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工作经历: 2019.08-今,中国科学院华南植物园,副研究员 2018.08-2019.07,美国亚利桑那大学(University of Arizona),访问学者 2016.08-2019.07,中国科学院华南植物园,陈焕镛副研究员 2012.06-2016.07,中国科学院华南植物园,助理研究员 教育经历: 2008.10-2012.03,英国谢菲尔德大学(University of Sheffield),理学博士 2005.09-2008.07,中国科学院植物研究所,理学硕士 2001.09-2005.07,北京师范大学,理学学士 承担科研项目情况: 入职以来,主持国家自然科学基金2项、教育部、广东省和广州市项目共3项、中国科学院项目2项。并作为主要成员参加国家自然科学基金、中国科学院项目若干。 获奖及荣誉: 1. 2019年,入选“中国科学院青年创新促进会” 2. 2018年,获“广州市珠江科技新星”人才称号 3. 2016年,获“第十五届中国生态学大会青年优秀报告奖” 4. 2013、2017、2019年,中国科学院华南植物园职工年度考核优秀 5. 2011年,获Yang Hanxi Rising Ecologist Award-中华海外生态学者协会 6. 2011年,获Chinese Student Awards奖学金-the Great Britain-China Educational Trust (GBCET) 7. 2008年,国家留学基金委 “UK/China Scholarships for Excellence programme” 8. 2007年,中国科学院三好学生 9. 2005年,北京师范大学优秀毕业生 10. 2004年,北京师范大学三好学生、优秀团干部、一等专业奖学金;二等国家奖学金 11. 2003年,北京师范大学优秀共青团员、一等专业奖学金 2)科普文章: 刘慧 (2015) C4植物的起源和扩张——持续百万年的生态故事. 生态智慧:生物多样性 (eds 伍业钢, 唐剑武 & 潘绪斌), pp. 115-122. 高等教育出版社, 北京. 3)会议报告(仅列国际/全国会议): 1. 2019.12, 广州,第一届暨南大学生态学青年学者论坛,口头报告(受邀)。 2. 2019.11, 保定,第九届中国生态学家俱乐部暨雄安生命科学论坛,口头报告。 3. 2019.10, 沈阳,中科院青年创新促进会学术年会,口头报告。 4. 2019.09, 北京,第一届中国生物地理学大会,口头报告。 5. 2017.07, 深圳,XIX International Botanical Congress,口头报告(受邀)。 6. 2017.07, 西宁,第三届陆地生态学青年学者学术研讨会,口头报告。 7. 2017.03, 香港,Graduate Consortium of Ecology and Conservation. 口头报告。 8. 2016.08, 兰州,第十五届中国生态学大会,口头报告(青年优秀报告奖)。 9. 2016.07, 沈阳,树木水分生理生态研讨会. Oral presentation. 10. 2016.05, 北京,International Biogeography Society Special Meeting. Poster. 11. 2015.05, 海口,热带植物生态、进化与保育国际会议暨第六届热带森林生态学学术研讨会,口头报告。 12. 2012.11, 广州,13th Conference of International Association of Botanical Gardens. Oral presentation. 13. 2011.12, London, UK, The 1st Annual Mini-Symposium on Plant Environmental Physiology. Oral presentation. 14. 2011.09, Sheffield, UK, British Ecological Society Annual Meeting 2011. Oral presentation. 15. 2011.08, 南京,第六届现代生态学讲座暨第二届国际青年生态学者论坛,口头报告(Yang Hanxi Rising Ecologist Award)。 16. 2011.07, Melbourne, Australia, XVIII International Botanical Congress. E-poster presentation.


