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招生专业 070903-古生物学与地层学(含:古人类学) 070920-地球生物学 070901-矿物学、岩石学、矿床学 招生方向 晚前寒武纪古生物学与地层学 晚前寒武纪生物演化与古环境 晚前寒武纪生物演化与古环境 教育背景 1999-09--2002-12 南京地质古生物研究所 博士 1990-09--1993-05 南京地质古生物研究所 硕士 1986-09--1990-07 北京大学 学士 工作经历 2005—现在 中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所,研究员 博士生导师 1993—2004 中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所,研究实习员、助理研究员、副研究员 2009.11—2010.2 美国路易斯安那州立大学合作研究 2003.9—2004.8 美国弗吉尼亚工学院和州立大学合作研究 1999.11—2000.10 英国牛津大学地球科学系合作研究 奖励信息 (1) 黄汲清青年科学技术奖,国家级,2014 (2) 埃迪卡拉纪蓝田生物群,一等奖,省级,2013 科研项目 (1) 湖北三峡地区埃迪卡拉生物群研究,主持,其他级,2014-05--2017-04 (2) 埃迪卡拉纪古环境演变,主持,院级级,2012-01--2015-12




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1. 胡永亮,王伟,周传明. 2019. 沉积地层中的黄铁矿形态及同位素特征初探—以华南埃迪卡拉纪深水相地层为例. 沉积学报. 10.14027/j.issn.1000-0550.2019.021 2. Nolan M, Xiao S, Gill BC, Jones D, Zhou C, 2019. Assessing the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation: Improving stratigraphic correlation of the Upper Doushantuo Black Shales via mercury content. Estudios Geológicos, 75(2), e107. https://doi.org/10.3989/egeol.43595.562 3. Yung-Hsin Liu, Der-Chuen Lee, Chen-Feng You, Naoto Takahata, Yoshiyuki Iizuka, Yuji Sano, Chuanming Zhou, 2019. In-situ U–Pb dating of monazite, xenotime, and zircon from the Lantian black shales: time constraints on provenances, deposition and fluid flow events. Precambrian Research, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.precamres.2019.105528 4. Wei Wang, Chengguo Guan, Yongliang Hu, Huan Cui, A.D. Muscente, Lei Chen, Chuanming Zhou,2019. Spatial and temporal evolution of Ediacaran carbon and sulfur cycles in the Lower Yangtze Block, South China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2019.109417 5. Weiming Ding, Lin Dong, Yuanlin Sun, Haoran Ma, Yihe Xu, Runyu Yang, Yongbo Peng, Chuanming Zhou, Bing Shen, 2019. Early animal evolution and highly oxygenated seafloor niches hosted by microbial mats. Scientific Reports, 9: 13628. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-49993-2 6. Shuhai Xiao, Zhe Chen, Chuanming Zhou, Xunlai Yuan, 2019. Surfing in and on microbial mats: Oxygen-related behavior of a terminal Ediacaran bilaterian animal. Geology, 47(11): 1054-1058. https://doi.org/10.1130/G46474.1 7. Zhe Chen, Chuanming Zhou, Xunlai Yuan*, Shuhai Xiao*, 2019. Death march of a segmented and trilobate bilaterian elucidates early animal evolution. Nature, 573: 412-415. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-019-1522-7 8. Yixin Cui, Xianguo Lang, Fangbing Li, Kangjun Huang, Haoran Ma, Chenqing Li, Haoxiang Pei, Chao Li, Chuanming Zhou, Bing Shen, 2019. Germanium/silica ratio and rare earth element composition of silica-filling in sheet cracks of the Doushantuo cap carbonates, South China: Constraining hydrothermal activity during the Marinoan snowball Earth glaciation. Precambrian Research, 332, 105407. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.precamres.2019.105407 9. 邵叶飞, 陈哲, 周传明, 袁训来, 2019. 湖北三峡地区埃迪卡拉系灯影组Hiemalora stellaris生物属性及埋藏分析. 古生物学报, 58(1): 1-10. (Yefei Shao, Zhe Chen, Chuanming Zhou, Xunlai Yuan, 2019. Hiemalora stellaris from the Ediacaran Dengying Formation in the Yangtze Gorges area, Hubei Province: affinity and taphonomic analysis. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 58(1):1-10.) 10. Qing Tang, Jie Hu, Guwei Xie, Xunlai Yuan, Bin Wan, Chuanming Zhou, Xu Dong, Guohua Cao, Bruce S. Lieberman, Sally P. Leys, Shuhai Xiao, 2019. A problematic animal fossil from the early Cambrian Hetang Formation, South China. Journal of Paleontology, 93(6): 1047-1057. doi: 10.1017/jpa.2019.26. 