国际学术期刊 (SCI检索)[注:星号*标记的是通讯作者]
W. Wang, Y. Fan*, L. Li. Wave mode transducers for selectively exciting and sensing the guided waves: design approaches and experimental validation. Structural Health Monitoring, under review.
A. Li, Y. Fan*, Y. Wu, L. Li. Retuning the Disordered Periodic Structures by Sorting Unit Cells: Numerical Analyses and Experimental Studies. Journal of Sound and Vibration, under review.
A. Li, Y. Wu, Y. Fan*, L. Li. Sorting strategy to retune the disordered periodic structures regarding vibration reduction in band gaps. Frontiers In Mechanical Engineering, 202208. (Q3)
Y. Fan, Y. Hu, Y. Wu*, L. Li. On the Mechanism of the Interconnected Synchronized Switch Damping Network for the Vibration Control of Blades. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics in press. (Q1)
Y. Wu, H.Wang, Y. Fan*, L. Li. On the Network of Synchronized Switch Damping for Blisks. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 184 (2023): 109695. (Q1)
L. Xin, Y Fan*, L. Li, X. Yu. Improving Aeroelastic Stability of Bladed Disks with Topologically Optimized Piezoelectric Materials and Intentionally Mistuned Shunt Capacitance. Aerospace. 9 (2022) 265. (Q1)
W. Wang, Y. Fan*, L. Li. A homogenization modeling approach for single-stage stator based on the guided waves. Propulsion and Power Research. Under review.
Y. Wu, Y. Fan*, L. Li. Nonlinear Modal Electromechanical Coupling Factor for Piezoelectric Structures Containing Nonlinearities. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics. in press. (Q1)
W. Wang, Y. Fan*, L. Li. Extending Zhong-Williams Scheme to Solve Repeated-Root Wave Modes. Journal of Sound and Vibration. 2022, 519: 116584. (Q1)
L. Xin, Y Fan*, L. Li, X. Yu. Improving Aeroelastic Stability of Bladed Disks with Topologically Optimized Piezoelectric Materials and Intentionally Mistuned Shunt Capacitance. Materials, 2022, 15 (4): 1309. (Q1)
Y. Wu, Y. Fan*, L. Li, Z. M. Zhao. On the Performance of Wavy Dry Friction and Piezoelectric Hybrid Flexible Dampers. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power,2021, 143: 12. (Q3)
Y. Wu, L. Li, Y. Fan*, H. Ma, S. Zucca, M. Gloa. Design of wave-like dry friction and piezoelectric hybrid dampers for thin-wall structures. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2021, 493: 115821. (Q1)
H. Ma, L. Li, Y. Wu*, Y. Fan, Q. Gao. Design of dry friction dampers for thin-walled structures by an accelerated dynamic Lagrange method. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2020, 489: 115550. (Q1)
Y. Wu, L. Li, Y. Fan*, S. Zucca, C. Gastaldi, H. Ma. Design of dry friction and piezoelectric hybrid ring dampers for integrally bladed disks based on complex nonlinear modes, Computers & Structures, 2020, 233: 106237. (Q1)
F. Zhang, L. Li, Y. Fan*, J. Liu. Dual-connected Synchronized Switch Damping for Vibration Control of Bladed Disks in Aero-engines. Applied Sciences, 2020, 10(4): 1478. (Q2)
W. Wang, L. Li, Y. Fan*, Z. Jiang. Piezoelectric transducers for structural health monitoring of joint structures in cylinders: a wave-based design approach. Sensors, 2020, 20(3): 601. (Q1)
Y. Wu, L. Li, Y. Fan*, Q. Gao. A linearised analysis for structures with synchronized switch damping. IEEE Access, 7 (2019), 133668-133685. (Q1)
Y. Wu, L. Li, Y. Fan*, H. Ma, W. Wang, J.-L. Christen, M. Ichchou. Design of semi-active dry friction dampers for steady-state vibration: sensitivity analysis and experimental studies. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2019, 114850. (Q1)
Y. Fan, C. Zhou, J. P. Laine, M. Ichchou, L. Li*. Model reduction schemes for the wave and finite element method using the free modes of a unit cell. Computers & Structures, 197 (2018): 42-57. (Q1)
