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教育背景 1982年毕业于 北京交通大学有线通信专业, 获工学学士学位; 1989年毕业于 北京交通大学自动控制专业, 获工学硕士学位; 2004年毕业于 北京交通大学通信与信息系统专业, 获工学博士学位. 工作经历 1982.7~至今,北京交通大学电子信息工程学院从事教学、科研工作.


信息网络 电子与通信工程(专业学位)

软件著作权 1. 刘云、邓磊、李守鹏、刘晖 ,一种通过网络用户建模的观点预测方法,中国, 中华人民中华人民共和国国家知识产权局, 专利号:201210442535.5. 2. 刘云、廉捷、曹伟 ,一种基于新浪微博的用户等级排序算法,中国, 中华人民中华人民共和国国家知识产权局, 专利号:201210109215.8. 3. 刘云,刘晨旭,曾庆安,张振江,程紫尧,邓磊,马腾,一种能够在智能电网中应用的负载动态控制和分析方法,中国, 中华人民中华人民共和国国家知识产权局, 专利号:201210431915.9. 4. 刘云,熊菲,朱江,张振江,程军军,王星,一种基于多元特征的微博信息传播行为预测方法及系统,中国, 中华人民中华人民共和国国家知识产权局, 专利号: 2011 1 0363961.5. 5. 刘云,韩少春,张振江,程辉,基于向量空间模型的重入网分析方法,中国, 中华人民中华人民共和国国家知识产权局, 专利号:2011 1 0318477.0. 6. 吴世忠、邓磊、刘云 ,网络观点传播与预测方法,中国, 中华人民中华人民共和国国家知识产权局, 专利号:201310086913.5. 7. 吴世忠、程军军、刘云、张振江,自适应在线社交网络热点话题趋势预测方法及系统, 中国, 中华人民共和国国家知识产权局, 专利号:201210114150.6 . 专利 基于网络拓扑的主题信息采集方法 基于节点梯次移动的新型无线传感器网络节能路由算法 基于网络结构用户行为模式的信息跟踪与检测方法及系统 一种基于时间序列的网络舆情预测方法 一种对等网搜索方法 一种用于信息加密的公钥加密方法 一种覆盖网络组播协议技术 一种覆盖网络组播下视频点播实现方法 一种Wi-Fi网络中移动IP的非均匀切换检测方法 科研项目 1. 北京市教委:社交网络用户行为感知及舆论突变模式研究,2016-05-01--2018-04-30,参加 2. 北京市教委:无线传感器网络安全信息融合关键技术研究,2015-05-06--2016-05-07,参加 3. 北京市教委:社交网络话题发现及观点演进趋势感知方法研究,2014-04-21--2015-04-20,主持 4. 其他部市:信息安全技术-移动互联网安全审计技术规范,2013-10-01--2014-10-31,主持 5. 红果园省部级"企事业":网络“放大器”问题研究,2014-09-30--2015-10-31,主持 6. 国家自然科学基金“面上”:互联网用户偏好描述方法、形成机制与演化模式研究,2013-01-01--2016-12-31,参加 7. 国家自然科学基金“面上”:在线社交网络舆论传播演化模式及热点预测方法研究2012-01-01--2015-12-31,主持 8. 北京交大创新科技中心:贵州移动2013年网关支撑直放站监管系统维保服务项目,2013-01-01--2013-12-31,主持 9. 北京市教委:首都互联网中微博和即时通信网络舆情关键技术研究,2012-01-01--2012-12-31,主持 10. 北京交大创新科技中心:贵州移动2012年网关支撑直放站监管系统维保服务项目,2012-01-01--2012-12-31,主持 11. 红果园:网络舆情关键技术研究,2012-10-01--2013-09-30,主持 12. 北京市科委:微博内容感知及用户行为挖掘平台的研究,2012-07-01--2013-12-31,,主持 13. 北京交通大学:北京地铁13号线土建设施档案管理系统,2011-11-16--2012-08-15,主持 14. 红果园:微博等网络即时信息监测方法研究,2011-12-01--2012-12-31,主持 15. 北京交大创新科技中心:贵州移动2011年网关支撑直放站监管系统维保服务项目,2011-08-15--2012-12-31,主持 16. 北京市自然基金“面上”:网络社区舆论趋势预测与观点演化机制研究 ,2011-01-01--2013-12-31,主持 17. 北京交通大学:北京地铁资源统一编码及接口规范研究,2011-07-01--2011-12-31,主持 18. 红果园(横):网络式软件可信性测试,2011-06-01--2011-12-31,主持 19. 国际合作:用户行为分析系统的研究,2011-04-01--2012-04-01,主持 20. 科技部“863”:轨道交通CPS系统的感知、运行和安全技术应用验证(安全性度量与评估模型),2011-01-01--2012-12-31,主持 21. 博士点基金:个体交互与舆论引导对网络情传播影响的研究,2011-01-01--2013-12-31,主持 22. 其它部市:新技术新应用安全问题战略对策研究——网络话题与群体结构分析技术研究,2010-12-01--2011-12-31,主持 23. 北京市科委:北京轨道交通技术服务创新模式研究,2010-08-02--2010-12-31,主持


查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1. 张海峰,熊菲,刘云,赵涵捷.Modeling and Analysis of Information Dissemination in Online Social Networks. Journal of Internet Technology,2015,1(16) 2. 熊菲,刘云,张海峰.Multi-source information diffusion in online social networks. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment,2015,P07008(2015) 3. 马腾,刘云,付俊松.Forest Fire Monitoring Based on Mixed Wireless Sensor Networks. International Journal of Smart Home,2015,No.3 (Vol.9) 4. 马腾,刘云,付俊松.A Reliable Information Fusion Algorithm for Reputation Based Wireless Sensor Networks. International Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking,2015,No.1(Vol.8) 5. 马腾,刘云,张振江.An energy-efficient reliable trust-based data aggregation protocol for wireless sensor networks. International Journal of Control and Automation,2015,No.3(Vol.8) 6. 付俊松,刘云,赵涵捷.ICA: An Incremental Clustering Algorithm Based on OPTICS. Wireless Personal Communications,2015,Special Issue(Special Issue) 7. 付俊松,刘云.Random and Directed Walk-Based Top- ࢑Queries in Wireless Sensor Networks. Sensors,2015,2015(15) 8. 张致远,刘云.A Weighted Method to Update Network User Preference Profile Dynamically. International Journal of Interdisciplinary Telecommunications and Networking,2014,2(6) 9. 