11. Chuanming Zhou*, M. H. Huyskens, Xianguo Lang, Shuhai Xiao, Qing-Zhu Yin, 2019. Calibrating the terminations of Cryogenian global glaciations. Geology, 47: 251-254. https:// doi .org /10 .1130 /G45719.1 12. Bin Wan, Qing Tang, Ke Pang, Xiaopeng Wang, Zhian Bao, Fanwei Meng, Chuanming Zhou, Xunlai Yuan, Hong Hua, Shuhai Xiao, 2019. Repositioning the Great Unconformity at the southeastern margin of the North China Craton. Precambrian Research, 324: 1-17. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.precamres.2019.01.014 13. Qing Ouyang, Chuanming Zhou*, Shuhai Xiao, Zhe Chen, Yefei Shao, 2019. Acanthomorphic acritarchs from the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation at Zhangcunping in South China, with implications for the evolution of early Ediacaran eukaryotes. Precambrian Research, 320: 171-192. 14. Chuanming Zhou*, Xunlai Yuan, Shuhai Xiao, Zhe Chen, Hong Hua, 2019. Ediacaran integrative stratigraphy and timescale of China. Science China Earth Sciences, 62: 7-24. (周传明, 袁训来, 肖书海, 陈哲, 华洪,2019. 中国埃迪卡拉纪综合地层和时间框架. 中国科学: 地球科学, 49: 7-25.) 15. 周传明, 2018. 新元古代雪球地球事件. 见: 戎嘉余, 袁训来, 詹仁斌, 邓涛主编, 生物演化与环境. 中国科学技术大学出版社, 合肥: 78-93. 16. Xianguo Lang, Bing Shen*, Yongbo Peng*, Shuhai Xiao, Chuanming Zhou, Huiming Bao, Alan Jay Kaufman, Kangjun Huang, Peter W. Crockford, Yonggang Liu, WenboTang, Haoran Ma, 2018. Transient marine euxinia at the end of the terminal Cryogenian glaciation. Nature Communications, 9: 3019. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-05423-x. 17. Zhe Chen*, Xiang Chen, Chuanming Zhou, Xunlai Yuan, Shuhai Xiao*, 2018. Late Ediacaran trackways produced by bilaterian animals with paired appendages. Science Advances, 4: eaao6691. 18. Xianguo Lang, Jitao Chen, Huan Cui, Ling Man, Kang-Jun Huang, Yong Fu, Chuanming Zhou, Bing Shen*, 2018. Cyclic cold climate during the Nantuo Glaciation: Evidence from the Cryogenian Nantuo Formation in the Yangtze Block, South China. Precambrian Research, 310: 243-255. 19. Bing Shen*, Haoran Ma, Heqing Ye, Xianguo Lang, Haoxiang Pei, Chuanming Zhou, Shihong Zhang, Runyu Yang, 2018. Hydrothermal origin of syndepositional chert bands and nodules in the Mesoproterozoic Wumishan Formation: Implications for the evolution of Mesoproterozoic cratonic basin, North China. Precambrian Research, 310: 213-228. 20. Bing Shen, Shuhai Xiao, Chuanming Zhou, Lin Dong, Jieqiong Chang, Zhe Chen, 2017. A new modular palaeopascichnid fossil Curviacus ediacaranus new genus and species from the Ediacaran Dengying Formation in the Yangtze Gorges area of South China. Geological Magazine, 154: 1257-1268. 21. Qing Ouyang, Chengguo Guan, Chuanming Zhou*, Shuhai Xiao, 2017. Acanthomorphic acritarchs of the Doushantuo Formation from an upper slope section in northwestern Hunan Province, South China, with implications for early‒middle Ediacaran biostratigraphy. Precambrian Research, 298: 512-529. 22. Chen Zhongqiang, Zhou Chuanming, Stanley GJ, 2017. Biosedimentary records of China from the Precambrian to present. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 474: 1-6. 23. Chuanming Zhou*, Shuhai Xiao, Wei Wang, Chengguo Guan, Qing Ouyang, Zhe Chen, 2017. The stratigraphic complexity of the middle Ediacaran carbon isotopic record in the Yangtze Gorges area, South China, and its implications for the age and chemostratigraphic significance of the Shuram excursion. Precambrian Research, 288: 23-38. 