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夏汉平:男,1966年9月出生, 博士,中国科学院华南植物园研究员,博士生导师。1988年毕业于南京农业大学,获学士学位;1991年和1999年在中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所先后获得硕士和博士学位。主要从事恢复生态学、污染生态学和环境生态工程等方面的研究。在有关应用香根草生态工程治理生态环境的研究与推广应用方面一直在国际上处于领先水平,先后7次获得国际大奖,包括国际香根草界的最高荣誉“泰国王奖”,并荣获全球第一个“香根草冠军奖”。迄今已发表论文150余篇,其中SCI收录论文30余篇;出版专著3本,合作出版专著2本,主编国际会议论文集1本,申请国家发明专利6项,其中3项授权。1999年获中国科学院青年科学家奖,2000年获国务院特殊津贴,2010年获中国科学院朱李月华优秀导师奖等多项荣誉。 获奖及荣誉: 1. 2010年获中国科学院“朱李月华优秀导师奖” 2. 2003年获国际香根草网络组织颁发的世界上第一个“国际香根草冠军奖” 3. 2003年泰国王室Chaipattana基金会颁发的“泰国王香根草奖” 4. 2000年获国务院“政府特殊津贴” 5. 1999年获中国科学院“青年科学家奖” 6. 1998年获国际香根草网络组织等4家国际机构联合颁发的“香根草研究与发展奖”系列大奖中的“侵蚀控制”和“污染防治”两项二等奖 7. 1991年获中国科学院“院长奖学金”优秀奖 代表论著: Paul Troung, 夏汉平, Tran Tan Van, Elise Pinners编著. 2008. 香根草系统应用技术参考手册. 广州: 广东科技出版社. 徐礼煜, 夏汉平主编. 2008. 香根草系统的理论与实践. 北京:中国广播电视出版社. Truong P., and Xia H.P. 2003. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Vetiver and Exhibition. Beijing: China Agriculture Press. 夏汉平, 刘世忠, 敖惠修. 2000. 优良水土保持植物与坡地复合农林业. 北京: 气象出版社.




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Zhang X.F., Xia H.P.*, Li Z.A. Zhuang P., Gao B. 2011. Identification of a new potential Cd-hyperaccumulator Solanum photeinocarpum by soil seed bank-metal concentration gradient method. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 189: 414-419. Li H.F., Fu S.L., Zhao H.T., Xia H.P.* 2011. Forest soil CO2 fluxes as a function of understory removal and N-fixing species addition. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 23(6): 949-957. Li H.F., Fu S.L., Zhao H.T., Xia H.P.* 2010. Effects of understory removal and N-fixing species seeding on soil N2O fluxes in four forest plantations in southern China. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 56: 541-551. Wang F.M., Li Z.A., Xia H.P., Zou B., Li N.Y., Liu J., Zhu W.X. 2010. Effects of nitrogen-fixing and non-nitrogen-fixing tree species on soil properties and nitrogen transformation during forest restoration in southern China. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 56: 297-306. Zhang X.F., Xia H.P.*, Li Z.A., Zhuang P., Gao B. 2010. Potential of four forage grasses in remediation of Cd and Zn contaminated soils. Bioresource Technology, 101, 2063-2066. Xia H.P.*, Zhang X.F., Li Z.A., Lu X.Q., Fu S.L. 2009. Physiological and cellular ultrastructure responses for three grass species under submergence. Journal of Aquatic Plant Management, 47(2): 100-110. Huang J., Xia H.P.*, Li Z.A., Xiong Y.M., Kong G.H. 2009. Soil aluminum uptake and accumulation by Paspalum notatum. Waste Management & Research, 27: 668-675. Zhuang P., Mcbride M.B., Xia H.P., Li N.Y., Li Z.A. 2009. Health risk from heavy metals via consumption of food crops in the vicinity of Dabaoshan mine, South China. Science of the Total Environment, 407: 1551-1561. Xiong Y.M., Xia H.P.*, Li Z.A., Cai X.A, Fu S.L. 2008. Impacts of understory and litter removal on soil properties in a subtropical Acacia mangium plantation in China. Plant and Soil, 304: 179-188. Li Z-a, Zou B, Xia H.P., Ren H., Mo J.M., Weng H., Tu M.Z. 2005. Litterfall dynamics of an evergreen broadleaf forest and a pine forest in the subtropical region of China. Forest Science, 51(6): 608-615. Xia H.P*. 2004. Ecological rehabilitation and phytoremediation with four grasses in oil shale mined land. Chemosphere, 54: 345-353.