Y. Fan, M. Collet, M. Ichchou, O. Bareille, L. Li*. Wave electromechanical coupling factor for the guided waves in piezoelectric composites. Materials, 8(2018): 1406. (Q1)
L. Li, J. Liu, Y. Fan*, P. Deng. Research on the vibration suppression of a mistuned blisk by piezoelectric network. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 31 (2018): 286-300. (Q1)
J. Liu, L. Li, Y. Fan*, P. Deng. A comparison between the friction and piezoelectric synchronized switch dampers for blisks. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 29(2018): 2693-2705. (Q2)
L Li, Z. Jiang, Y. Fan*, J. Li. Creating the coupled band gaps in piezoelectric composite plates by interconnected electric impedance. Materials, 9(2018): 1431. (Q1)
J. Liu, L. Li, Y. Fan*, X. Huang. A modified nonlinear modal synthesis scheme for mistuned blisks with synchronized switch damping. International Journal of Aerospace Engineering, (2018): 8517890. (Q3)
Y. Fan, M. Collet, M. Ichchou*, L. Li, O. Bareille, Z. Dimitrijevic. Enhanced wave and finite element method for wave propagation and forced response prediction in periodic piezoelectric structures. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 30 (2017): 75–87. (Q1)
Y. Fan, M. Collet, M. Ichchou*, L. Li, O. Bareille, Z. Dimitrijevic. A wave-based design of semi-active piezoelectric composites for broadband vibration control. Smart Materials and Structures, 25 (2016): 55032. (Q1)
Y. Fan, M. Collet, M. Ichchou*, L. Li, O. Bareille, Z. Dimitrijevic. Energy flow prediction in built-up structures through a hybrid finite element/wave and finite element approach. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 66–67 (2016): 137–158. (Q1)
L. Li*, P. Deng, Y. Fan. Dynamic characteristics of a cyclic-periodic structure with a piezoelectric network. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 28 (2015): 1426–1437. (Q1)
F. Xiao, Y. Wu*, Y. Fan et al. A Linearization Method Based on 3d Contact Model for the Steady-State Response Analysis Towards Complex Engineering Structures Containing Friction. ASME 2022 Turbo Expo, Paper ID: GT2022-82413.
Y. Hu, Y. Wu*, Y. Fan et al. Feasibility Analysis of the Rotor Elastic Support With Piezoelectric Damping. ASME 2022 Turbo Expo, Paper ID: GT2022-81683.
X. Qian, Y. Fan* et al. The Consistency of Helicopter "Ground Resonance" and a Type of Rotor Instability. ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, IMECE2021-70169.
Q. Gao, Y. Wu*, Y. Fan et al. A Numerical Method for Calculating Nonlinear Resonance Response Surface Based on Nonlinear Modes, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, IMECE2021-70093.
J. Shi, Y. Fan* et al. Topological Optimization of Piezoelectric Materials for the Control of Wave Propagation in Periodic Structures. ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, IMECE2021-70964.
Y. Wu, Y. Fan* et al. On the Performance of Wave-Like Dry Friction and Piezoelectric Hybrid Flexible Dampers, ASME 2021 Turbo Expo, Paper ID: GT2021-5881.
Y. Fan, Y. Wu* et al. Topological Optimization of Piezoelectric Transducers for Vibration Reduction of Bladed Disks, ASME 2021 Turbo Expo, Paper ID: GT2021-59461.
F. Zhang, L. Li, Y. Fan*, J. Liu. Numerical analysis and experimental verification of synchronized switching damping systems. ASME SMASIS2019, Louisville, USA, Paper ID: SMASIS2019-5570.
W. Wang, L. Li, Y. Fan*. Piezoelectric wave-mode transducers for structural health monitoring of joint structure in cylinders. GPPS Beijing Conference 2019, Beijing, Paper ID: GPPS-BJ-2019-161.
