2016.8-2018.4 University of Hong Kong 生物统计 博士后
2013.9-2014.8 UNC at Chapel Hill 生物统计 联合培养
2012.9-2016.6 北京师范大学 概率论与数理统计 博士
2009.9-2012.6 北京师范大学 概率论与数理统计 硕士
2005.9-2009.6 青岛大学 数学与应用数学 学士
2014.12-2015.12, Columbia University, Part-time Staff Associate
2014.09-2014.11, UNC at Chapel Hill, Research Assistant
[1] 《生物统计》:医学部 本科生
[2] 《现代医用数据分析方法导论》:医学部 硕博研究生
[1]童行伟, 梁宝生(2014). 概率论基础教程(原书第9版)[M], 机械工业出版社, 北京, 1-415.
R 软件包:
[1] *Liang, B. S., Wang, Y. J. and Zeng, D. L. (2015) GSSE: Genotype-Specific Survival Estimation, R-package version 0.1. URL: http://CRAN.R-project.org/package="GSSE.
[2] *Liang, B. S., Wang, Y. J. and Zeng, D. L. (2016) TMMRE: Transformation Models with Multi-level Random Effects for Family Gene Data, R-package version 1.0-1.
[1] 基于半参数有效估计理论的混合复发数据的分析方法研究及其在药物依从性问题中的应用(No.11901013).国家自然科学基金青年项目,2020.01-2022.12,主持.
[2]混合复发事件数据的统计分析及其他(No.11371062). 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 2014.01-2017.12, 主要参与人(第三).
[3] 基于复合分位数回归和最大秩相关想法的ROC回归曲线估计(No.11301031). 国家自然科学基金青年项目,2014.01-2016.12,参与.
2016.05 获“京津翼青年概率统计学术会议”优秀论文奖
[1] Qiu, Y. P., and *Liang, B. S. (2019). Robust logistic regression of family data in the presence of missing genotypes [J], Journal of Applied Statistics. 46 (5): 926-945.
[2] Liang, B. S., *Wang, Y. J., and Zeng, D. L. (2018). Semiparametric Transformation Models with Multi-level Random Effects for Correlated Disease Onset in Families [J]. Statistica Sinica. 29 (4): 1851-1871.
[3] Li, B., Liang, B. S., Tong, X. W. and *Sun, J. G. (2018). Rank Estimation of Partially Linear Transformation Models with Censored Data [J]. Statistica Sinica. 29 (4): 1963-1975.
[4] *Liang, B.S, Tong, X., Zeng, D.L. and Wang, Y. J. (2017). Semiparametric Regression Analysis of Repeated Current Status Data [J], Statistica Sinica, 27 (3): 1079-1100.
[5] *Wang, Y. J., Liang, B. S., Tong, X. W, Marder, K., Bressman, S., Orr-urtreger, A., Giladi, N. and Zeng, D. L. (2015). Efficient Estimation of Nonparametric Genetic Risk Function with Censored Dat a[J], Biometrika, 102 (3): 515-532.
[6] *Liang, B. S., Tong, X. W. and Hu, T. (2015). Spline-based Sieve Estimation in Monotone Constrained Varying-coefficient Partially Linear EV Model[J], Statistics and Probability Letters, 103:169-175.
[7] Qiu, Y. P., *Hu, T., Liang, B. S. and Cui, H. J. (2016). Robust Estimation of Parameters in Nonlinear Ordinary Differential Equation Models [J], Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, 29 (1): 41-60.
[8] *梁宝生, 胡涛, 崔恒建, 童行伟(2013). 半参数单调变系数部分线性EV模型的估计[J], 北京师范大学学报(自然科学版). 49 (5): 453-457.