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教育背景 2014.10−2019.05 德国柏林洪堡大学,生命科学学院,农业经济系,获哲学博士学位 2010.10−2012.08 欧盟多高校联合培养(Erasmus Mundus全额奖学金):比利时根特大学、法国西部农学院、德国柏林洪堡大学、荷兰瓦赫宁根大学、斯洛伐克农业大学、意大利比萨大学,获国际发展硕士学位 2008.09−2010.07 中国农业大学,人文与发展学院,农村发展与管理方向,获管理科学工程硕士学位 2004.09−2008.07 中国农业大学,人文与发展学院,农村区域发展方向,获管理学学士学位 工作经历 2019.08 至今 成都理工大学 商学院 财务管理系 2012.09−2016.11 德国柏林洪堡大学 生命科学学院 推广沟通工作组 合同制科研人员 讲授课程 本科:《管理学》 研究成果 研究项目: [1] 2020.01−2022.12 川藏铁路对沿线区域社会经济影响评价及对策研究,教育部人文社科项目,主持 [2] 2020.01−2020.12 川藏铁路对四川省沿线区域影响评价及对策研究,四川省科技厅软科学项目,主持 [3] 2019.07−2021.09 四川省贫困民族县以生态补偿引导绿色农业转型的可持续发展路径研究,四川县域经济发展研究中心项目,主持 [4] 2019.08−2020.12 矿区生态补偿研究,国家社科基金后期资助项目,主研 [5] 2019.07−2019.10 四川“十四五”时期深度融入长江经济带发展研究,四川省“十四五”规划第一批前期课题,主研 [6] 2011.12−2016.11 湄公河流域可持续橡胶管理(FKZ: 01 LL 0919),德国教育科研部项目,子课题8主研 学术专著: Wang J. (2020) Science-practice Interaction in Transdisciplinary Research. Analysis from the Communication Perspective. Kommunikation und Beratung 127. Margraf, Weikersheim. 国际会议报告: [1] Aenis, T., Wang, J., and Langenberger, G. (2016) Co-management of transdisciplinary processes: Experiences from the SURUMER project. Sustainable Rubber Conference, 16th-19th October, Xishuangbanna, China. [2] Wang, J., and Aenis, T. (2016) Stakeholder analysis in support of land use decision making: Case from Southwest China. Sustainable Rubber Conference, 16th-19th October, Xishuangbanna, China. [3] Aenis, T., Wang, J., Hofmann-Souki, S. (2016) Research-praxis integration in South China – the rocky road to implement strategies for sustainable rubber cultivation in the Mekong Region. ISRS–International Symposium on River Sedimentation, 19th-22nd September, Stuttgart, Germany. [4] Wang, J., and Aenis, T. (2016) Stakeholder analysis in support of land use decision making: Case from Southwest China. Tropentag “Solidarity in a competing world – fair use of resources”, 19th-21st September, Vienna, Austria. [5] Wang, J., Aenis, T., and Hofmann-Souki, S. (2016) Triangulation in participation: Approaches for science-practice interaction in land-use decision making in rural China. The 12th European IFSA Symposium “Social and technological transformation of farming systems: Diverging and converging pathways”, 12th-15th July, Shropshire, UK. [6] Wang, J., and Aenis, T. (2015) Ecosystem service in Southwest China: Local stakeholders’ priorities. Tropentag “Management of land use systems for enhanced food security – conflicts, controversies and resolutions”, 16th-18th September, Berlin, Germany. [7] Wang, J., and Aenis, T. (2014) Stakeholder analysis in sustainable development. Sustainability of Natural Rubber in the 21st Century Current Status and Future Outlook, 16th-18th October, Vientiane, Lao PDR. [8] Wang, J., and Aenis, T. (2014) Role of stakeholder analysis for sustainable development Experiences from rubber cultivation in Southwest China. Tropentag “Bridging the gap between increasing knowledge and decreasing resources”, 17th-19th September, Prague, Czech Republic. [9] Wang, J., Aenis, T., Tang, L., and Liu, F. (2013) Sustainable rubber cultivation in southwest China: Approach to stakeholder involvement and dialogue. Tropentag “Agricultural development within the rural-urban continuum”, 17th-19th September, Hohenheim, Germany.


研究方向 区域可持续发展、人地系统耦合互动机制与模型、农户生计可持续、社会生态系统


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期刊论文代表作: [1] Wang J., Aenis T., and Siew T. (2019) Communication process in intercultural transdisciplinary research: Framework from a group perspective. Sustainability Science 14(6): 1673-1684. DOI: 10.1007/s11625-019-00661-4(SCIE,影响因子4.669) [2] Wang J., and Aenis T. (2019) Stakeholder analysis in support of sustainable land management: Experiences from Southwest China. Journal of Environmental Management 243: 1-11. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2019.05.007(SCIE,影响因子4.865) [3] Wang J., Aenis T., and Hofmann-Souki S. (2018) Triangulation in participation: Approaches for science-practice interaction in land-use decision making in rural China. Land Use Policy, 72: 364-371. DOI: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2017.12.066(SSCI,影响因子3.573) [4] Aenis T., Wang J., and Hofmann-Souki S. (Eds.) (2018) Farmers' Willingness to Accept Land-use Changes in Xishuangbanna, China. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. DOI: 10.18452/19414. [5] Thellmann, K., Blagodatsky, S., Häuser, I., Liu, H., Wang, J., Asch, F., Cadisch, G., and Cotter, M. (2017) Assessing ecosystem services in rubber dominated landscapes in South-East Asia – a challenge for biophysical modelling and transdisciplinary valuation. Forests, 8: 505. DOI: 10.3390/f8120505(SCIE,影响因子1.951) [6] Siew, T., Aenis, T., Spangenberg, J., Nauditt, A., Döll, P., Frank, S., Ribbe, L., Rodriguez-Labajos, B., Rumbaur, C., Settele, J., and Wang, J. (2016) Transdisciplinary research in support of land and water management in China and Southeast Asia: Evaluation of four research projects. Sustainability Science, 11(5): 813-829. DOI: 10.1007/s11625-016-0378-0(SCIE,影响因子3.429) [7] Aenis, T., and Wang, J. (2016) From information giving to mutual scenario definition: Stakeholder participation towards Sustainable Rubber Cultivation in Xishuangbanna, Southwest China. In: Aenis, T., Knierim, A., Riecher, M., Ridder, R., Schobert, H., and Fischer, H. (eds.): Farming Systems Facing Global Challenges: Capacities and Strategies, Volume 1: 618-625. DOI: 10.18452/13659 [8] Aenis, T., Hofmann-Souki, S., Nagel, U., Tang, L., and Wang, J. (Eds.) (2014) Rubber Cultivation and Livelihood – A Stakeholder Analysis in Xishuangbanna, Southwest China. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. DOI: 10.18452/13577 [9] Wang, Y., Wang, J., and Wu, J. (2009) Influx of sightseers increases rural women’s incomes, work-related responsibilities. Women of China, 10: 10-11. [10] 黄寰,杨梅,王珏 (2019) 长江经济带经济增长与环境污染脱钩的效应及驱动因素研究. 华中师范大学学报(自然科学版),53(5): 643-657+714. [11] 王伊欢,王珏,武晋 (2009) 乡村旅游对农村妇女的影响:以北京市延庆县农村社区为例.中国农业大学学报(社会科学版),26(3): 52-60.


社会兼职及荣誉 四川省海外高层次留学人才 Journal of Environmental Management、Land Use Policy 等期刊的审稿人
