1999 北京大学光华管理学院 金融 博士
1988 中南财经大学 金融 硕士
1985 河北财经学院 金融 学士
2009-2010 哥伦比亚大学访问学者
2002-2003 加拿大卡尔加里大学Haskayne商学院HSBC(汇丰银行)访问教授
2000-2010 北京大学光华管理学院金融系副教授
1999-2000 北京大学光华管理学院金融系讲师
Jia, C., Y. Wang, and W. Xiong. 2017. Market Segmentation and Differential Reactions of Local and Foreign Investors to Analyst Recommendations, Review of Financial Studies 30: 2972–3008.
Ding, S., C. Jia, Z. Wu, and W. Yuan. 2017. Limited attention by lenders and small business debt financing: Advertising as attention grabber. International Review of Financial Analysis 49 (2017) 69–82.
Ding, S.,C. Jia, Z. Wu. 2016. Mutual Fund Activism and Market Regulation during the Pre-IFRS Period: The Case of Earnings Informativeness in China from an Ethical Perspective", Journal of Business Ethics, 138:765-785.
Ding, S., C. Jia, Z. Wu, W. Yuan.2016. Environmental Management under Subnational Institutional Constraints, Journal of Business Ethics 134:631-648.
Ding, S.,C. Jia, C. Wilson, and Z. Wu,2015 "Political Connections and Agency Conflicts: The Roles of Owner and Manager Political Influence on Executive Compensation", Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting. 45.2: 407-434.
Ding, S., C. Jia, B. Qu, and Z. Wu. 2015. “Corporate Risk-Taking: Exploring the Effects of Government Affiliation and Executives’ Incentives”, Journal of Business Research, 68.6: 1196-1204.
Chen, Q., S. Ding, C. Jia, and Z. Wu. 2015. What Happens When Firms Break Promises? The Case of Information Credibility. The European Journal of Finance, 1-20.
Ding, S.,C. Jia, Z. Wu, and X. Zhang.2014. Executive Political Connections and Firm Performance: Comparative Evidence from Privately-Controlled and State-Owned Enterprises. International Review of Financial Analysis 36 (Dec): 153-167.
Chang. P.C., C. Jia, and Z. Wang. 2010.Bank fund reallocation and economic growth: Evidence from China. Journal of Banking and Finance 34, 2753-2766.
Ding,S., C. Jia, Y Li, Z. Wu. 2010. Reactivity and passivity after enforcement Actions: Better late than never. Journal of Business Ethics 95:337-359.
Ding, S., Z. Wu, Y. Li, and C. Jia. 2010. Executive compensation, supervisory boards, and China's governance reform: A legal approach perspective. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting 35, 445-471.
Jia, C., S. Ding, Y. Li, and Z. Wu. 2009. Frauds, enforcement actions, and the Role of corporate governance: Evidence from China. Journal of Business Ethics 90(4), 561-576.
Jia, C., 2009. The effect of ownership on the prudential behavior of banks - the case of China, Journal of Banking and Finance 33, 77-87.