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张伟昊,博士,副教授,博导,流体机械系副主任,航空发动机气动热力国家级重点实验室。2013年6月获流体机械及工程工学博士学位,师从陈懋章院士和邹正平教授,2013年6月起进入北京航空航天大学力学博士后流动站工作,合作导师为李椿萱院士,2014年5月至2015年5月赴香港大学机械工程系从事研究工作。 获优秀青年教师、优秀导师、优秀实习指导教师等奖励,担任Journal of Hydrodynamics(SCI Q2区)期刊编委,为美国机械工程师学会(American Society of Mechanical Engineers,ASME)会员,英国机械工程师学会(Institution of Mechanical Engineers,IMechE)会员,中国航空学会会员,为Applied energy、Aerospace Science and Technology、International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer、Applied Acoustics、Advances in Mechanical Engineering、 Journal of Mechanics等SCI检索国际学术期刊和《航空学报》、《航空动力学报》、《推进技术》、《实验流体力学》等中文EI期刊审稿人。




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Axial Turbine Aerodynamics for Aero-engines: Flow Analysis and Aerodynamics Design.[专著],2018 邹正平, 王松涛, 刘火星, 杨策,张伟昊.航空燃气轮机涡轮气体动力学: 流动机理及气动设计.[专著] The development and applications of a loading distribution based tip leakage loss model for unshrouded gas turbines:ASME Journal of Turbomachinery,2020,142(1) Energy dissipation analysis based on velocity gradient tensor decomposition.[专著]:Physics of Fluids,32(3) Zhang W., Liu H, Zou Z.,Liang Y..Experimental investigation on the effects of wake passing frequency on boundary layer transition in high-lift low-pressure turbines et al., Zhang W.*, Li Y., F., Shao, Z.*,Zou.Dominant flow structure in the squealer tip gap and its impact on turbine aerodynamic performance Li W., Zhou Y., Liu H., Pan S., Zou Z.,Zhang W..Impact of stagger angle nonuniformity on turbine aerodynamic performance Lei W., Ye J., Lei Q., Zou Z.,Zhang W..Effects of Freestream Turbulence on Separated Boundary Layer in a Low-Re High-Lift LP Turbine Blade Wang P., Zhang W.*, Liu J.,Zou Z..Shroud Leakage Flow Models and a Multi-Dimensional Coupling CFD Method for Shrouded Turbines Ye J., Zou Z.,Zhang W..Leading-edge redesign of a turbomachinery blade and its effect on aerodynamic performance
