2011年北京大学环境学院学士,2015年匹兹堡大学公共卫生学院博士,现为北京大学医学部公共卫生学院生育健康研究所助理教授,副研究员。擅长利用流行病学、大数据和时空统计等方法,分析影响人类生育健康的多种环境风险因子(包括空气污染、绿地、气候变化等);以第一作者在《自然-通讯》、《柳叶刀-星球健康》等高水平期刊上发表论文12篇,共发表SCI论文27篇;担任《Nature sustainability》等多个期刊的评审人和《Frontiers in public health》的编委。
1. 长期空气污染暴露对生育健康的影响;
2. 环境风险因素对精神疾病/认知功能的影响;
3. 基于多源数据的空气污染暴露及健康风险评估。
1. Xue T, Zhu T, Geng G, Zhang Q. Association between pregnancy loss and ambient fine particles in Africa: findings from a longitudinal study, 1998-2016. The Lancet Planetary Health 2019. 3(5), 219-225.
2. Xue T, Zhu T, Zheng Y, Liu J, Li X, Zhang Q. Change in the number of PM2.5-attributed deaths in China from 2000 to 2010: Comparison between estimations from census-based epidemiology and pre-established exposure-response functions Environment International 2019. 129, 430-437.
3. Xue T, Zhu T, Zheng Y, Zhang Q. Declines in mental health associated with air pollution and temperature variability in China. Nature Communications 2019; 10, 2165.
4. Xue T, Zheng Y, Tong D, Zheng B, Li X, Zhu T, Zhang Q. Spatiotemporal continuous estimates of PM2.5 concentrations in China, 2000-2016: a machine learning method with inputs from satellites, chemical transport model, and ground observations. Environment International 2019; 123: 345–357.
5. Xue T, Guan T, Liu Y, Zheng Y, Fan S, Zhang Q. A national case-crossover study on ambient ozone pollution and first-ever stroke among Chinese adults: interpreting a weak association via differential susceptibility. Science of the Total Environment 2019; 654: 135-143.
6. Xue T, Zhu T. Association between Fertility Rate Reduction and Pre-gestational Exposure to Ambient Fine Particles in the United States, 2003–2011. Environment International 2018; 121:955-962.
7. Xue T, Zhu T, Lin WW, Talbott EO. Association Between Hypertensive Disorders in Pregnancy and Particulate Matter in the Contiguous United States, 1999-2004. Hypertension 2018;72(1):77-84.
8. Xue T, Zhu T, Han Y. Association between birthweight and ambient PM2.5 in the United States: Individually-varied susceptibility and spatial heterogeneity. Environment International 2018;119:388-397.
9. Xue T, Zhu T. Increment of ambient exposure to fine particles and the reduced human fertility rate in China, 2000-2010. Science of the Total Environment 2018;642:497-504. (2018 IF = 4.6)
10. Xue T, Zhang Q. Associating ambient exposure to fine particles and human fertility rates in China. Environmental Pollution 2018;235:497-504.