Ye Tao and LongZhao. A Novel System for WiFi Radio Map Automatic Adaptation and IndoorPositioning. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2018, 67(11):10683-10692.(SCI:4.432)
ZhangQieqie, Zhao Luodi, Zhao Long, Zhou Jianhua. An ImprovedRobust Adaptive Kalman Filter for GNSS Precise Point Positioning . IEEESENSORS JOURNAL, 2018, 18(10): 4176-4186 (SCI:2.617)
赵龙, 陶冶. 基于WiFi指纹库的室内定位研究进展和展望[J].导航定位与授时,2018, 5(3): 6-13
QieqieZhang, Long Zhao, Jianhuan Zhou. A weighting method for code andphase observations in Precise point positioning [C]. IEEE/CSAA Guidance,Navigation and Control Conference, 2018, Xiamen, China.(EI)
JingyunDuo, Long Zhao, Jianing Mao. Sliding window based monocular SLAM usingnonlinear optimization[A]. Chinese Intelligent Systems Conference[C]. 2018,519-529(EI)
Ye Tao, Long Zhao, Qieqie Zhang and Zhipeng Chen. Wi-FiFingerprint Database Refinement Method and Performance Analysis. proceeding inUbiquitous Positioning, Indoor Navigation and Location-Based Services, 2018.(EI)
Zhipeng Chen, Long Zhao, Xiao Liu, Ye Tao. PseudoliteLayout Strategy for Beidou Satellite Navigation System Based on ModifiedDifferential Evolution Algorithm[C]. Advances in the Astronautical Sciences,2018, V165: 739-752.
陈志鹏, 赵龙, 刘萧, 陶冶. 基于“一带一路”区域服务性能提升的北斗卫星导航系统组网方案分析[C]. 第九届中国卫星导航学术年会论文集, 2018.
Jingyun Duo,Pengfeng Chen,Long Zhao. LCO: A robust and efficientlocal descriptor for image matching. AEU - International Journal of Electronicsand Communications, 2017, 72: 234:242.(SCI:2.115)
Nan Gao,MengYuan Wang, Long Zhao. A novel robustKalman filter on AHRS in the magnetic distortion environment. Advancesin Space Research, 2017, 60(12): 2630-2636.(SCI:1.529)
QieqieZhang, Long Zhao, Jianhua Zhou. A real-time airborne terrain aidedinertial navigation system and its performance analysis. Advances in SpaceResearch, 2017, 60(12): 2651-2762.(SCI:1.529)
刘萧, 赵鹤, 赵龙. 北斗首颗备份卫星性能初步分析[J] . 中国空间科学技术, 2017, 37(6): 82-88
JingyunDuo, Long Zhao. A robust and efficient airborne scene matching algorithmfor UAV navigation[A]. International Conference on Communication Software andNetworks[C]. IEEE Computer Society, 2017: 1337-1342.(EI)
Guang Yang,Zhao long. Optimal Hand-Eye Calibration of IMU and Camera[A]. IEEEChinese Automation Congress[C]. Proceedings - 2017 Chinese Automation Congress,IEEE, 2017, 2017-1: 1023-1028. December 29, 2017 (EI)
QieqieZhang, Long Zhao. Selection method of terrain matching area for TERCOMalgorithm[C]. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for OpticalEngineering, 2017, 10458:1-4, Beijing, China, 2017.7. (EI)
YacongWang, Long Zhao. Hand-Eye Calibration of IMU and Camera without ExternalEquipments[A]// The Chinese Intelligent Systems Conference (CISC)[C]. 2017.749-761(EI)
BoxiongHan, Long Zhao. An indoor positioning algorithm based on Wi-Fifingerprint and inertial navigation system[C]// 36th Chinese Control Conference(CCC), 2017 :6067-6072(EI)
BoxiongHan, Long Zhao. An Indoor Positioning and Navigation TechniqueBased on Wi-Fi Fingerprint and Environment Information[C]// China SatelliteNavigation Conference. Springer, Singapore, 2017:381-393.(EI)
JingyunDuo, Long Zhao. UAV autonomous navigation system for GNSS invalidation [C].Proceedings of the 36th Chinese Control Conference, 2017, 5777-5782.(EI)
Z. F. He,and L. Zhao. Internal Model Control/Backstepping Sliding Model Controlfor Quadrotor Trajectory Tracking[C]. Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE 2ndInformation Technology, Networking, Electronic and Automation ControlConference, 2017: 1254-1258, Chengdu, Dec. 2017(EI)
Z. F.He, and L. Zhao. The comparison of four UAV path planning algorithmsbased on geometry search algorithm[C]. In Proc. 2017 9th InternationalConference on Intelligent Human-Machine Systems and Cybernetics (IHMSC 2017),Hangzhou, Aug. 2017, pp. 33-36(DOI:10.1109/IHMSC.2017.123)(EI)
Nan Gao, LongZhao. An integrated land vehicle navigation system based on contextawareness. GPS Solutions, 2016, 20(3):509-524.(SCI:4.727)
Long Zhao, Zefang He, Yulong Zeng. Hierarchy robustcontrol for unmanned quadrotor helicopter without linear velocity measurement [J]. International Journal ofAutomation and Logistics, 2016,2(3): 252-265.