水分生理生态学:植物功能性状(重点关注水力性状)在不同尺度如何协调和适应环境。 演化生理生态学:结合物种的功能性状、分布环境和系统发育探讨植物的演化规律。 一直从事植物生理生态学研究。以植物功能性状为切入点,在物种水平、演化类群、生物区系和全球尺度上系统研究不同植物类群的适应机制和演化模式。主要涉及木兰科、禾本科及森林植物的光合/水分相关功能性状,主要学术贡献为:(1)揭示了全球尺度木本植物水力性状和最大树高的协调策略,拓展了全球气候区植物水力分区学说;(2)阐明了木兰科地理分布成因、趋异演化模式及其生态适应策略,推动濒危物种保育;(3)找到了禾本科水分传导的限制因子,筛选抗逆物种。2015-2019年在Science Advances、Journal of Experimental Botany、Functional Ecology、Journal of Biogeography等期刊发表SCI论文19篇(第一和共一作者10篇),中文核心论文9篇,参与申请木兰科新品种1个。


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1)科学论文: a、第一/通讯作者SCI论文(含共同第一/共同通讯作者) 1. Liu, H., Gleason, S.M., Hao, G.Y., Hua, L., He, P.C., Goldstein, G. Ye, Q. (2019) Hydraulic traits are coordinated with maximum plant height at the global scale. Science Advances, 5, eaav1332. 2. Liu, H., Taylor, S.H., Xu, Q.Y., Lin, Y.X., Hou, H., Wu, G.L., Ye, Q. (2019) Life history is a key factor explaining functional trait diversity among subtropical grasses, and its influence differs between C3 and C4 species. Journal of Experimental Botany, 70, 1567-1580. 3. Liu, H. & Osborne, C. P. (2015) Water relations traits of C4 grasses depend on phylogenetic lineage, photosynthetic pathway, and habitat water availability. Journal of Experimental Botany, 66, 761-773. 4. Zhu, S.D.#, Liu, H.#, Xu, Q.Y., Cao, K.F., Ye, Q. (2016) Are leaves more vulnerable to cavitation than branches? Functional Ecology, 30, 1740-1744. 5. Liu, H., Lundgren, M., Freckleton, R.P., Xu, Q. & Ye, Q. (2016) Uncovering the spatio-temporal drivers of species trait variances: a case study of Magnoliaceae in China. Journal of Biogeography, 43, 1179-1191. 6. Liu, H., Osborne, C.P., Yin, D.Y., Freckleton, R.P., Jiang, G.M., Liu, M.Z. (2019) Phylogeny and ecological processes influence grass coexistence at different spatial scales within the steppe biome. Oecologia, 191, 25-38. 7. Liu, H.#, Xu, Q.#, He, P., Santiago, L.S., Yang, K. & Ye, Q. (2015) Strong phylogenetic signals and phylogenetic niche conservatism in ecophysiological traits across divergent lineages of Magnoliaceae. Scientific Reports, 5, 12246. 8. Liu, H., Xu, Q.Y., Lundgren, M.R., Ye, Q. (2017) Different water relations between flowering and leaf periods: a case study in flower-before-leaf-emergence Magnolia species. Functional Plant Biology, 44, 1098-1110. 9. Liu, H., Zhu, L.W., Xu, Q.Y., Lundgren, M.R., Yang, K.M., Zhao, P., Ye, Q. (2018) Ecophysiological responses of two closely related Magnoliaceae genera to seasonal changes in subtropical China. Journal of Plant Ecology, 11, 434-444. 10. Xu, Q.Y.#, Liu, H.#, Ye, Q. (2017) Intraspecific variability of ecophysiological traits of four Magnoliaceae species growing in two climatic regions in China. Plant Ecology, 218, 407-415. 11. Liu, H., Osborne, C. P. (2015) Water relations traits of C4 grasses depend on phylogenetic lineage, photosynthetic pathway, and habitat water availability. Journal of Experimental Botany, 66, 761-773. 12. Liu, H., Edwards, E., Freckleton, R., Osborne, C. (2012) Phylogenetic niche conservatism in C4 grasses. Oecologia, 170, 835-845. 13. Liu, H., Jiang, G.M., Zhuang, H.Y., Wang, K.J. (2008) Distribution, utilization structure and potential of biomass resources in rural China: With special references of crop residues. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 12, 1402-1418. b、第一/通讯作者非SCI论文(含共同第一/共同通讯作者): 1. 赵乐文, 陈梓熠, 邹滢, 付子钊, 吴桂林, 刘小容, 罗琦, 林忆雪, 李雄炬, 刘智通, 刘慧* (2018) 九种维管植物水力性状的演化趋势. 植物生态学报, 42, 220-228. c、其他论文(仅列SCI论文): 1. He, P., Gleason, S., Wright, I.J., Weng, E., Liu, H., Zhu, S., Lu, M., Luo, Q., Li, R., ... Ye, Q. (2019). Growing-season temperature and precipitation are independent drivers of global variation in xylem hydraulic conductivity. Global Change Biology, online. 2. Xu, Q. Y., Wang, D., Quan, G. M., Zhang, J. E., Li, R. H., & Liu, H. (2019). Pennisetum Hydridum’s Potential for Controlling Invasive Chromolaena Odorata. Sustainability, 11(21), 5990. 