24. Cui Huan, Kaufman AJ, Xiao Shuhai, Zhou Chuanming, Liu Xiao-ming, 2017. Was the Ediacaran Shuram Excursion a global synchronized early diagenetic event? Insights from methane-derived authigenic carbonates in the uppermost Doushantuo Formation, South China. Chemical Geology, 450: 59-80. 25. Wang Wei, Guan Chengguo, Zhou Chuanming*, Peng Yongbo, Pratt LM, Chen Xiang, Chen Zhe, Yuan Xunlai, Xiao Shuhai*, 2017. Integrated carbon, sulfur, and nitrogen isotope chemostratigraphy of the Ediacaran Lantian Formation in South China: spatial gradient, ocean redox oscillation, and fossil distribution. Geobiology, 15: 552-571. 26. Chuanming Zhou*, Xian-Hua Li, Shuhai Xiao, Zhongwu Lan, Qing Ouyang, Chengguo Guan, Zhe Chen, 2017. A new SIMS zircon U-Pb date from the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation: age constraint on the Weng'an biota. Geological Magazine, 154(6): 1193-1201. 27. Chengguo Guan, Wei Wang, Chuanming Zhou*, A.D. Muscente, Bin Wan, Xiang Chen, Xunlai Yuan, Zhe Chen, Qing Ouyang, 2017. Controls on fossil pyritization: Redox conditions, sedimentary organic matter content, and Chuaria preservation in the Ediacaran Lantian Biota. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 474: 26-35. 28. Xiao S., Narbonne G.M., Zhou C., Laflamme M., Grazhdankin D.V., Moczydłowska-Vidal M., Cui H., 2016, Toward an Ediacaran Time Scale: Problems, Protocols, and Prospects, Episodes, 39:540-555. 29. Chuanming Zhou*, Chengguo Guan, Huan Cui, Qing Ouyang, Wei Wang, 2016. Methane-derived authigenic carbonate from the lower Doushantuo Formation of South China: Implications for seawater sulfate concentration and global carbon cycle in the early Ediacaran ocean. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 461: 145-155. 30. 周传明, 2016. 南华北地区中—新元古代地层与沉积背景. 孙枢, 王铁冠主编, 中国东部中—新元古界地质学与油气资源. 科学出版社, 北京: 195-206. 31. Zeng J, Jia WL, Peng PA, Guan CG, Zhou CM, Yuan XL, Chen SS, Yu CL. 2016. Composition and pore characteristics of black shales from the Ediacaran Lantian Formation in the Yangtze Block, South China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 76: 246-261. 32. 周传明, 2016. 扬子区新元古代前震旦纪地层对比. 地层学杂志, 40(2): 120-135.(Zhou Chuanming, 2016. Neoproterozoic lithostratigraphy and correlation across the Yangtze block, South China. Journal of Stratigraphy, 40: 120-135.) 33. Huan Cui, Shuhai Xiao, Chuanming Zhou, Yongbo Peng, Alan J. Kaufman, Rebecca Plummer, 2016. Phosphogenesis associated with the Shuram Excursion: Petrographic and geochemical observations from the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation of South China. Sedimentary Geology, 341: 134-146. 34. Lei Chen, Shuhai Xiao, Ke Pang, Chuanming Zhou, Xunlai Yuan, 2016. Are the new Ediacaran Doushantuo embryo-like fossils early metazoans? A reply. Palaeoworld, 25: 132-134. 35. Bing Shen, Lin Dong, Shuhai Xiao, Xianguo Lang, Kangjun Huang, Yongbo Peng, Chuanming Zhou, Shan Ke, and Pengju Liu, 2016. Molar tooth carbonates and benthic methane fluxes in Proterozoic oceans. Nature Communications, 7: 10317 36. 袁训来, 万斌, 关成国, 陈哲, 周传明, 肖书海, 王伟, 庞科, 唐卿, 华洪, 2016. 蓝田生物群. 上海科学技术出版社, 上海:1-138. 37. Chao Li, Noah J. Planavsky, Wei Shi, Zihu Zhang, Chuanming Zhou, Meng Cheng, Lidya G Tarhan, Genming Luo, Shucheng Xie, 2015. Ediacaran Marine Redox Heterogeneity and Early Animal Ecosystems. Scientific Reports, 5: 17097, doi:10.1038/srep17097. 38. 欧阳晴, 周传明*, 关成国, 王伟, 2015. 