特里斯当,刘云,张振江.GABs: A Game-Based Secure and Energy Efficient Data Aggregation for Wireless Sensor Networks. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks,2015,2015 (658543) 10. 刘云,夏坤鹏,赵建勋.A SVM-based IDS Alarms Filtering Method. International Journal of Security & Its Applications,2014,5(8) 11. 苑卫国,刘云.A mixing evolution model for bidirectional microblog user networks. PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS,2015,P07008(432) 12. 李超然,刘云.SRDA: Smart Reputation-Based Data Aggregation Protocol for Wireless Sensor Network. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks,2015,2015(2015) 13. 吴晓阳,刘云,顾庆宜,郑凤霞.A New Method of Subway Tunnel Crack Image Compression Based on ROI and Motion Estimation. Journal of Computers,2015,No.2(Vol.26) 14. 江洁,刘云,宋福星,杜荣浩,黄梦森.The Routing Algorithm Based on Fuzzy Logic Applied to the Individual Physiological Monitoring Wearable Wireless Sensor Network. Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering,2015,2015(2015) 15. 付俊松,刘云.Double Cluster Heads Model for Secure and Accurate Data Fusion in Wireless Sensor Networks. Sensors,2015,1(15) 16. 陈乃月,刘云,张振江.A Forcasting System of Micro-Blog Public Opinion based on Artificial Neural Network. journal of internet technology,2015,6(16) 17. 亓大鹏,刘云,顾庆宜,郑凤霞.An Algorithm to Detect the Crack in the Tunnel Based on the Image Processing . Journal of Computers,2015,No.3(Vol.26) 18. 刘云,张彦超,行新香.Opinion Interaction Model of the Bounded Rationality Individual with Credibility. JOURNAL OF INTERNET TECHNOLOGY,2015,4(16) 19. 张致远,刘云,徐冠东,罗贵珣.Recommendation using DMF-based fine tuning method. Journal of Intelligent Information Systems,2016,131(46) 20. 刁苏蒙,刘云,曾庆安.Empirical Analysis of Relationship-based User Reposting Behavior on Microblog Network. International Journal of Interdisciplinary Telecommunications and Networking,2015,3(7) 21. 程紫尧,刘云,张真诚,张世昌.A Practical Secure Chaos-Based Group Key Agreement Protocol Suitable for Distributed Network Environment. International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control,2013,9(5) 22. 邢捷,毕红军,刘云.research on security threat assessment method based on the attack tree model of the internet of things. Journal of Convergence Information Technology ,2013, 8(3) 23. 刘彦伟,王根英,刘云.QR码信息加密的研究与实现. 铁路计算机应用,2013,11(21) 24. 陈东,刘云,张振江.The Design of an Information Monitoring Platform Based on a WSN for a Metro Station. HumanCom and EMC 2013,2013,台湾 25. 王琪,刘云,曹伟.A Novel Clustering Based Collaborative Filtering Recommendation System Algorithm. HumanCom and EMC 2013,2013,台湾 26. 王星,刘云,熊菲.Research on Micro-Blog Information Perception and Mining Platform. HumanCom and EMC 2013,2013,台湾 27. 周欣,刘云,行新香.A New Algorithm for Personalized Recommendations in Community Networks. HumanCom and EMC 2013,2013,台湾 28. 付慧蕾,刘云,张振江.Hybrid Data Fusion Method Using Bayesian Estimation and Fuzzy Cluster Analysis for WSN. HumanCom and EMC 2013,2013,台湾 29. 张振江,刘云,揭骏仁.Improved Multi-dimensional Top-k Query Processing Based on Data Prediction in Wireless Sensor Networks. HumanCom and EMC 2013,2013,台湾 30. 苑卫国,刘云.Empirical Analysis of User Life Span in Microblog. HumanCom and EMC 2013,2013,台湾 31. 丁锟,刘云,刘林.A LDoS Detection Method Based on Packet Arrival Time. HumanCom and EMC 2013,2013,台湾 32. 王一村,刘云,李维杰.A Forecast Method for Network Security Situation Based on Fuzzy Markov Chain. HumanCom and EMC 2013,2013,台湾 33. 刘云,陈海强.IT Architecture of Multiple Heterogeneous Data. HumanCom and EMC 2013,2013,台湾 34. 