万松明:1970年生,安徽合肥人。中国科学院安徽光学精密机械研究所研究员。《材料科学》和《Research and application of Physics》编委,Applied Physics Letters、Crystal Growth & Design、CrystEngComm、Langmuir等十多家国际著名学术刊物的审稿人。 1988−1992年 四川大学化学系学习,获学士学位 1995−1998年 中科院金属研究所沈阳材料科学国家(联合)实验室学习,获硕士学位 1999−2002年 中国科学技术大学化学系和中科院理化技术研究所北京人工晶体研究与发展中心学习,获博士学位 2002−2005年 中国科学技术大学中科院结构分析重点实验室,博士后 2005年至今 中科院安徽光学精密机械研究所激光技术研究中心晶体材料实验室,副研究员(2005年)、研究员(2010年)
(1)Songming Wan,* Bo Zhang, Yulong Sun, Xiaolu Tang and Jinglin You, Structural analyses of a K2O-rich KNbO3 melt and the mechanism of KNbO3 crystal growth, CrystEngComm, 17 (2015) 2636−2641. (cover paper)
(2)Xiaolu Tang, Songming Wan,* Bo Zhang, Xianshun Lv, Yulong Sun and Jinling You, First-principles investigation of the influence of M (Mg, Ca and Ba) cations on the Ba2M(B3O6)2 crystal Raman spectra, Mater. Chem. Phys. 149−150 (2015) 270−274.
(3)Songming Wan, In-situ investigation of the melt structures in borate crystal growth systems, In Crystal and Crystal Growth (W. Carter Edit.) 2015, Nova Science Publishers: New York, 25−51.
(4)Songming Wan,* Xiaolu Tang, Yulong Sun, Guochun Zhang, Jinglin You and Peizhen Fu, Raman spectroscopy and density functional theory analyses on the melt structure in the Li2B4O7 crystal growth system, CrystEngComm 16 (2014) 3086−3090. (cover paper)
(5)Yulong Sun, Songming Wan,* Xianshun Lv, Xiaolu Tang, Jinglin You and Shaotang Yin, New insights into the BiB3O6 melt structure, CrystEngComm 15 (2013) 220−225.
(6)Di Wang, Songming Wan,* Shaotang Yin, Qingli Zhang, Jinglin You, Guochun Zhang and Peizhen Fu, High-temperature Raman spectroscopy study on the microstructure of the boundary layer around a growing LiB3O5 crystal, CrystEngComm 13 (2011) 5239−5242.
(7)Guixin Gu, Di Wang, Xianshun Lv, Songming Wan,* Jinglin You, Qingli Zhang and Shaotang Yin, In situ study on the structural transition in YBO3 through Raman spectroscopy, Mater. Chem. Phys. 131 (2011) 274−277.
(8)Songming Wan,* Xia Zhang, Sijie Zhao, Qingli Zhang, Jinglin You, Lu Lu, Peizhen Fu, Yicheng Wu and Shaotang Yin, Raman spectroscopy study of CsB3O5 crystal/melt boundary layer structure, Cryst. Growth Des. 8 (2008) 412−414.
(9)Songming Wan,* Xia Zhang, Sijie Zhao, Qingli Zhang, Jinglin You, Hui Chen, Guochun Zhang and Shaotang Yin, Growth units and growth habit of α-BBO crystal, J. Appl. Cryst. 40 (2007) 725−729.
(10)Songming Wan, The Growth of Borate Nonlinear Optical Crystals, In: New Developments in Crystal Growth Research (Karas GV. Edit.) 2006, Nova Science Publishers: Virgina. 1−38.