3. Hua, L., He, P., Goldstein, G., Liu, H., Yin, D., Zhu, S., & Ye, Q. (2019). Linking vein properties to leaf biomechanics across 58 woody species from a subtropical forest. Plant Biology, online. 4. Liu, X., Liu, H., Gleason, S.M., Goldstein, G., Zhu, S., He, P., Hou, H., Li, R. and Ye, Q. (2019). Water transport from stem to stomata: the coordination of hydraulic and gas exchange traits across 33 subtropical woody species. Tree physiology, 39, 1665-1674. 5. He, P., Wright, I.J., Zhu, S., Onoda, Y., Liu, H., Li, R., et al. (2019) Leaf mechanical strength and photosynthetic capacity vary independently across 57 subtropical forest species with contrasting light requirements. New Phytologist, 223: 607-618. 6. Liang, X., He, P., Liu, H., Zhu, S., Uyehara, I. K., Hou, H., Wu, G., Zhang, H., You, Z., Xiao, Y. & Ye, Q. (2019) Precipitation has dominant influences on the variation of plant hydraulics of the native Castanopsis fargesii (Fagaceae) in subtropical China. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 271, 83-91. 7. Zhang, H., Chen, H. Y. H., Lian, J., John, R., Li, R.H., Liu, H., Ye, W.H., Berninger, F. & Ye, Q. (2018) Using functional trait diversity patterns to disentangle the scale-dependent ecological processes in a subtropical forest. Functional Ecology, 32, 1379-1389. 8. Zhang, H., John, R., Zhu, S., Liu, H., Xu, Q., Qi, W., Liu, K., Chen, H. Y. & Ye, Q. (2018) Shifts in functional trait–species abundance relationships over secondary subalpine meadow succession in the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau. Oecologia, 188, 547-557. 9. Wu, G., Liu, H., Hua, L., Luo, Q., Lin, Y., He, P., Feng, S., Liu, J. & Ye, Q. (2018) Differential responses of stomata and photosynthesis to elevated temperature in two co-occurring subtropical forest tree species. Frontiers in Plant Science, 9, 467. 10. Wu, G., Jiang, S., Liu, H., Zhu, S., Zhou, D., Zhang, Y., Luo, Q. & Li, J. (2018) Early direct competition does not determine the community structure in a desert riparian forest. Scientific Reports, 8, 4531. 11. Zhu, S.D., Chen, Y.J., Ye, Q., He, P.C., Liu, H., Li, R.H., Fu, P.L., Jiang, G.F. & Cao, K.F. (2018) Leaf turgor loss point is correlated with drought tolerance and leaf carbon economics traits. Tree Physiology, 38, 658-663. 12. Zhang, H, Zhu, S.D., John, R, Li, R.H., Liu, H., Ye, Q. (2017) Habitat filtering and exclusion of weak competitors jointly explain fern species assemblage along a light and water gradient. Scientific Reports, 7, 298. 13. Zhu, S.D., Li, R.H., Song, J., He, P.C., Liu, H., Berninger, F. & Ye, Q. (2016) Different leaf cost–benefit strategies of ferns distributed in contrasting light habitats of sub–tropical forests. Annals of Botany, 117, 497-506. 14. Wang, G.M., Jiang, G.M., Yu, S.L., Li, Y.H., Liu, H. (2008) Invasion possibility and potential effects of Rhus typhina on beijing municipality. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 50, 522-530. 15. Wang, G.M., Jiang, G.M., Zhou, Y.L., Liu, Q.R., Ji, Y.S., Wang, S.X., Chen, S.B., Liu, H. (2007) Biodiversity conservation in a fast-growing metropolitan area in China: a case study of plant diversity in Beijing. Biodiversity and Conservation, 16, 4025-4038. 16. Liu, J., Chen, Y., Guo, L.R., Gu, B., Liu, H., Hou, A.Y., Liu, X.F., Sun, L.X., Liu, D.Z. (2006) Stereotypic behavior and fecal cortisol level in captive giant pandas in relation to environmental enrichment. Zoo Biology, 25, 445-459.


1. 国家自然科学基金评审专家、广东省科学技术厅科技咨询专家。 2. 为多个国内外学术期刊审稿,如Nature Ecology and Evolution, Oikos等。 3. 国内外多个学术团体会员,如广东省青年科学家协会(2019-2023),中国地理学会(2019-2024),中国生态学会(2016-2021),广东省生态学会(2016-2021)等。 4. 教学活动: “广东实验中学拔尖科学人才培养班”校外导师(2016-2018),宁波诺丁汉大学短期客座教授(2017, 2018)等。