L. Li, Y. Wu, Y. Fan*. Feasibility research on coupled friction/piezoelectric dampers, ASME SMASIS2018, San Antonio, USA, Paper ID: SMASIS2018-7933.
L. Li, Z. Jiang, Y. Fan*, J. Li. Coupled band gaps in the piezoelectric composite plate with interconnected electric impedance, ASME SMASIS2018, San Antonio, USA, SMASIS2018-7948.
L. Li, X. Liu, Y. Fan*, P. Deng. Improving the aero-elastic stability of bladed disks through parallel piezoelectric network, AIAA Propulsion and Energy Forum 2018, Cincinnati, USA, Paper ID: 2941096.
Y. Wu, Y. Fan*, L. Li, J. Liu. Sensitivity Analysis and Design of an Open-Loop Active Normal Force for Dry Friction Dampers, ASME SMASIS2017, Snowbird, USA, Paper ID: SMASIS2017-3746.
Y. Fan, L. Li*. Vibration Dissipation Characteristics of Symmetrical Piezoelectric Networks With Passive Branches, ASME Turbo Expo 2012, Copenhagen, Denmark, Paper ID: GT2012-69208.
中文学术期刊 (EI检索)[注:星号*标记的是通讯作者]
曾振坤, 张大义*, 范雨, 张辉, 陈璐璐. 碰摩引发的增压级转静耦合振动特性分析方法. 航空动力学报, 2022, 待刊.
孙业凯, 吴亚光*, 王兴, 范雨, 袁杰, 张大义. 叶片/叶盘摩擦阻尼结构的非线性模态分析综述, 航空动力学报, 2022, 待刊.
范雨, 钱鑫, 吴亚光*, 张辉, 陈璐璐. 航空发动机转/静子加筋调频设计方法, 航空动力学报, 2022, 待刊.
范雨, 刘鑫, 李琳*. 人为失谐改善叶盘气弹稳定性机理的定量分析, 航空动力学报, 2022, 待刊.
姜周, 范雨*,李琳, 石佳慧. 基于禁带机理的加筋板减振设计方法, 航空学报, 2022, 待刊.
李琳, 高钱, 吴亚光*, 范雨. 考虑参数关联的缘板阻尼器减振性能分析, 航空动力学报, 2021, 36(8).
高钱, 李琳, 吴亚光*, 范雨. 考虑盘片耦合的缘板阻尼器减振性能分析方法, 推进技术, 2022, 43(07).
姜周, 李琳, 范雨*, 王文君. 压电周期板中耦合禁带影响规律分析. 北航学报, 2021, 47(7).
李琳, 张凤玲, 范雨*. 压电网络用于叶盘结构减振的机理. 航空动力学报, 2020,35(5).
李琳, 田开元, 范雨*, 马皓晔. 基于拓扑优化的叶盘压电阻尼器性能研究.推进技术, 2020, 41(8).
马皓晔, 李琳, 范雨*, 吴亚光. 基于加速动态拉格朗日法的摩擦片阻尼分析.航空学报, 2019, 40(12).
李琳, 马皓晔, 范雨*, 田开元. 用于叶片减振的压电材料分布拓扑优化. 航空动力学报, 2019, 34(2).
李琳, 薛铮, 范雨*. 压电纤维材料驱动下复合板扭曲变形效率分析. 北航学报, 2018, 44(2).
李琳*, 邓鹏程, 李超, 范雨. 双周期压电网络用于叶盘结构振动抑制的研究.推进技术, 2016, 37(1).
郭雪莲, 范雨, 李琳*. 航空发动机叶片高频模态阻尼的实验测试方法. 航空动力学报, 2014, 29(9).
范雨, 戴光昊, 李琳*. 多界面干摩擦系统的减振特性及设计方法研究. 工程力学, 2014(3).
李琳*, 范雨, 戴光昊. 二自由度扭转干摩擦系统的频域响应计算方法. 航空动力学报, 2013, 28(4).
李琳*, 范雨. 基于疲劳寿命理论的膜盘联轴器型面设计. 北航学报, 2010, 36(12).