宜昌峡东地区埃迪卡拉系陡山沱组疑源类化石新材料及其生物地层学意义. 古生物学报, 54(2): 207-229.(Qing Ouyang, Chuanming Zhou*, Chengguo Guan, Wei Wang, 2015. New Microfossils from the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation in the Yangtze Gorges Area,South China,and Their Biostratigraphic Implications. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 54(2): 207-229.) 39. Huan Cui, A J Kaufman, Shuhai Xiao, Maoyan Zhu, Chuanming Zhou, Xiaoming Liu, 2015. Redox architecture of an Ediacaran ocean margin: Integrated chemostratigraphic (δ13C-δ34S-87Sr/86Sr-Ce/Ce*) correlation of the Doushantuo Formation, South China. Chemical Geology, 405: 48-62 40. Shuhai Xiao, A. D. Muscente, Lei Chen, Chuanming Zhou, James D. Schiffbauer, Andrew D. Wood, Nicholas F. Polys, Xunlai Yuan, 2014. The Weng’an biota and the Ediacaran radiation of multicellular eukaryotes. National Science Review, 1: 498-520 41. Lei Chen, Shuhai Xiao, Ke Pang, Chuanming Zhou, Xunlai Yuan, 2014. Cell differentiation and germ-soma separation in Ediacaran animal embryo-like fossils. Nature, 516: 238-241 42. Yongbo Peng, Huiming Bao, Lisa M. Pratt, Alan J. Kaufman, Ganqing Jiang, Dustin Boyd, Qinxian Wang, Chuanming Zhou, Xunlai Yuan, Shuhai Xiao, Sean Loyd, 2014. Widespread contamination of carbonate-associated sulfate by present-day secondary atmospheric sulfate: Evidence from triple oxygen isotopes. Geology, 42: 815-818 43. Wang Wei, Guan Chengguo, Zhou Chuanming, Wan Bin, Tang Qing, Chen Xiang, Chen Zhe, Yuan Xunlai, 2014, Exceptional preservation of macrofossils from the Ediacaran Lantian and Miaohe biotas. Palaios, 29: 129-136 44. Wang Wei, Zhou Chuanming* Guan Chengguo, Yuan Xunlai, Chen Zhe,Wan Bin, 2014, An integrated carbon, oxygen, and strontium isotopic studies of the Lantian Formation in South China with implications for the Shuram anomaly. Chemical Geology, 373: 10-26 45. Zhe Chen, Chuanming Zhou, Shuhai Xiao, Wei Wang, Chengguo Guan, Hong Hua, Xunlai Yuan, 2014, New Ediacara fossils preserved in marine limestone and their ecological implications. Scientific Reports, 4: 4180. DOI: 10.1038/srep04180 46. Guan Chengguo, Zhou Chuanming*, Wang Wei, Wan Bin, Yuan Xunlai, Chen Zhe, 2014, Fluctuation of shelf basin redox conditions in the early Ediacaran: evidence from Lantian Formation black shales in South China. Precambrian Research, 245: 1-12 47. Borjigin Tenger, Yin Leiming, Bian Lizeng, Yuan Xunlai, Zhou Chuanming, Meng Fanwei, Xie Xiaomin, Bao Fang, 2014, Nano-scale spheroids and fossils from the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation in China. The Open Paleontology Journal, 5: 1-9 48. Mike Meyer, Shuhai Xiao, Benjamin Gill, James Schiffbauer, Zhe Chen, Chuanming Zhou, Xunlai Yuan, 2014, Interactions between Ediacaran animals and microbial mats: Insights from Lamonte trevallis, a new trace fossil fromthe Dengying Formation of South China. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 396: 62-74 49. Xiao Shuhai, Zhou Chuanming, Liu Pengju, Wang Dan, Yuan Xunlai, 2014, Phosphatized acanthomorphic acritarchs and related microfossils from the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation at Weng’an (South China) and their implications for biostratigraphic correlation. Journal of Paleontology, 88(1): 1-67 50. Liu Pengju, Xiao Shuhai, Yin Chongyu, Chen Shouming, Zhou Chuanming, Li Meng, 2014. Ediacaran acanthomorphic acritarchs and other microfossils from chert nodules of the upper Doushantuo Formation in the Yangtze Gorges area, South China. Paleontology Memoir 72: 1-139 51. Fan-Wei Meng, Pei Ni, Xun-Lai Yuan, Chuan-Ming Zhou, Chun-He Yang, Yin-Ping Li, 2013. Choosing the best ancient analogue for projected future temperatures: A case using data from fluid inclusions of middle-late Eocene halites. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 67–68: 46-50 52. 万斌, 关成国, 周传明, 孟凡巍, 庞科, 唐卿, 饶馨, 2013, 华南埃迪卡拉系底部钾质斑脱岩的岩石地球化学特征及其地质意义. 岩石学报, 29(12):4373-4386. (Bin Wan, Chengguo Guan, Chuanming Zhou, Fanwei Meng, Ke Pang, Qing Tang, Xin Rao, 2013. Petrologic and geochemical characteristics of K-bentonites from the basal Ediacaran in Yangtze Platform, South China and their geological significance. Acta Petrologica Sinica, 29(12): 4373-4386.) 53. 王伟, 蔡耀平, 关成国, 万斌, 陈哲, 周传明, 袁训来, 2013, 华南埃迪卡拉纪化石保存方式及其时空分布. 古生物学报, 52(1): 68-79. (Wei Wang, Yaoping Cai, Chengguo Guan, Bin Wan, Zhe Chen, Chuanming Zhou, Xunlai Yuan, 2013. Preservational modes and tempo-spatial distribution of Ediacaran fossils in China. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 52(1): 68-79.) 54. Chen Zhe, Zhou Chuanming, Meyer Mike, Xiang Ke, Schiffbauer J D, Yuan Xunlai, Xiao Shuhai, 2013, Reply to comment on “Trace fossil evidence for Ediacaran bilaterian animals with complex behaviors”. Precambrian Research, 231: 386-387 55. Peng Yongbo, Bao Huiming, Zhou Chuanming, Yuan Xunlai, Luo Taiyi, 2013, Oxygen isotope composition of meltwater of a Neoproterozoic glaciation in South China. Geology, 41:367-370. 56. Bryan Killingsworth, Justin Hayles, Chuanming Zhou, Huiming Bao, 2013, Sedimentary Constraints on the Duration of the Marinoan Oxygen-17 Depletion (MOSD) Event. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 110: 17686-17690 57. Chen Zhe, Zhou Chuanming, Meyer Mike, Xiang Ke, Schiffbauer J D, Yuan Xunlai, Xiao Shuhai, 2013, Trace fossil evidence for Ediacaran bilaterian animals with complex behaviors. Precambrian Research, 224: 690-701 58. Yuan Xunlai, Chen Zhe, Xiao Shuhai, Wan Bin, Guan Chengguo, Wang Wei, Zhou Chuanming, Hua Hong, 2012, The Lantian biota: A new window onto the origin and early evolution of multicellular organisms. Chinese Science Bulletin, 58 (7): 701-707(袁训来, 陈哲, 肖书海, 万斌, 关成国, 王伟, 周传明, 华洪,2012,蓝田生物群: 一个认识多细胞生物起源和早期演化的新窗口. 科学通报,57(34): 3219-3227) 59. 董琳,宋伟明,肖书海,袁训来,陈哲,周传明,2012,皖南地区埃迪卡拉系皮园村组微体和宏体化石—兼论埃迪卡拉系—寒武系界线. 地层学杂志,36(3): 600-610. (Lin Dong, Weiming Song, Shuhai Xiao, Xunlai Yuan, Zhe Chen, Chuanming Zhou, 2012. Micro- and macrofossils from the Piyuancun Formation and their implications for the Ediacaran-Cambrian boundary in Southern Anhui. Journal of Stratigraphy, 36(3): 600-610.) 60. Wang Wei, Zhou Chuanming*, Yuan Xunlai, Chen Zhe, Xiao Shuhai, 2012. A pronounced negative δ 13C excursion in an Ediacaran succession of western Yangtze Platform: a possible equivalent to the Shuram event and its implication for chemostratigraphic correlation in South China. Gondwana Research, 22:1091-1101 61. Bao Huiming, Chen Zhongqiang, Zhou Chuanming, 2012. An 17O record of late Neoproterozoic glaciation in the Kimberley region, Western Australia. Precambrian Research, 216-219: 152-161 62. Zhou Chuanming*, Jiang Shaoyong, Xiao Shuhai, Chen Zhe, Yuan Xunlai, 2012. Rare earth elements and carbon isotope geochemistry of the Doushantuo Formation in South China: implication for middle Ediacaran shallow marine redox conditions. Chinese Science Bulletin, 57(16), 1998-2006 63. Xiao Shuhai, Knoll A H, Schiffbauer J D, Zhou Chuanming, Yuan Xunlai, 2012. Comment on “Fossilized nuclei and germination structures identify Ediacaran ‘animal embryos’ as encysting protists”. Science, 335, 1169c 64. Xiao Shuhai, McFadden K A, Peek S, Kaufman A J, Zhou Chuanming, Jiang Ganqing, and Hu Jie. 2012, Integrated chemostratigraphy of the Doushantuo Formation at the northern Xiaofenghe section (Yangtze Gorges, South China) and its implication for Ediacaran stratigraphic correlation and ocean redox models: Precambrian Research, 192-195: 125-141. 