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段雪 中科院院士 1982年毕业于吉林大学获学士学位,1984年和1988年毕业于北京化工学院、并获中国科学院硕士和博士学位。经近40年持续研究,形成了“插层组装与产品工程”研究方向。经应用基础和工程化研究,提出了成核晶化分离等系列插层组装方法,发展了系列插层结构功能材料,构建了系统的研究体系。在AIChE J.和Chem. Eng. Sci.等国际化工主流刊物,以及Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., JACS和Adv. Mater.等国际重要刊物发表了一批学术论文,多年获ESI中国高被引学者。获国家发明专利授权60余件和美国专利授权5件。将研究成果应用于大规模工业实践,实现了10余项科技成果转化,建成20余条工业生产线,推动了溶解乙炔多孔吸附材料、汽车化学品和功能性插层材料等行业的科技进步,获国家技术发明二等奖2项和国家科技进步二等奖1项等多项科技成果奖励。 组建了包括基础研究和工程化的科研团队,建成了兼具科学研究、成果转化和国际合作功能的研究基地。培养的人才已在高等院校、科研院所和大型企业成为科技骨干,多人次获杰青和优青计划支持。主持了《青海盐湖资源综合利用》和《塑料制品中限制使用有毒有害物质的建议》和《能源金属资源可持续利用与我国储能技术发展策略研究》等多项重大战略咨询项目,上报国务院后获国家领导人批示。先后获国家有突出贡献的中青年专家、中国青年科技奖、全国“五一”劳动奖章、全国杰出专业技术人才、“长江学者奖励计划”特聘教授等荣誉称号。 Professor Duan Xue was elected an Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2007. He was awarded a Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry from Jilin University in 1982 and a Master’s degree (1984) and PhD degree (1988) from Beijing University of Chemical Technology (BUCT). Over the past 40 years has established a research program in area of the assembly by intercalation of layered materials and their production engineering. His work involves both fundamental and applied aspects and is predicated on the principles of using the intended application of a material as a guide to its structure design and synthesis process, and design of controlled intercalation processes in the light of future production processing requirements. He has developed a wide range of intercalated materials and a number of new processes, including the method of separate aging and nucleation steps (SNAS), for their preparation. Fundamental ideas developed in the laboratory have been successfully scaled up in over 20 production lines in more than 10 large-scale industrial plants involving the production of macroporous sorbents for acetylene, synthetic brake fluids and functional intercalated materials; these innovations have made significant contributions to technological process in their respective industries. He leads a large group of researchers working on both basic and applied research, with a well-established record of transforming fundamental research outputs into practical applications. Many of his former students now hold key positions in universities, research institutes and leading companies and have received national level recognition. He has published a large number of papers in leading peer-reviewed journals in both chemical engineering, including AIChE J. and Chem. Eng. Sci., and chemistry, including Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., J. Am. Chem. Soc., and Adv. Mater. He has also been the Chair of several Strategic Working Parties established by the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the National Natural Science Foundation of China, including one on “Balanced Utilization of Resources in the Qinghai Salt Lakes”. He is named as the inventor in over 60 Chinese patents and five US patents. Projects for which he has been principal investigator have been awarded many prizes, including two National Scientific and Technological Innovation Prize (Second Class), and one National Scientific and Technological Progress Prize (Second Class). He has been awarded the titles ‘National Outstanding Young Scholar’, ‘State Model Worker’, and ‘Changjiang Foundation Invited Research Professor’ and has received numerous other awards. He has served on many national committees including the State Council Committee on Curriculum Assessment and Validation, the National Natural Science Foundation of China Advisory Committee on Chemistry, the National Natural Science Foundation of China Chemical Engineering Review Group (as Chair), the National State Education Curriculum Advisory Committee, and the National Committee of Experts on Production Safety. He was the inaugural Director of State Laboratory of Chemical Resource Engineering Laboratory. He is currently a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Academic Assessment Committee.He is a Vice president of China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Association, a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, a member of the Editorial Board of Structure and Bonding and Chair of the Academic Degrees Committee of BUCT.


曾任国务院学位委员会化工学科评议组成员、国家自然科学基金委化学部专家咨委会委员、国家自然科学基金委化工专业评审组组长、国家基础教育课程教材专家咨询委员会委员、教育部科学技术委员会化学化工学部委员、国家安全生产化工专家组专家、化工资源有效利用国家重点实验室第一任主任,现担任中国科学院学部咨委会委员、中国石油和化工联合会副会长、中科院学术委员会基础前沿交叉领域专门委员会委员、英国皇家化学会会士、Structure and Bonding编委、北京化工大学学术委员会主任等多项学术职务。
