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教育经历 2003-9 至 2008-7,北京大学,人文地理学,博士研究生 2005-8 至 2006-8,香港理工大学,建筑与房地产系,联合培养博士研究生 1999-9 至 2003-7,北京大学,资源环境与城乡规划管理,本科 科研与学术工作经历 2018-1 至 现在,北京大学深圳研究生院,城市规划与设计学院,研究员,新体制副教授,博士生导师 2013-8 至 2018-1,北京大学深圳研究生院, 城市规划与设计学院,副教授 2011-7 至 2013-8,北京大学深圳研究生院, 城市规划与设计学院,讲师 2010-2 至 2010-8,美国北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校,城市与区域规划系,访问学者 2008-7 至 2011-7,北京大学中国经济研究中心,博士后


城市(非正规)土地利用治理:城中村等非正规土地利用演化、非正规居住空间治理、城市更新、土地集约节约利用等。 城镇化与建设用地扩张:(集体)建设用地扩张与管治、产权/规划与空间互动、空间演化与关联的模拟技术等


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De Tong , Jun Chu , Ian MacLachlan , Junli Qiu , Tao Shi .2023.Modelling the Impacts of land finance on urban expansion: Evidence from Chinese cities.Applied Geography.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apgeog.2023.102896 储君, 仝德*, 古恒宇, 曹志强, 潘向向. 2023. 中国城际联系距离衰减的非线性规律: 基于人口流动大数据[J]. 地理科学进展. 42(1): 1-11. 易行,仝德*,吴雅莹,沈月,储君,吕婷苗.2023.基于手机信令数据的深圳市二元居住空间迁居模式研究[J].地理研究.42(01):137-155. 邱君丽,储君,仝德∗,刘一鸣,潘向向.2022.金融化与尺度重组交互作用下城市土地开发的机制——以肇庆新区为例[J].城市发展研究.29(12):84-91. 储君,仝德*,曹志强,邱君丽,潘向向.2022.基于腾讯迁徙大数据的中国中心城市识别及网络腹地分析[J].地域研究与开发.41(06):44-47+61. 龙嘉骞, 仝德*,冯长春. 2022. 基于多源数据的广东省乡村聚落发展格局与类型划分研究[J]. 规划师. (10):133-138. Xuan Liu, De Tong*, Jiangming Huang, Wenfeng Zheng, Minghui Kong, Guohui Zhou.2022.What matters in the e-commerce era?Modelling and mapping shop rents in Guangzhou,China. Land Use Policy.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.landusepol.2022.106430. Xuan Liu, Minghui Kong, De Tong*, Xiaoyou Zeng, Yani Lai*. 2022. Property rights and adjustment for sustainable development during post-productivist transitions in China. Land Use Policy. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.landusepol.2022.106379. Dai Yueer, Tong De* and Chu Jun. 2022. Involuntary resettlement outcomes following the regeneration of informal communities: The case of Baishizhou urbanizing village in Shenzhen, China. Population, Space and Place. e2605. https://doi.org/10.1002/psp.2605 仝德, 曹志强, 曹广忠*. 2022. 乡-城、城-城流动人口落户意愿的影响因素及其差异[J/OL]. 地理科学. 韦长传, 仝德*, 袁玉玺, 储君. 2022. 城中村研究热点及区域差异——基于CiteSpace的文献计量分析[J]. 地域研究与开发. 41(03):68-74. Linfeng Xu, Xuan Liu, De Tong*, Zhixin Liu, Lirong Yin and Wenfeng Zheng. 2022. Forecasting Urban Land Use Change Based on Cellular Automata and the PLUS Model[J]. Land(Basel). 11(5): 652. https://doi.org/10.3390/land11050652 Jieming Zhu, De Tong*. 2022. Land reform from below: Institutional change driven by confrontation and negotiation[J]. Journal of Urban Affairs. (Online) https://doi.org/10.1080/07352166.2022.2062373 潘向向, 储君, 仝德*, 邱君丽. 2022. 土地征收成片开发方案与国土空间规划的协调路径研究[J]. 规划师. 38(4): 5-11. Jingmin LIANG, Jiayu CHEN, De TONG, Xin LI*. 2022. Planning control over rural land transformation in Hong Kong: A remote sensing analysis of spatio-temporal land use change patterns[J]. Land Use Policy. 119. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.landusepol.2022.106159 De Tong, Jun Chu, Qing Han and Xuan Liu*. 2022. How Land Finance Drives Urban Expansion under Fiscal Pressure: Evidence from Chinese Cities[J]. Land. 11, 253. https://doi.org/10.3390/land11020253 仝德, 周心灿, 龚咏喜*. 2021. 基于大数据的上海市共享汽车出行模式研究[J]. 地理科学进展. 40(12):2035-2047. 仝 德, 罗圳英, 冯长春*. 2021. 国家级贫困县政策的减贫效应及其空间异质性[J]. 经济地理. 41(11):176-184. Hui Cheng, Yani Lai*, De Tong*. 