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Dr. Yu Lu’s research program is divided into two main areas of focus: proteomics and stem cell biology. Using high-sensitivity proteomics methodology developed in-house, the Lu lab is seeking to understand post-transcriptional, translational, and post-translational regulation of stem cells within the context of certain neurodegenerative diseases as well as cancers. More specifically, the Lu Lab is currently interested in developing proteomics methods to understand the RNA splicing regulation during the stem cell differentiation process and in cellular models of neurodegenerative diseases.


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NanoTPOT: Enhanced Sample Preparation for Quantitative Nanoproteomic Analysis. Analytical Chemistry Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Analytical Edition. 92:6235-6240. 2020 Article has an altmetric score of 2 Step-Wise Assessment and Optimization of Sample Handling Recovery Yield for Nanoproteomic Analysis of 1000 Mammalian Cells. Analytical Chemistry Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Analytical Edition. 91:10395-10400. 2019 Article has an altmetric score of 5 Nuclear corepressor SMRT is a strong regulator of body weight independently of its ability to regulate thyroid hormone action. PLoS ONE. 14:e0220717-e0220717. 2019 Alternative Splicing of MBD2 Supports Self-Renewal in Human Pluripotent Stem Cells. Cell Stem Cell. 15:92-101. 2014 Article has an altmetric score of 6 Genome-scale proteome quantification by DEEP SEQ mass spectrometry. Nature Communications. 4:2171. 2013 Article has an altmetric score of 5 Nanoflow Low Pressure High Peak Capacity Single Dimension LC-MS/MS Platform for High-Throughput, In-Depth Analysis of Mammalian Proteomes. Analytical Chemistry Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Analytical Edition. 84:5133-5139. 2012 Cellular Reprogramming: A New Technology Frontier in Pharmaceutical Research. Pharmaceutical Research. 29:35-52. 2012 Article has an altmetric score of 1 Understanding the first steps in embryonic stem cell exit from the pluripotent state. Transfusion. 51:118S-124S. 2011 Article has an altmetric score of 1 Improved Electrospray Ionization Efficiency Compensates for Diminished Chromatographic Resolution and Enables Proteomics Analysis of Tyrosine Signaling in Embryonic Stem Cells. Analytical Chemistry Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Analytical Edition. 81:3440-3447. 2009 Article has an altmetric score of 3 Absolute Quantification of Specific Proteins in Complex Mixtures Using Visible Isotope-Coded Affinity Tags. Methods in Molecular Biology. 359:159-176. 2007 Acceleration of blood-brain barrier formation after transplantation of enteric glia into spinal cords of rats. Experimental Brain Research. 162:56-62. 2005 Article has an altmetric score of 3 Ait-082 and Methylprednisolone Singly, but Not in Combination, Enhance Functional and Histological Improvement after Acute Spinal Cord Injury in Rats. International Journal of Immunopathology and Pharmacology. 17:353-366. 2004 Absolute Quantification of Specific Proteins in Complex Mixtures Using Visible Isotope-Coded Affinity Tags. Analytical Chemistry Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Analytical Edition. 76:4104-4111. 2004 Article has an altmetric score of 3 Identification of TFB5, a new component of general transcription and DNA repair factor IIH. Nature Genetics. 36:707-713. 2004 Article has an altmetric score of 1 Guanosine promotes myelination and functional recovery in chronic spinal injury. NeuroReport. 14:2463-2467. 2003 Article has an altmetric score of 3 Effects of Raloxifene on Fracture Severity in Postmenopausal Women with Osteoporosis: Results from the MORE Study. Osteoporosis International. 13:907-913. 2002 Quantitative fuzzy neural network for analytical determination. Analytica Chimica Acta. 468:105-117. 2002 Quantitative determination of Freon gas using an electronic nose. The Analyst. 127:786-791. 2002 Naturally and externally pulsed electrospray. Mass Spectrometry Reviews. 21:148-162. 2002 High accuracy mass measurement of peptides with internal calibration using a dual electrospray ionization sprayer system for protein identification. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry. 16:505-511. 2002 Article has an altmetric score of 3 Sequence pattern correlation of amino acid in collion-induced dissociation electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. Chinese Journal of Chemistry Acta Chimica Sinica. 20:467-473. 2002 Pulsed Electrospray for Mass Spectrometry. Analytical Chemistry Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Analytical Edition. 73:4748-4753. 2001 Article has an altmetric score of 3 Electronic noses using quantitative artificial neural network. Chemical Research in Chinese Universities. 17:380-386. 2001 Preliminary research on pulsed-electrospray phenomenon. Kao Teng Hsueh Hsiao Hua Heush Hsueh Pao/ Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities. 22:560-562. 2001 Quantitative artificial neural network for electronic noses. Analytica Chimica Acta. 417:101-110. 2000 Identification of an endogenous inhibitor of prostatic carcinoma cell growth. Nature Medicine. 1:1040-1045. 1995
