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职务 国家文物局考古年代学重点科研基地主任,国家文物局考古研究中心与北京大学考古文博学院考古年代学联合实验室主任。 校外学术任职:中国考古学会理事,中国考古学会考古年代学专业委员会主任,中国文化遗产标准委员会委员 学历 1981-1985年,北京师范大学化学系,获理学学士学位;1985-1988年,北京师范大学化学系,获理学硕士学位;1993-1996年,北京大学技术物理系,获理学博士学位




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Zhang, Yunan, Guoping Sun, Yingliang Yang, and Xiaohong Wu*. Reconstruction of the use of Space at Tianluoshan, China, Based on Palynological and Lipid Evidence. Environmental Archaeology : The Journal of Human Palaeoecology 27, no. 5 (2022;2020;). 2022 吴小红,用高科技解读历史——叩问三星堆埋藏坑的年代,《中国文物报》2022年6月23日 2022 吴小红,中华文明探源中的年代研究,《北京大学校报》2022年6月 2022 吴小红,北大科技考古一百年,北京大学考古文博学院、北京大学中国考古学研究中心编《考古学研究(十三)——北京大学考古百年考古专业七十年论文集》,科学出版社,2022年 2022 李楠、何嘉宁、种建荣、吴小红、雷兴山,陕西周公庙遗址08ⅢA2G2葬人现象探析,《四川文物》2022年2期,P83-90 2022 林怡嫻、吴小红,稳定同位素研究古食谱模型的发展,北京大学考古文博学院、北京大学中国考古学研究中心编《考古学研究(十四)——科技考古专号》,科学出版社,2022年 2022 欧阳心怡、吴小红,动物牙釉质稳定同位素序列样品研究综述,北京大学考古文博学院、北京大学中国考古学研究中心编《考古学研究(十四)——科技考古专号》,科学出版社,2022年 2022 王玥、吴小红,用于14C测年的古代木材样品前处理方法述评,北京大学考古文博学院、北京大学中国考古学研究中心编《考古学研究(十四)——科技考古专号》,科学出版社,2022年 2022 宋殷*、吴小红、潘岩、刘国祥、王明辉,大甸子遗址的绝对年代及相关问题,《考古》2022年12期 吴小红,加速器质谱碳十四测年技术发展历程,王巍主编《中国考古学百年史》,中国社会科学出版社,2021年 吴小红,热释光、光释光与其他测年技术发展历程,王巍主编《中国考古学百年史》,中国社会科学出版社,2021年 2021 吴小红、冉宏林、雷雨等,四川广汉三星堆遗址四号祭祀坑的碳十四年代研究,《四川文物》,2021年第2期,总第216期,P117-120 2021 吴小红、欧阳心怡、林怡嫺、宝文博、杨颖亮,科技考古课程网络视频教学的实践,《科教文汇》,2021年第27期,总第543期,P107-109 2021 Kexin Liu, Xiaohong Wu(共同第一作者), Zhiyu Guo, Sixun Yuan, Xingfang Ding, Dongpo Fu, Yan Pan, RADIOCARBON DATING OF ORACLE BONES OF LATE SHANG PERIOD IN ANCIENT CHINA. Radiocarbon, Vol 63, Nr 1, 2021, p 155–175 2021 Zhang, Yunan, Guoping Sun, Dong Zhang, Xiaoyan Yang, and Xiaohong Wu*, Different Human–Dog Interactions in Early Agricultural Societies of China, Revealed by Coprolite. Frontiers in Earth Science (Lausanne) 8, (2021). 2020 Xiaochenyang Jiang, Yanjun Weng, Xiaohong Wu (吴小红), Jianfeng Cui (崔剑锋), Hongshu Lyua, Jianxin Jiangb,Guodong Songc, Hetian Jind, Dashu Qina, and Changsui Wang Early globalized industrial chain revealed by residual submicron pigment particles in Chinese imperial blue-and-white porcelains[J]. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2020, 117(12):201916630. 2020 Zhang, Y., Van Geel, B., Gosling, W. D., Sun, G., Qin, L., & Wu, X. Typha as a wetland food resource: evidence from the Tianluoshan site, Lower Yangtze Region, China. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, 29(1), 51-60. 2020 Yunan Zhang; Dong Zhang; Yingliang Yang; Xiaohong Wu(Corresponding author),Pollen and lipid analysis of coprolites from Yuhuicun and Houtieying, China: Implications for human habitats and diets,Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports,29, 102135. 2019 Zhang, Y., van Geel, B., Gosling, W. D., McMichael, C. N. H., Jansen, B., Absalah, S., ... & Wu, X(Corresponding author). Local vegetation patterns of a Neolithic environment at the site of Tianluoshan, China, based on coprolite analysis. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 2019, 271, 104101. 2019 Patania, I, Goldberg, P, Cohen, DJ, Yuan, J, Wu, X, Bar‐Yosef, O. Micromorphological and FTIR analysis of the Upper Paleolithic early pottery site of Yuchanyan cave, Hunan, South China. Geoarchaeology. 