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Dr. Ho is currently Irene Diamond Professor at The Rockefeller University and Scientific Director and Chief Executive Officer of the Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center, a world-renowned biomedical research institute in New York City. He has been at the forefront of AIDS research since the beginning of the epidemic. His seminal studies unveiling the dynamic nature of HIV replication in vivo were published in Nature, Science and the New England Journal of Medicine and revolutionized our basic understanding of the disease. This knowledge led him to champion the groundbreaking approach of combination antiretroviral therapy that resulted in unprecedented control of HIV among patients. To date, more than 20 million patients worldwide have benefitted from combination antiretroviral therapy. As a major driving force in the fight to end the disease, Dr. Ho has received numerous honors and awards for his scientific accomplishments from his academic peers, national governments and the public at large. He is the recipient of a Presidential Citizens Medal, as well as 14 honorary doctorates. In addition to his election to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the National Academy of Medicine, he was recognized as Time magazine’s “Man of the Year” in 1996.
