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1983年获西北农学院学士学位;1991年获中国农业科学院研究生院硕士学位;1999年获中国农业科学院研究生院博士学位;1994年-1995年在意大利UDINE大学做访问学者。1983年至今在中国农业科学院北京畜牧兽医研究所工作。荣获2016年全国农业先进个人称号,2017首届全国创新争先奖状获得者。 研究成果先后荣获 2013年国家科技进步二等奖“2013-J-203-2-01-R01”(第1完成人) 2010年北京市科技一等奖“2010农-1-001-01”(第1完成人) 2000年山西省科技进步二等奖“2000-B-2-110”(第2完成人) 1997年国家科技进步二等奖“13-2-004-02”(第2完成人)




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Jing Tan,Maria A. Hegeman,Jian Hu,Ming Xie,Wenbiao Shi,Yong Jiang,Vinceng de Boer,Yuming Guo,Shuisheng Hou*and Jaap Keijer. Severe riboflavin deficiency induces alterations in the hepatic proteome of starter Pekin ducks. British Journal of Nutrition, 2017,118(9), 641-650. Aijuan Zheng, Wenhuan Chang, Shuisheng Hou*, Shu Zhang, Huiyi Cai,Guilan Chen, Ruiying Lou, Guohua Liu*. Unraveling molecular mechanistic differences in liver metabolism between lean and fat lines of Pekin duck (Anas platyrhynchos domestica): A proteomic study. Journal of Proteomics,2014, 98:271-288. Tieshan Xu, Lihong Gu, Kyle Michael Schachtschneider, Xiaolin Liu, Wei Huang, Ming Xie,Shuisheng Hou*. Identification of differentially expressed genes in breast muscle and skin fat of postnatal Pekin duck. PLoS ONE,2014, 9(9):e107574. Lihong Gu, Tieshan Xu, Wei Huang, Ming Xie, Shiduo Sun*, Shuisheng Hou*. Identification and profiling of microRNAs in the embryonic breast muscle of Pekin duck. PLoS ONE,2014, 9(1):e86150. L.H. Gu, T.S. Xu, W. Huang, M. Xie, W.B. Shi, S.D. Sun and S.S. Hou*. Developmental characteristics of pectoralis muscle in Pekin duck embryos. Genetics and Molecular Research, 2013,12(4): 6733-6742. Aijuan Zheng, Guohua Liu, Yunsheng Zhang, Shuisheng Hou*, Wenhuan Chang,Shu Zhang, Huiyi Cai, Guilan Chen. Proteomic analysis of liver development of lean Pekin duck (Anas platyrhynchos domestica). Journal of Proteomics,2012, 75: 5396-5413. Tieshan Xu,Wei Huang,Xiaohui Zhang,Baoguo Ye,Hanlin Zhou,Shuisheng Hou*. Identification and characterization of genes related to the development of chest muscle in Pekin duck. Molecular Biology Report,2012,(39)7647-7655. J. Wang , S. S. Hou*, W. Huang , X. G. Yang , X. Y. Zhu , and X. L. Liu. Molecular cloning of prolactin receptor of the Peking duck.Poultry Science,2009,88:1016-1022.