2021. Decoding the decision-making in the new wave of urban redevelopment in China: A case study of a bottom-up industrial land redevelopment in Shenzhen[J]. Land Use Policy. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.landusepol.2021.105774 仝德*, 顾春霞. 2021. 城中村综合整治对租客居住满意度的影响研究——以深圳为例[J]. 城市规划. 45(12):40-47+58. https://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/11.2378.TU.20211009.1720.002.html 仝德, 孙裔煜, 谢苗苗*. 2021. 基于改进高斯两步移动搜索法的深圳市公园绿地可达性评价[J]. 地理科学进展. 40(07):1113-1126. 许萌, 董潇楠, 谢苗苗, 王玉, 仝徳*. 2021. 基于承灾脆弱性与生态系统服务供需匹配的城市空间治理分区[J]. 生态学报. 41(15):6012-6023. 储君, 刘一鸣, 林雄斌, 仝德*. 2021. 城市市政基础设施投资与经济发展的空间交互影响[J]. 北京大学学报(自然科学版). 57(2):291-298. TONG De, WU Yaying, Ian Maclachlan, ZHU Jieming*. 2021. The role of social capital in the collective-led development of urbanising villages in China: The case of Shenzhen[J]. Urban studies. DOI: 10.1177/0042098021993353 TONG De, YUAN Yuxi, WANG Xiaoguang*. 2021. The coupled relationships between land development and land ownership at China’s urban fringe: A structural equation modeling approach[J]. Land Use Policy. 100:104925. 仝德,高静,龚咏喜*. 2020. 城中村对深圳市职住空间融合的影响——基于手机信令数据的研究[J]. 北京大学学报(自然科学版). 56(6):1091-1101. TONG De, YUAN Yuxi, WANG Xiaoguang*, Wu Lingjing. 2020. Spatially varying relationships between land ownership and land development at the urban fringe: A case study of Shenzhen, China[J]. Cities. 105(10):102238. XIE Miaomiao, LI Manyu, LI Zhaoyang, XU Meng, CHEN Yan, WO Ran, TONG De*. 2020. Whom Do Urban Agriculture Parks Provide Landscape Services to and How? A Case Study of Beijing, China[J]. Sustainability. 12:4967. 刘涛, 韦长传, 仝德*. 2020. 人力资本、社会支持与流动人口融入——以北京市为例[J]. 人口与发展. 26(2): 11-22. TONG De, ZHANG Yu, Ian MacLachlan*, LI Guicai. 2020. Migant housing choices from a social capital perspective: The case of Shenzhen, China[J]. Habitat International. (96):102082. LI Bin, TONG De*, WU Yaying, LI Guicai. 2019. Government-backed ‘laundering of the grey’ in upgrading urban village properties: Ningmeng Apartment Project in Shuiwei Village, Shenzhen, China[J]. Progress in Planning. (11):100436. TONG De, WANG Zhenguo, HONG Yu Hung*, LIU Chengming. 2019. Assessing the possibility of charging for public leasehold renewal in China[J]. Land Use Policy. (88):104205. JIN Meihan, LIU Lu, TONG De, GONG Yongxi*, LIU Yu. 2019. Evaluating the Spatial Accessibility and Distribution Balance of Multi-Level Medical Service Facilities[J]. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. (16):1150. WANG Xiaoguang, TONG De*, GAO Jing, CHENG Yang. 2019. The reshaping of land development density through rail transit: The stories of central areas vs. suburbs in Shenzhen, China[J]. Cities. (89): 25-35. 袁玉玺, 马利, 仝德*, 王艳梅. 2019. 工业用地集约利用的差异化管理分区研究——以海南省沿海12个市县为例[J]. 地域研究与开发. (02): 133-138. TONG De, WANG Xiaoguang*, WU Lingjing, ZHAO Nanqi. 2018. Land ownership and the likelihood of land development at the urban fringe: The case of Shenzhen, China[J]. Habitat International. (73): 43-52. 张瑜, 仝德*, Ian MacLACHLAN. 2018. 非户籍与户籍人口居住空间分异的多维度解析——以深圳为例[J]. 地理研究. 37(12): 2567-2575. 刘成明, 李贵才*, 仝德, 罗罡辉, 刘芳. 2018. 权地分离的集体建设用地入市路径研究——以深圳市非农建设用地入市为例[J]. 城市发展研究. (07): 55-60. 孙艺玲, 仝德*, 曹超. 2018. 城市建成环境对公共自行车使用的影响机制研究——以深圳市南山区为例[J]. 北京大学学报(自然科学版). (06): 1325-1331. ZHANG Yong, TONG De*, LIANG Xiongfei. 2018. New Perspective on Regional Inequality: Theory and Evidence from Guangdong, China[J]. Journal of Urban Planning and Development. 144(1): 04018002.