2019; 1– 21. https://doi.org/10.1002/gea.21771 (Research article, first published on Dec.26, 2019) 2019 Patania, Ilaria; Goldberg, Paul; Cohen, David Joel; Wu, Xiaohong; Zhang, Chi; Bar-Yosef, Ofer, Micromorphological analysis of the deposits at the early pottery Xianrendong cave site, China: formation processes and site use in the Late Pleistocene,ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND ANTHROPOLOGICAL SCIENCES,10.1007/s12520-019-00788-6 2019 Shelach-Lavi, Gideon; Teng, Mingyu; Goldsmith, Yonaton; Wachtel, Ido; Stevens, Chris J.; Marder, Ofer; Wan, Xiongfei; Wu, Xiaohong; Tu, Dongdong; Shavit, Roi; Polissar, Pratigya; Xu, Hai; Fuller, Dorian Q,Sedentism and plant cultivation in northeast China emerged during affluent conditions,PLOS ONE,10.1371/journal.pone.0218751 2018 Baird Douglas; Fairbairn Andrew; Jenkins Emma; Martin Louise; Middleton Caroline; Pearson Jessica; Asouti Eleni; Edwards Yvonne; Kabukcu Ceren; Mustafaoğlu Gökhan; Russell Nerissa; Bar-Yosef Ofer; Jacobsen Geraldine; Wu Xiaohong; Baker Ambroise; Elliott Sarah, Agricultural origins on the Anatolian plateau,10.1073/pnas.1800163115 2018 张弛;何嘉宁;吴小红;崔银秋;王华;张江凯;樊力;严文明,邓州八里岗遗址仰韶文化多人二次合葬墓M13葬仪研究,《考古》,2018年第2期,P79-87 2018 L. Zhang, D. Zhang, X. Wu, G.K. Chen, P. Wang, H, Ancient mud-brick architecture of Northwest China. PALéORIENT, 44.1 2017 Bin Liu, Mingyuan Wang, Minghui Chen, Xiaohong Wu(吴小红),Duowen Mo, Jianguo Liu, Shijin Xu and Yijie Zhuang. The earliest hydraulic enterprise in China, 5,100 years ago, PNAS ,December 26, 2017, vol. 114, no. 52, 13637–13642 2017 郁永彬,吴小红,崔剑锋,陈国科,王辉,甘肃张掖西城驿遗址陶器的科技分析与研究,《考古》,2017年第7期,P108-120 2017 Xinyi Liu*, Diane L. Lister, Zhijun Zhao, Cameron A. Petrie, Xiongsheng Zeng, Penelope J. Jones, Richard A. Staff, Anil K. Pokharia, Jennifer Bates, Ravindra N. Singh, Steven A. Weber, Giedre Motuzaite Matuzeviciute, Guanghui Dong, Haiming Li, Hongliang LuÈ , Hongen Jiang, Jianxin Wang, Jian Ma, Duo Tian, Guiyun Jin, Liping Zhou, Xiaohong Wu, Martin K. Jones, Journey to the east: Diverse routes and variable flowering times for wheat and barley en route to prehistoric China; PLoS ONE 12(11): e0187405. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0187405 2017 Zhouyong Sun, JingShao, LiLiu, Jianxin Cui, MichaelF.Bonomo, QinghuaGuo, Xiaohong Wu, JiajingWang, The first Neolithic urban center on China's north Loess Plateau: The rise and fall of Shimao, Archaeological Research in Asia, http://doi.org/10.1016/j.ara.2017.02.004 2017 Xinglong Zhang , Shuwen Pei , XiaohongWu, Ofer Bar-Yosef, Qingshuiyuan Dadong: A newly discovered Late Paleolithic site in Guizhou province, China, Archaeological Research in Asia 9 (2017) 13–21 2017 David J. Cohen, Ofer Bar-Yosef , Xiaohong Wu, Ilaria Patania, Paul Goldberg, The emergence of pottery in China: Recent dating of two early pottery cave sites in South China, Quaternary International 441 (2017) 36-48 2017 Yanhua Song , David J. Cohen, Jinming Shi, Xiaohong Wu, Eliso Kvavadze, Paul Goldberg, Shuangquan Zhang, Yue Zhang, Ofer Bar-Yosef, Environmental reconstruction and dating