2011-12 特殊型纳米多孔阳极氧化铝模板的制备 化学进展 第二(通讯作者)
2012-Fabrication of solid aluminum electrolytic capacitors utilizing conductive polyaniline solutions Synthetic Metals第一
2012-6 High-field anodization of aluminum in concentrated acid solutions and at higher temperatures Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 第一
2012-9 Effect of solvent on the structural features and the degree of ordering of pore arrays in porous anodic alumina Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 第一
2012-6 多孔氧化铝模板结合sol-gel旋转涂敷法制备PZT纳米管 功能材料第一
2012-6 阳极氧化物纳米孔道和TiO2纳米管形成机理的研究进展 物理化学学报第三
2012-12 Theoretical derivation of ionic current and electronic current and comparison between fitting curves and measured curves RSC Advances第四
2013-1 A novel nanostructure fabricated by an improved two-step anodizing technology Electrochemistry Communications 第二(通讯作者)
2013-5 电解-电化学混合电容器的制备与性能 物理化学学报第五(通讯作者)
2013-7 聚苯胺在高pH 值溶液中的电化学活性 化学学报第一