2021-至今 北京大学 经济学院,长聘副教授,财政学系副主任,博士生导师
2015-2021 北京大学 经济学院,助理教授
2013-2015 清华大学 经济管理学院,博士后
2010-2017 世界银行 研究部,研究顾问
2007-2013 北京大学 光华管理学院,经济学博士
2010-2011 世界银行 研究部,访问学者,研究顾问
2003-2007 北京大学 数学科学学院,理学学士
2004-2007 北京大学 中国经济研究中心,经济学双学士
“Target Setting in Tournaments: Theory and Evidence from China” (with Xing Li, Xi Weng, Li-An Zhou) , Economic Journal, 2019, 129(623): 2888-2915.
“Explaining the Urban Premium in Chinese Cities and the Role of Place-Based Policies” (with Anthony Howell, Rudai Yang), Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 2020, Vol. 52(7) 1332–1356. (区域经济权威期刊)
“Highway Networks and Distortions: Firm-Level Evidence from China” (with Wei Wang, Qunfeng Wu, Hui Zhang), Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, 2021, 55(4). (交通经济权威期刊)
“Seller Reputation: From Word-of-mouth to Centralized Feedback” (with Hongbin Cai, Ginger Jin, Li-an Zhou), International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2014, 34: 51-65.(产业组织权威期刊)
“Transportation Infrastructure, Competition and Productivity: Theory and Evidence from China” (with Wei Wang, Qunfeng Wu). Economics Letters. 2019, 174: 74-77.
“Does Administrative Decentralization Enhance Economic Growth? Evidence from a Quasi-Natural Experiment in China” (with Min Wu, Qiang Gong), Economic Modelling, 2021(1).