博士、研究员/博士生导师。中国孢子植物编辑委员会委员、中国藻类学会理事。1992年湖北大学本科毕业留校,从事中国淡水藻类区系与分类鉴定工作,1999年起调入中国科学院水生生物研究所从事藻类学研究至今,2003年水生生物学在职博士毕业。2001-2003年作为交换学者在美国Arizona State University工作学习
1.Zhu Huan, Leliaert Frederik, Zhao ZhiJuan, Xia Shuang, Hu ZhengYu, Liu GuoXiang*.2015.Ulvella tongshanensis (Ulvellaceae, Chlorophyta), a new freshwater species from China, and an emended morphological circumscription of the genus Ulvella.Fottea, 15: 95–104.通讯作者
2.Xia Shuang, Cheng Yingyin, Zhu Huan, Liu Guoxiang * and Hu Zhengyu.2015.Distribution and population dynamics of cryptomonads in a Chinese lake with three basins varying in their trophic state.Phycological Research, 63:93-101.通讯作者
3.Zhang Qi, Liu Guoxiang* and Hu Zhengyu.2014.Description of a new freshwater bloom-forming dinoflagellate with a diatom endosymbiont, Peridiniopsis minima sp.nov.(Peridiniales, Dinophyceae) from China.Algological Studies.145/146: 119-133.通讯作者
4.Zhu Huan, Zhao Zhijuan, Xia Shuang, Hu Zhengyu and Liu Guoxiang*.2014.Morphology and phylogenetic position of Stomatochroon reniformis var.chinensis var.nov.(Trentepohliales, Ulvophyceae), a rare endobiotic alga from China.Phycologia.53: 493-504.通讯作者
5.Zhao Zhijuan, Zhu Huan, Hu Zhengyu and Liu Guoxiang*.2014.Occurrence of true branches in Rhizoclonium (Cladophorales, Ulvophyceae) and the reinstatement of Rhizoclonium pachydermum Kjellman.Phytotaxa.166 (4): 273–284.通讯作者
6.Xia Shuang, Zhang Qi, Zhu Huan, Cheng Yingyin, Liu Guoxiang* and Hu Zhengyu.2013.Systematics of a kleptoplastidal dinoflagellate, Gymnodinium eucyaneum Hu (Dinophyceae), and Its cryptomonad endosymbiont.PLoS ONE 8(1): e53820.通讯作者
7.Xia Shuang, Zhu Huan, Cheng Yingyin, Liu Guoxiang* and Hu Zhengyu.2013.Phylogenetic position of Ecballocystis and Ecballocystopsis (Chlorophyta).Fottea, 13(1):65-75.通讯作者
8.Xia Shuang, Liu Guoxiang* and Hu Zhengyu.2013.Improved methodology for identification of cryptomonads: combining light microscopy and PCR amplification.Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology.23(3): 289–296.通讯作者
9.Zhu Huan, Xia Shuang, Zhang Qi, Liu Guoxiang*, and Hu Zhengyu.2013.Phylogenetic position of Jaoa, a green algal genus endemic to China.Phycological Research.61:226-236.通讯作者
10.Liu Guoxiang* and Hu Zhengyu.2013.New observations on a rare endobiotic green alga, Stomatochroon lagerheimii, from a tropical area in China.Nova Hedwigia.97:429-436.
11.夏爽,张琪,刘国祥*,胡征宇。2013。人工试验湖泊浮游藻类群落的生态学研究。水生生物学报。37:640-647。 通讯作者
13.Liu Guoxiang*, Zhang Qi; Zhu Huan; Hu Zhengyu.2012.Massive Trentepohlia-bloom in a glacier valley of Mt.Gongga, China, and a new variety of Trentepohlia (Chlorophyta).PLoS ONE 7(7): e37725.
14.张琪,刘国祥,胡征宇*。2012。中国淡水拟多甲藻属研究。水生生物学报,36:751-764。 通讯作者
15.Zhang, Qi.Liu Guoxiang* and Hu Zhengyu*.2011.Morphological differences and molecular phylogeny of freshwater blooming species, Peridiniopsis spp.(Dinophyceae) from China.European Journal of Protistology, 47:149-160.共同通讯作者
16.张琪,刘国祥*,胡征宇。2011。一株淡水多甲藻的形态观察和多甲藻属系统发育分析。植物科学学报。29:1-10。 通讯作者
17.夏爽,刘国祥*,胡征宇。2011。武汉东湖隐藻门植物的分类学研究。植物科学学报。29:250-255。 通讯作者
18.Pei Guofeng, Liu Guoxiang* and Hu Zhengyu*.2010.A comparative study of benthic algal colonization in shallow lakes of China.Journal of Freshwater Ecology.25: 403-411.共同通讯作者
19.裴国凤,刘国祥*。2010。三聚氰胺对藻类的毒性效应研究。水生生物学报。34:973-978。 通讯作者
20.裴国凤,刘国祥*,胡征宇。2009。武汉东湖底栖藻类对磷的滞留作用。环境科学学报,29(4):840-845。 通讯作者