of Shizitan 29, Shanxi Province: An early microblade site in north China. Journal of Archaeological Science 79 (2017) 19-35 2016 郁永彬、吴小红、崔剑锋、向光华、肖承云,宜昌中堡岛新石器遗址彩陶的初步研究,《中原文物》,2016年第3期,P118-124 2016 Yanhua Song , Xiaorong Li, Xiaohong Wu, Eliso Kvavadze, Paul Goldberg ,Ofer Bar-Yosef ,Bone needle fragment in LGM from the Shizitan site (China): Archaeological evidence and experimental study,Quaternary International,400(2016)140-148 2016 Shuisheng Du, Xuan Li, Li Zhou, Ofer BarYosef, Xiaohong Wu, Longquan Cave: an early Upper Palaeolithic site in Henan Province, China, Antiquity, Aug, 90,(352) 876-893 2016 舒涛、魏兴涛、吴小红,晓坞遗址人骨的碳氧稳定同位素分析,《华夏考古》2016年第1期,P48-55 2016 Jonathan P. Lewis, Melanie J. Leng, Jonathan R. Dean, Arkadiusz Marciniak,Daniella E. Bar-Yosef Mayer & Xiaohong Wu Early Holocene palaeoseasonality inferred from the stable isotope composition of Unio shells from Çatalhöyük, Turkey, Environmental Archaeology, 08 Jan 2016, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14614103.2015.1116216 2016 Qinglong Wu, Zhijun Zhao, Li Liu, Darry E. Granger, Hui Wang, David J. Cohen, Xiaohong Wu, Ofer Bar-yosef, Bin Lu, Jin Zhang, Prizhen Zhang, Daoyang Yuan, Wuyun Qi, Linhai Cai, Shibiao Bai Outburst flood at 1920 BCE supports historicity of China’s Great Flood and the Xia dynasty, SCIENCE, Research/Reports, Aug.5, 2016, Vol.353, Issur 6299, PP 579-582. 2015 Wu Liu*, Marı´a Martino´ n-Torres*, Yan-jun Cai5, Song Xing, Hao-wen Tong, Shu-wen Pei, Mark Jan Sier, Xiao-hong Wu, R. Lawrence Edwards, Hai Cheng, Yi-yuan Li, Xiong-xin Yang, Jose´ Marı´a Bermu´ dez de Castro & Xiu-jie Wu*, The earliest unequivocally modern humans in southern China, Nature, Letter, June 15, 2015, doi:10.1038/nature 15696 2015 F.H.Chen, G. H. Dong, D. J. Zhang, X. Y. Liu, X. Jia, ,,X. H. Wu, M. K. Jones, Agriculture facilitated permanent human occupation of the Tibetan Plateau after 3600 B.P. SCIENCE, Report16 Manuary 2015. Vol.347 ISSUE 6219, p248-250| scienmag.org. 2015 Youping Wang1, Songlin Zhang, Wanfa Gu, Songzhi Wang, Jianing He, Xiaohong Wu, Tongli Qu, Jingfang Zhao1, Youcheng Chen1 & Ofer Bar-Yosef Lijiagou and the earliest pottery in Henan Province, China, ANTIQUITY 89 (2015): 273–291 2014 Bo Sun, Mayke Wagner, Zhijun Zhao, Gang Li, Xiaohong Wu, Pavel E. Tarasov, Archaeological discovery and research at Bianbiandong early Neolithic cave site, Shandong, China, Quaternary International, Vol.348, P 169-182 2014 GuiYun Jin a,*, WenWan Wu a, KeSi Zhang b, ZeBing Wang b, XiaoHong Wu c,** 8000-Year old rice remains from the north edge of the Shandong Highlands, East China,JAS,Vol.51, P 34-42 2014 Qu Tongli, Wang Youping, Wu Xiaohong, Ofer Bar-Yosef, The Chinese upper Paleolithic: Geography, Chronology, and Techno-typology, J. Archaeological Research, DOI 10.1007/S10814-012-9059-4 2014 金和天、潘岩、杨颖亮、秦岭、孙国平、郑云飞、吴小红(通讯作者),浙江余姚田螺山遗址土壤植硅体AMS14C测年初步研究,《第四纪研究》,Vol.34, No.1. P1-7 2014 崔剑锋,吴小红,三星堆遗址祭祀坑中出土部分青铜器的金属学和铅同位素比值再分析——对三星堆青铜文化的一些新认识,《南方民族考古·第九辑》,p237-250,2014.1 2014 崔剑锋,吴小红,佟伟华,张素琳,山西垣曲商城出土部分铜器的科学研究,载《垣曲商城(二)1988-2003年度考古发掘报告》,2014年12月 2014 崔剑锋,佟伟华,吴小红,《垣曲商城出土部分铜炼渣及铜器的铅同位素比值分析研究》,载《垣曲商城(二)1988-2003年度考古发掘报告》,2014年12月
