[1]张宏科,朱世佳,陈佳,董平,周三奇,曾宇晶,段璨然, 一体化标识网络与传统IPv4互联网互联互通的实现方法, 授权日:2013.12.4, 中国, 201110119454.7
国家重大专项(民口):基于IPv6的无线传感网的网络协议研发及验证 ,2012-01-01--2012-12-31,主持
1. 期刊论文
[1] Jia Chen, Ping Dong, Hongke Zhang, and Yujing Zeng. “A Routing Scalability Model for Core-Edge Separation Internet with Hybrid Routing”, IEEE Communications Letters, vol.15(10), pp.142-1144, 2011. (SCI)
[2] Jia Chen and Kit Wong. “Communication with causal CSI and controlled information outage”, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 8(5), pp.2221-2229, May 2009. (SCI)
[3] Jia Chen and Kai-Kit Wong.“ Power minimization of central Wishart MIMO block-fading channels”, IEEE Transactions on Communications, 57(4), pp.899-905, April 2009. (SCI)
[4] Jia Chen, Hongke Zhang, Huachun Zhou, Hongbin Luo. “Optimizing Content Routers Deployment in Large-scale Information Centric Core-edge Separation Internet”, International Journal of Communication Systems (Wiley), Wiley Online Library, DOI: 10.1002/dac.2580, June 2013. (SCI)
[5] Jia Chen, Hongke Zhang, Huachun Zhou. “Topology-Based Data Dissemination Approach in Large Scale Data Centric Networking Architecture”, China Communication, 10(9), pp.80-96, 2013. (SCI)
[6] Kai-Kit Wong and Jia Chen. “Near-optimal power allocation and multiuser scheduling with outage capacity constraints exploiting only channel statistics”, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 7(3), pp.812-818, March 2008. (SCI)
[7] Kai-Kit Wong and Jia Chen. “Time-division multiuser MIMO with statistical feedback, EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing: Special Issue on MIMO Transmission with Limited Feedback”, 2008(2008), pp1-4,2008. (SCI)
[8] Ping Dong, Jia Chen and Hongke Zhang. “A Network-based Localized Mobility Approach for Locator/ID Separation Protocol”, IEICE Transactions on Communications, E94B (6), pp.1536-1545, June 2011. (SCI)
[9] Kai Wang, Jia Chen, Huachun Zhou, Yajuan Qin and Hongke Zhang. “Modeling Denial-of-Service against Pending Interest Table in Named Data Networking”, International Journal of Communication Systems (Wiley). DOI: 10.1002/dac.2618 , 2013.(SCI)
[10] Jia Chen, Hongke Zhang. “Large Scale Content Delivery Efficiency of Information Centric Core edge Separation Internet, International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology”, 4(21), pp.582-591, 2012. (EI)
[11] Jia Chen, Jinjin Tian, Hongke Zhang. “ Modeling round trip time of large scale information centric networking”, Journal of Computational Information Systems, 9(7), pp. 2649-2658, 2013. (EI)
[12] Jia Chen, Nicholas Edwards, Hongke Zhang. “An Energy Efficient Uplink Scheduling Algorithm for WiMAX, Innovative Computing”, Information and Control Express Letters, 6(12), pp.3117-3124, 2012. (EI)
[13] Jia Chen, Kai-Kit Wong, Hongke Zhang. “An Energy Efficient Closed-form Power Allocation Scheme for MIMO Delay-limited Channels with Causal CSI, Innovative Computing”, Information and Control Express Letters, 6(11), pp.2861-2866, 2012. (EI)
2. 会议论文
[1] Jia Chen, Huachun Zhou, Hongke Zhang. “Dynamic Interest Transmission Scheme in Content Centric Networking with Name Mapping. (DITNM)IEEE ICC , 2014.6.10-14, Sydney, Australia, 2014. (ISTP)
[2] Jia Chen and Kai-Kit Wong. “Improving energy efficiency for multiuser MIMO systems with effective capacity constraints”, 69th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference(IEEE-VTC), 2009.4.26-29, 5pp, Barcelona, Spain, 2009(EI)
[3] Jia Chen and Kai-Kit Wong, “An energy-saving QoS-based resource allocation for multiuser TDMA systems with causal CSI’’, IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference(GLOBECOM 2008), 2008.11.30-12.4, 5 pp, New Orleans, USA.2008 (EI)
[4] Jia Chen and Yang Yang, “Multi-hop delay performance in wireless mesh networks”, IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference(GLOBECOM 2006), 2006.11.25-28, pp.160-168, San Francisco, USA. (EI)
[5] Kai Wang, Huachun Zhou, Yajuan Qin, Jia Chen, Hongke Zhang. “Decoupling Malicious Interests from Pending Interest Table to Mitigate Interest Flooding Attacks”, IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM), 2013/12/9-2013/12/13, 2013, (ISTP)
[6] Kai Wang, Huachun Zhou, Jia Chen, Yajuan Qin. “Router-based Data Aggregates Identification Mechanism for Named Data Networking”, 2013 Seventh International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing(IMIS-2013), 3-5 July 2013 ,pp.116-121, Taichung, Taiwan,2013 (EI)
[7] Sanqi Zhou, Jia Chen. “Reducing Complexity of Network Configuration”, 2011 International Conference on Advanced Intelligence and Awareness Internet(AIAI2011), October 28, 2011 - October 30, 2011, pp.81-87, Shenzhen, China ,2011(EI)
[8] Sanqi Zhou; Jia Chen; Hongbin Luo. “Approximate Load Balance based on I D/Locator Split Routing Architecture” , World Congress on Information and Communication Technologies (WICT), OCT 30-NOV 02, 2012 ,pp.981-986 ,Trivandrum, INDIA,2012(ISTP)