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教育背景 2011 宾夕法尼亚大学 经济学 博士 2006 北京大学 经济学 硕士 2004 北京大学 经济学 学士 职业经历 2011~2016 光华管理学院应用经济系讲师 2016~2019 光华管理学院应用经济系副教授 2019~今 光华管理学院应用经济系教授


博弈论 信息经济学 组织经济学


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1,“Political Competition at a Multilayer Hierarchy: Evidence from China” (joint with Xing Li, Chong Liu and Li-An Zhou), in The Chinese Economy: a New Transition, published by Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. 2,“Partial Centralization in Three-Division Organizations” (joint with Siguang Li), Nankai Business Review International, 5(2), 187-210, 2014. 3,“Dynamic Pricing in the Presence of Individual Learning”, Journal of Economic Theory, 155, 262-299, 2015. 4,“Learning and Efficiency with Search Frictions”, Frontiers of Economics in China, 10(3), 449-466, 2015. 5,“Can Learning Cause Shorter Delays in Reaching Agreements?” Journal of Mathematical Economics, 60, 49-62, 2015. 6,“Common Value Experimentation” (joint with Jan Eeckhout), Journal of Economic Theory, 160, 317-339, 2015. 7,“Random Authority” (joint with Siguang Li), International Economic Review, 58, 211-235, 2017. 8,“Efficient Learning and Job Turnover in the Labor Market” (joint with Fei Li), International Economic Review, 58, 727-750, 2017. 9,“Can Loss Aversion Explain the Disposition Effect? A New Perspective on Reference Points” (joint with Juanjuan Meng), Management Science, 64, 3331-3351, 2018. 10,“A Theory of Organizational Dynamics: Internal Politics and Efficiency” (joint with Hongbin Cai and Hong Feng), American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 10(4), 94-130, 2018. 11,“Managerial Turnover and Entrenchment” (joint with Zenan Wu), Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 27, 742-771, 2018. 12,“Tournaments with Targets: Theory and Evidence from China” (joint with Xing Li, Chong Liu and Li-An Zhou), Economic Journal, 129, 2888-2915, 2019. 13,“Formal Insurance and Informal Risk Sharing Dynamics”(joint with Wanchuan Lin and Juanjuan Meng), Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization,180, 837-863, 2020. 14,“Star Ratings and the Incentives of Mutual Funds” (joint with Chong Huang and Fei Li), Journal of Finance, 75(3), 1715-1765, 2020. 15,“A Sustainable Incentive Scheme for Federated Learning” (joint with H Yu, Z Liu, Y Liu, T Chen, M Cong, D Niyato, Q Yang), IEEE Intelligent Systems, 35(4), 58-69, 2020. 16,“A Fairness-aware Incentive Scheme for Federated Learning” (joint with H Yu, Z Liu, Y Liu, T Chen, M Cong, D Niyato, Q Yang) The 3rd AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society (AIES-20). 17, “A Game-Theoretic Framework for Incentive Mechanism Design in Federated Learning” (joint with M Cong, H Yu, S Yiu) in Federated Learning: Privacy and Incentive (edited by Q Yang, L Fan, H Yu), published by Springer 2020. 18,“Robust Persuasion of a Privately Informed Receiver” (joint with Ju Hu) Economic Theory, 72(3), 909-953, 2021. 19, “Market Expanding or Market Stealing? Competition with Network Effects in Bike-Sharing” (joint with Guangyu Cao, Ginger Zhe Jin, and Li-An Zhou) Rand Journal of Economics, 52(4), 778-814, 2021. 20, “The Making of Bad Gentry: The Abolition of an Exam, Local Governance and Anti-gentry Protests, 1902–1911” (joint with Yu Hao, Kevin Zhengcheng Liu, and Li-An Zhou) Journal of Economic History, 82(3), 625-661, 2022. (Lead Article) 21, “Assortative Learning” (joint with Jan Eeckhout) Economica, 89, 647-688, 2022.


社会服务:  应邀为以下国内外期刊匿名评审: E c o n o m e t ri c a, I n t e r n a ti o n a l E c o n o m i c R e v i e w, J o u r n a l o f E c o n o m i c T h e o r y, M a n a g e m e n t S c i e n c e, R e v i e w o f E c o n o m i c S t u d i e s, A m e ri c a n E c o n o m i c J o u r n a l: M i c r o e c o n o m i c s, R e v i e w o f I n d u s t ri a l O r g a n i z a ti o n, J o u r n a l o f E u r o p e a n E c o n o m i c A s s o c i a ti o n, R a n d J o u r n al o f E c o n o m i c s, R e v i e w o f E c o n o m i c D y n a m i c s, E c o n o m i c T h e o r y, J o u r n a l o f M a t h e m a ti c a l E c o n o m i c s, J o u r n a l o f L a w, E c o n o m i c s & O r g a ni z a ti o n, J o u r n a l o f E c o n o m i c B e h a v i o r & O r g a ni z a ti o n, J o u r n a l o f C o m p a r a ti v e E c o n o m i c s, J o u r n a l o f B a n k i n g a n d F i n a n c e, I n t e r n a ti o n a l J o u r n a l o f I n d u s t ri a l O r g a n i z a ti o n , 《 经 济 学 季 刊 》  应邀为 Hong Kong Research Grant Council评审项目  应邀参与中国信息经济学会乌家培奖的评审  2017ChinaMeeting ofthe Econometric Society以及2019Asian Meetingof the Econometric Society的Session Organizer  中国微观理论论坛发起人及学术委员会成员  Program Committee for the 1st International Workshop on Federated Machine Learning for Data Privacy (FML 2019)以及 the Special Track on Federated Machine Learning in the 2019 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (IEEE BigData'19)