Gao N, Wang mengyuan, Zhao L. An IntegratedINS/GNSS Urban Navigation System based on Fuzzy Adaptive Kalman Filter [C].Chinese Control Conference, CCC, 2016-August,p 5732-5736, August 26, 2016, (EI)
Gao N, Zhao L.A Pedestrian Dead Reckoning systemusing SEMG based on activities recognition [C]. IEEE ChineseGuidance, Navigation and Control Conference, 2016,2361-2365. (EI)
Min LI, Long ZHAO. Theanalysis of pedestrian’s motion state based onthe entropy of sEMG. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering,2016,388(1):287-297(EI)
Min LI, Long ZHAO. TheClassification of Human Lower Limb Motion Based on Acceleration Sensor. ChinceGuidance, Navigation and Control Conference (CGNCC), 2016,2210-2214(EI)
Chen Pengfeng, Zhao Long.A Research of Targets Tracking and Positioning Algorithm Based on Multi-featureFusion[C]. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol. 388(1): 333-343 ( EI)
He zefang, Zhao Long.Robust chattering free backstepping/backstepping sliding mode control forquadrotor hovering. IEEE Information Technology, Networking,Electronic and Automation Control Conference, 2016, 616-620, (EI )
He zefang, Zhao Long.Quadrotor trajectory tracking based on internal model control/ZN-PD control,Proceedings of the 35th Chinese Control Conference, 2016: 945-950(EI: 20163802828618)唯一通讯作者
Huang Baoqi, Qi Guodong, Yang Xiaokun, Zhao Long, ZouHan. Exploiting cyclic features of walking for Pedestrian dead reckoningwith unconstrained smartphones, 2016 ACM International Joint Conference onPervasive and Ubiquitous Computing, UbiComp 2016.9.12, Heidelberg, Germany,374-385.(EI:)
Wang M, Zhao L. An algorithmfor low-cost AHRS added with the earth's magnetic model. China Satellite NavigationConference (CSNC), 2016
Zefang He, Long Zhao. Quadrotor Trajectory Tracking Based onQuasi-LPV System and Internal Model Control. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Vol. 2015, Article ID 857291, 13 pages, Doi: 10.1155/2015/857291. (SCI:0.762)
Long Zhao, Nan Gao, Baoqi Huang, Qingyun Wang,Jianhua Zhou. A Novel Terrain Aided Navigation Algorithm Combined with the TERCOM Algorithm and Particle Filter. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2015,15(2):1124-1131(SCI:1.762)
Long Zhao, Qiangqiang Peng, Baoqi Huang. Novel ShapeMatching Algorithm based on Shape Context. IET Computer Vision. 2015, 9(5):681–690,doi: 10.1049/iet-cvi.2014.0159 (SCI:0963)
Long Zhao, Pengfeng Chen. Moving Target Autonomous Positioning Basedon Vision for UAV. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 2015, 342: 691-701 (EI:20154101355693)
Ming-Yue ZHOU, Long ZHAO. FederatedFilter Based on Navigation System of Quad-rotor UAV[C]. International Conference On Electrical Engineering And Mechanical Automation, 2015:732-738(EI)
Qianjin Zhang, Long Zhao.Efficient Video Stabilizationbased on Improved Optical Flow Algorithm[C]. International Conference on ElectricalEngineering and Mechanical Automation ,2015: 620-625(EI)