65. 刘晓,张元动,周传明,2012,浙西北上奥陶统文昌组和堰口组沉积特征及其意义. 古地理学报, 14(1): 101-116.(Xiao Liu, Yuandong Zhang, Chuanming Zhou, 2012. Sedimentary characteristics of the Upper Ordovician Wenchang and Yankou Formations in northwestern Zhejiang Province. Journal of Palaeogeography, 14(1): 101-116.) 66. Yin Leiming, Wang Dan, Yuan Xunlai, Zhou Chuanming. 2011, Diverse small spinose acritarchs from the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation, South China. Palaeoworld, 20:279-289 67. 王伟, 周传明, 袁训来, 陈哲, 关成国. 2011, 华南埃迪卡拉纪陡山沱海洋中无机碳同位素组成变化. 地层学杂志, 35(4): 349-360.(Wei Wang, Chuanming Zhou, Xunlai Yuan, Zhe Chen, Chengguo Guan, 2011. Variations of the carbonate carbon isotope in Ediacaran Doushantuo ocean of South China. Journal of Stratigraphy, 35(4): 349-360.) 68. Kong Fanfan, Yuan Xunlai, Zhou Chuanming. 2011, Paleoproterozoic glaciation: Evidence from carbon isotope record of the Hutuo Group, Wutai Mountain area of Shanxi Province, China. Chinese Science Bulletin, 56(27): 2922-2930 (孔凡凡, 袁训来, 周传明, 2011, 古元古代冰期事件:山西五台地区滹沱群的碳同位素证据. 科学通报, 56(32): 2699-2707) 69. Peng Yongbo, Bao Huiming, Zhou Chuanming, Xunlai Yuan. 2011, 17O-depleted barite from two Marinoan cap dolostone sections, South China. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 305: 21-31 70. Wang Xin, Yuan Xunlai, Zhou Chuanming, Du Kaihe, Gong Miao, 2011, Anatomy and plant affinity of Chuaria. Chinese Science Bulletin, 56(12): 1256-1261 (王鑫, 袁训来, 周传明, 杜开和, 龚淼, 2011, Chuaria的解剖结构及其植物属性. 科学通报, 56(9): 693-699) 71. Shen Bing, Xiao Shuhai, Bao Huiming, Kaufman AJ, Zhou Chuanming, Yuan Xunlai, 2011, Carbon, sulfur, and oxygen isotope evidence for a strong depth gradient and oceanic oxidation after the Ediacaran Hankalchough glaciation. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 75: 1357-1373 72. Yuan Xunlai, Chen Zhe, Xiao Shuhai, Zhou Chuanming, Hua Hong, 2011, An early Ediacaran assemblage of macroscopic and morphologically differentiated eukaryotes. Nature, 470: 390-393 73. Meng Fanwei, Ni Pei Schiffbauerc J D, Yuan Xunlai, Zhou Chuanming, Wang Yigang, Xia Maolong, 2011, Ediacaran seawater temperature: Evidence from inclusions of Sinian halite. Precambrian Research, 184: 63-69 74. Gong Miao, Zhou Chuanming, Yin Leiming, Yuan Xunlai, Wang Chunzhao, 2010, Cell wall ultrastructures of the Proterozoic acritarch Leiosphaeridia asperata and their implications for biological affinity. Science China Earth Science, 53: 1750-1755 (龚淼, 周传明, 尹磊明, 袁训来, 王春朝, 2010, 元古代刘老碑组Leiosphaeridia asperata膜壁的超微结构及其亲缘关系探讨. 中国科学: 地球科学, 40(9 0: 1098-1104) 75. Zhou Chuanming, Bao Huiming, Peng Yongbo, Yuan Xunlai, 2010, Timing the deposition of 17O-depleted barite at the aftermath of Nantuo glacial meltdown in South China. Geology, 38: 903-906 76. Zhang Yuandong, Cheng Junfeng, Munnecke A, Zhou Chuanming, 2010, Carbon Isotope Development in the Ordovician of the Yangtze Gorges Region (South China) and Its Implication for Stratigraphic Correlation and Paleoenvironmental Change. 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