2017 北京大学 统计学 博士
2012 北京大学 数学 学士
2018 年 助理教授,研究员, 北大光华管理学院
因果推断: 混杂;工具变量;阴性对照方法;因果图模型;中介分析;敏感性分析;
Miao W., Ding P., and Geng Z. (2016). Identifiability of normal and normal mixture models with nonignorable missing data. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 111:1673–1683.
Miao W. and Tchetgen Tchetgen E. (2016). On varieties of doubly robust estimators under missingness not at random with a shadow variable. Biometrika, 103:475–482.
Miao W., Geng Z., and Tchetgen Tchetgen E. (2018). Identifying causal effects with proxy variables of an unmeasured confounder. Biometrika, in press.
Miao W. and Tchetgen Tchetgen E. (2017). Invited commentary: Bias attenuation and identification of causal effects with multiple negative controls. American Journal of Epidemiology, 185:950-953.
Miao W. and Tchetgen Tchetgen E. (2018). Identification and inference with nonignorable missing covariate data. Statistica Sinica, in press.
Sun B., Liu L., Miao W., Wirth K., Robins J. M., and Tchetgen Tchetgen E. (2018). Semiparametric estimation with data missing not at random using an instrumental variable. Statistica Sinica, in press.
Geng Z., Liu Y., Liu C. C., Miao W. (2018). Evaluation of causal effects and local structure learning of causal networks. Annual Review of Statistics and Its Application, in press.
Li H. K., Jia J. Z., Miao W., and Geng Z. Identification and estimation of treatment effects with separate datasets.
Miao W. and Tchetgen Tchetgen E. A confounding bridge approach for double negative control inference on causal effects.
Miao W., Tchetgen Tchetgen E., and Geng, Z. Identification and doubly robust estimation of data missing not at random with a shadow variable.
苗旺,刘春晨,耿直. 因果推断的统计方法.
Shi X., Miao W., and Tchetgen Tchetgen E. Multiply robust correction of confounding bias with negative controls.