Chaojian Jiang, Long Zhao."Detection of Object Instance based on Hough Forest"[C].International Conference on Electrical Engineering andMechanical Automation, 2015: 672-678. (EI)
Hong-Yang ZHANG, Long ZHAO. A NovelPedestrian Dead Reckoning Algorithm using MIMU and EMG Sensors [C]. International Conference On Electrical Engineering And Mechanical Automation, 2015:786-791(EI)
Ding WANG, Long ZHAO. Visual Aided NavigationSystem of Unmanned Ground Vehicles[C]. International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Automation, Suzhou, 2015:690-696(EI)
Long Zhao, Ding Wang , Baoqi Huang, Lihua Xie.Distributed filtering based Autonomous Navigation System of UAV. Unmanned system, 2015, 3(1): 1-18.
赵龙, 潘晓宏. 基于UNSCENTED卡尔曼滤波算法在海底地形辅助导航中的应用[J]. 应用科技, 2015, 42(1): 49-52.
Long Zhao, Zhen Liu, Tiejun Li, Baoqi Huang andLihua Xie. Moving target positioning based on adistributed camera network. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2014,1-11, http://dx.(SCI:1.082)
Long Zhao, Li Fei Liu, Qing Yun Wang, Tie Jun Li,and Jian Hua Zhou. Moving target detection and active tracking with a multicameranetwork. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2014,1-11, http://dx.(SCI:0.882)
Peng, Q.; Zhao, L., SAR Image Filtering Based onthe Cauchy–Rayleigh Mixture Model, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2014,11(5),960-964. (SCI: 2.095)
Kaijing Wang,Long Zhao. GPS/INS Integrated Urban Navigation System Based on Vehicle MotionDetection[C]. Proceedings of IEEE Chinese Guidance, Navigation and ControlConference, 2014:667-670.(EI收录号: 20150700517870)
Hongyu Yan, Long Zhao. INS/Baro Integration for INSVertical Channel Based on Adaptive Filter Algorithm[C]. Proceedings of 2014IEEE Chinese Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference, 2014:275-278. (EI收录号:20150700517474)
Zhen Liu, Long Zhao.The Long-term Object Tracking with Online Model Learning. 2014 IEEEChinese Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference, YanTai, August ,1526-1529. (EI收录号:20150700517591)
Zeng Yulong,Zhao Long. Parameter Identification for UnmannedFour_Rotor Helicopter with nonlinear model [C]. 2014 IEEE Chinese Guidance,Navigation and Control Conference, YanTai, August , 922-926. (EI收录号:20150700517579)
LifeiLiu,LongZhao.Moving Target Detection Algorithm combinedBackground Compensation with Optical Flow[c]. 2014 IEEE Chinese Guidance,Navigation and Control Conference, YanTai, August ,1186-1190. (EI收录号:20150700517399)
Zefang He, Long Zhao.A Simple Attitude Control of Quadrotor Helicopter Based onZiegler-Nichols Rules for Tuning PD Parameters [J]. The Scientific World Journal, vol. 2014,Article ID 280180, 13 pages. Doi: 10.1155/2014/280180
刘丽斐,赵龙.Web浏览器下的智能视频数据库设计与开发[J].应用科技,2014, 41(6):1-6.
赵龙,郭宝, 李铁军.基于边缘增强模板匹配的PTZ主动目标跟踪系统[J]. 应用科技, 2014,41(4):1-5.
曾玉龙,赵龙,周建华. 基于改进遗传算法的四旋翼无人机参数辨识[J]. 应用科技, 2014, 41(1): 1-5.