陈永波,刘云,周欣.Design and Implementation of a LBS General Website Content Extract System for Android. HumanCom and EMC 2013,2013,台湾 35. 李超然,刘云.ESMART: Energy-Efficient Slice-Mix-Aggregate for Wireless Sensor Network. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks,2013,2013(2013) 36. 付俊松,张振江,刘云.一种轨道交通新型无线传感器网络能量有效覆盖算法RTST的研究与仿真. 铁道学报,2014,2014年1期(36) 37. 熊菲,刘云.Opinion formation on social media: An empirical approach. Chaos,2014,1(24) 38. 熊菲,刘云,朱江.Competition of Dynamic Self-Confidence and Inhomogeneous Individual Influence in Voter Models. Entropy,2013,12(15) 39. 温源,刘云,张振江,熊菲,曹伟.Compare two community-based personalized information recommendation algorithms. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications,2014, Volume 398( Volume 398) 40. 温源,刘云,曹伟.A Network-Based Objects Recommendation Algorithm via Improved Similarity Model. Information Technology Journal,2014,13(13) 41. 苑卫国,刘云,程军军.微博网络中用户特征量和增长率分布的研究. 计算机学报,2014,4(37) 42. 熊菲,刘云,王星,贾凡.Kinetic exchange opinion model with dynamic individual influence. 2013 5th International Conference on Advanced Computer Control,2014,Singapore 43. 张文宇,张振江,亓大鹏,刘云.Automatic Crack Detection and Classification Method for Subway Tunnel Safety Monitoring. SENSORS,2014,14(10) 44. 张振江,揭骏仁,郝梓萁,刘云.Improved Multi-dimensional Top-k Query Processing Based On Data Prediction in Wireless Sensor Networks. Journal of Internet Technology,2014,3(15) 45. 邱慧淮,刘云,张振江,罗贵珣.An Improved Collaborative Filtering Recommendation Algorithm for Microblog Based on Community Detection. 2014 Tenth International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing,2014,日本 46. 吴晓阳,刘云,亓大鹏,张振江.A New Method of Subway Tunnel Crack Image Compression Based on ROI and Motion Estimation. 2014 Tenth International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing,2014,日本九州岛 47. 刘云,李晓娴,赵冰.Research on Topic Detection Strategy Based on Extension of Comments and HowNet Lexeme. 2014 Tenth International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing,2014,九州岛 48. 刁苏蒙,刘云,曾庆安,罗贵珣,熊菲.A novel opinion dynamics model based on expanded observation ranges and individuals’ social influences in social networks. Physica A,2014,1(415) 49. 罗贵珣,刘云,曾庆安,刁苏蒙,熊菲.A dynamic evolution model of human opinion as affected by advertising. Physica A,2014,1(414) 50. 沈波,刘云,付俊松. An Integrated Model for Robust Multisensor Data Fusion. Sensors,2014,10(14) 51. 沈波,刘云. An Efficient Intra Prediction Algorithm for H.264/AVC High Profile. Journal of Computers,2014,1(25) 52. 刁苏蒙,刘云,曹伟,穆海冰.Following relationship based empirical analysis of microblog user reposting behavior. Proceedings of the 2013 5th International Conference on Advanced Computer Control,2014,新加坡 53. 亓大鹏,刘云,吴晓阳,张振江.An Algorithm to Detect the Crack in the Tunnel Based on the Image Processing. 2014 Tenth International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing,2014,日本九州岛 54. 杨旭,张振江,刘云.A Real-Time push system on road traffic information. WIT Transactions on Information and Communication Technologies,2014,59(59) 55. 孙凌,刘云,熊菲.A novel rumor diffusion model considering the effect of truth in online social media. International Journal of Modern Physics C,2014,Issue 07(Volume 26) 56. 熊菲,刘云,张振江.Correlation between information diffusion and opinion evolution on social media. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment,2014,12026(2014) 57. 马腾,刘云,曾庆安.The Impact of Electromagnetic Radiation on Human Body in Mobile Communication Systems. International Journal of Mobile Network Design and Innovation,2014,No.3(Vol.5)
