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王俊,工学博士、教授、博士生导师,北京市教学名师、国家一流课程负责人,北京高校优秀本科育人团队负责人,空天电子信息国家级实验教学示范中心主任、空天电子信息国家级虚拟仿真实验教学中心主任、华北地区电工电子实验教学中心联席会主任。 “数字信号处理”、“单片机基础”、“电子设计基础训练”、 “DSP体系结构”课程负责人,建设MOOC课程3门,出版教材4本。获宝钢优秀教师奖、国家教学成果二等奖、北京市教学成果一等奖、北航“我爱我师”十佳教师等。 主要从事通信感知一体化、毫米波雷达、软件无线电、FPGA实时处理等方面的研究工作。先后主持自然科学基金、173课题、省重点研发项目、973课题、863课题等70余项,发表论文120篇(SCI收录30篇),获批发明专利31项。 荣誉及奖励 北航“我爱我师”十佳教师,2021-09-12 宝钢优秀教师奖,2021-09-12 北京市教学成果一等奖,2021-09-12 国家教学成果二等奖,2021-09-12 北京市教学名师,2021-09-12




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Wang Jun, WEI ShaoMing, SUN JinPing & MAO ShiYi. A GTD Model and State space Approach Based Method for Extracting the UWB Scattering Center of Moving Target [J]. SCIENCE CHINA. 2011. (SCIE:710GB) Wang Jun, Lei Peng, Sun Jinping, Mao Shiyi. Micro-Doppler signal analysis based on the generalized S transform for radar targets[J].Chinese Journal of Electronics,VOL19(4),2010:769-774. (SCIE:683ZW) (EI:20105013477493) Peng Lei, Jun Wang, Peng Guo, Duoduo Cai. Automatic classification of radar targets with micro-motions using entropy segmentation and time-frequency features [J]. AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications, accepted.(SCIE) Peng Lei, Jun Wang.Analysis of radar micro-Doppler signatures from rigid targets in space based on inertial parameters[J].IET Radar, Sonar and Navigation,Vol.5(2),2011:93-102. (SCIE:695OO) (EI:20105113505103) Li Wei, Wang Jun. A New Improved Step Transform Algorithm for Highly Squint SAR Imaging[J]. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, Vol.8(1), 2010:118-122. (SCIE:701SP) (EI:IP51009323) Sun Jinping,Wang Jun,Hong Wen, Mao Shiyi.Design and Implementation of Real-time High Squit Spotlight SAR Imaging Processor[J]. Chinese Journal of Electronics. Vol.19(3), 2010: 563-568.(SCIE:632XC) (EI:) Li Wei, Wang Jun. Novel FPGA-based pipelined floating point FFT processor[J].IEICE Electronics Express,Vol.7(4), 2010:268-272 (SCIE:571KO) (EI:20095312589918) Wang Wenguang, Wang Jun, Lei Peng, Mao Shiyi. A new ship detection method based on polarimetric SAR classification[J]. Chinese Journal of Electronics. Vol.17(4), 2008: 769-74.(SCIE:367RQ) (EI:20095312589918)
