2000年获中国农业科学院农业经济学博士学位(Winrock 博士项目)
1. Zhang, Lijuan, Jinxia Wang*, Guangsheng Zhang and Qiuqiong Huang, 2020. Whether climatic factors influence the frequency of punctual on-demand deliveries of groundwater for irrigation? Empirical Study in the North China Plain, Climatic Change, DOI: 10.1007/s10584-019-02619-y.
2. Wang, Jinxia*, Yunyun Zhu, Tianhe Sun, Jikun Huang, Lijuan Zhang, Baozhu Guan and Qiuqiong Huan, 2019. Forty years of irrigation development and reform in China, Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 59, (2019): 1–24.
3. Huang, Qiuqiong, Jinxia Wang*, Li Yumin, 2017. Do Water Saving Technologies Save Water? Empirical Evidence from North China; Journal of Environmental Economics and Management; 82: 1-16.
4. Wang, Jinxia*, Yanrong Li, Jikun Huang, Tingting Yan and Tianhe Sun, 2017. Growing Water Scarcity, Food Security and Government Responses in China, Global Food Security, 10..1016/j.gfs.2017.01.003.
5. Wang, Jinxia, Qiuqiong Huang, Jikun Huang and Scott Rozelle, 2016. Managing Water on China's Farms for a Sustainable Future: Institutions, Policies and the Transformation of Irrigation under Scarcity, Elsevier.
6. Wang, Jinxia*, Lijuan Zhang, Jikun Huang, 2016. How could we realize a win–win strategy on irrigation price policy? Evaluation of a pilot reform project in Hebei Province, China, Journal of Hydrology, 539:379-391.
7. Wang, Jinxia*, Yu Yang and Jikun Huang, 2015. Information Provision, Policy Support, and Farmers’ Adaptive Responses against Drought: An Empirical Study in the North China Plain, Ecological Modelling. 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2014.12.013.
8. Yan, Tingting, Jinxia Wang* and Jikun Huang, 2015. Urbanization, Agricultural Water Use, and Regional and National Crop Production in China, Ecological Modelling. 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2014.12.021.
9. Chen, Huang, Jinxia Wang* and Jikun Huang, 2014. Policy Support, Social Capital and Farmers’ Adaptation to Drought in China, Global Environmental Change-Human and Policy Dimensions 24: 193–202.
10. Huang, Qiuqiong, Jinxia Wang, Scott Rozelle, Stephen Polasky, Yang Liu, 2013. The Effects of Well Management and the Nature of the Aquifer on Groundwater Resources, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 95(1), 94-116.
11. 王金霞,仇焕广,白军飞和黄开兴著,2013。《中国农村生活污染与生产污染:现状与治理对策研究》,中国科学出版社。
12. Wang, Jinxia *, Sabrina G S A Rothausen, Declan Conway and Lijuan Zhang, Wei Xiong, Ian P Holman and Yumin Li, 2012. China’s Water–energy Nexus: Greenhouse-gas Emissions from Groundwater Use for Agriculture, Environmental Research Letters 7, 014035.
13. Wang, Jinxia*, Jikun Huang, Lijuan Zhang, Qiuqiong Huang and Scott Rozelle, 2010. Water Governance and Water Use Efficiency: The Five Principles of WUA Management and Performance in China, Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 46 (4): 665-685.
14. Wang, Jinxia*, Jikun Huang, Lijuan Zhang and Scott Rozelle, 2010. Why is China’s Blue Revolution so “Blue”? The Determinants of Conservation Tillage in China, Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, March/April 2010, 65 (2), 113-129.
15. Wang, Jinxia*, Robert Mendelsohn, Ariel Dinar, Jikun Huang, Scott Rozelle and Lijuan Zhang, 2009. The Impact of Climate Change on China’s Agriculture, Agricultural Economics, 40, 323–337.
16. Wang, Jinxia*, Zhigang Xu, Jikun Huang and Scott Rozelle, 2005. Incentives in Water Management Reform: Assessing the Effect on Water Use, Productivity and Poverty in the Yellow River Basin, Environment and Development Economics, 10: 769-799.
17. 王金霞,黄季焜和Scott Rozelle著,2005。《地下水灌溉系统产权制度的创新及流域水资源核算》,中国水利水电出版社。
18. 王金霞,黄季焜,徐志刚,Scott Rozelle和黄秋琼著,2005。《灌溉、管理改革及其效应—黄河流域灌区的实证分析》,中国水利水电出版社。
19. 王金霞*,徐志刚,黄季焜和Scott Rozelle,2005。水资源管理制度改革、农业生产与反贫困,《经济学季刊》第5卷第1期:189-202。
20. 王金霞*,黄季焜和Scott Rozelle,2000。地下水灌溉系统产权制度的创新与理论解释:小型水利工程的实证研究,《经济研究》,第4期:66-74。