Liu C-Q, Gao Y-D, Niu Y, Xiong Y-Z, Sun H*. 2019. Floral adaptations of two lilies: Implications for the evolution and pollination ecology of huge trumpet‐shaped flowers. American journal of botany 106: 622-32. (相关报道:有容乃大的百合花)
Liu C-Q, Niu Y, Peng D-L, Sun H*. 2018. Are superior ovaries damaged by the bills of flower-visiting birds and does this preclude adaptation to bird pollinators? Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 187: 499-511.(子房上位的鸟媒花会遭到鸟的破坏么?)
Niu Y, Sun H*, Stevens M*. Plant camouflage: ecology, evolution, and implications, Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 2018, 33: 608-618(相关报道:关于植物伪装的新见解)
Niu Y, Chen Z, Stevens M, Sun H.* 2017. Divergence in cryptic leaf colour provides local camouflage in an alpine plant. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 284: 20171654.(相关报道:植物伪装的局地适应)
Niu Y#, Gong Q-B#, Peng D-L, Sun H, Li Z-M . * 2017. Function of male and hermaphroditic flowers and size-dependent gender diphasy of Lloydia oxycarpa (Liliaceae) from Hengduan Mountains. Plant Diversity 4: 187-193 (洼瓣花的性别表达与个体大小有关)
Chen J.-G., Niu Y., Li Z.-M., Yang Y.*, Sun H. *, Sex allocation in gynodioecious Cyananthus delavayi differs between gender morphs and soil quality. Plant Reproduction 30: 107
Chen J.-G., Chang S., Niu Y., Li Z.-M., Yang Y., Sun H. 2017 Seed quality of the Sino–Himalayan endemic genus Cyananthus (Campanulaceae) increases with elevation and varies with life histories. Plant Ecology & Diversity, 10:1, 43-52
Niu, Y., Zhou Z., Sha W., Sun H. * 2016 Post-floral Erection of Stalks Provides Insight into the Evolution of Fruit Orientation and Its Effects on Seed Dispersal Scientific Reports 6: doi:10.1038/srep20146 (为什么许多植物在开花后会举起果实?)
Peng D.-L., Song B., Yang Y., Niu Y. *, Sun H.* 2016 Overlapping Leaves Covering Flowers in the Alpine Species Eriophyton wallichii (Lamiaceae): Key Driving Factors and Their Potential Impact on Pollination. PLoS ONE 11: e0164177. (绵参的厚实毛被是做什么用的?)
Niu, Y., Zhang, Z-Q., Liu CQ., Li Z-M., Sun, H. * 2015. A Sexually Dimorphic Corolla Appendage Affects Pollen Removal and Floral Longevity in Gynodioecious Cyananthus delavayi (Campanulaceae) PLoS ONE 10:e0117149. (细叶蓝钟花的性二型与功能)
Chen, J. G., Niu, Y., Yang, Y., & Sun, H*. 2015. Sexual allocation in the gynodioecious species Cyananthus macrocalyx (Campanulaceae) at high elevations in the Sino-Himalaya Mountains. Alpine Botany, 1: 49–57.
Song, B., Niu, Y., St?cklin, J., Chen, G., Peng, D. L., Gao, Y. Q., & Sun, H*. 2015. Pollinator attraction in Cornus capitata (Cornaceae): the relative role of visual and olfactory cues. Journal of Plant Ecology, 8: 173-181.
Peng, D. L., Niu, Y., Song, B., Chen, J. G., Li, Z. M., Yang, Y., & Sun, H. * 2015. Woolly and overlapping leaves dampen temperature fluctuations in reproductive organ of an alpine Himalayan forb. Journal of Plant Ecology, 8: 159-165.
Chen, G., Gong, W. C., Ge, J., Niu, Y., Zhang, X., Dunn, B. L., & Sun, W. B. * 2015. Comparison of floral properties and breeding system in dimorphic Buddleja delavayi (Scrophulariaceae). Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 53: 196-202.
Niu, Y., Chen, G., Peng, D-L., Song B., Yang, Y., Li, Z-M., Sun H. * 2014. Grey leaves in an alpine plant: a cryptic colouration to avoid attack? New Phytologist 203: 953-963 (细叶蓝钟花的性二型与功能)
Niu, Y., & Sun H*. 2014. Alpine scree plants benefit from cryptic coloration with limited cost. Plant Signialing and Behavior 9: DOI:10.4161/psb.29698
Sun, H.+ *, Niu, Y.+, Chen, Y-S.+, Song B., Liu C-Q., Peng, D-L., Chen, J-G., Yang, Y. 2014. Survival and reproduction of plant species in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (QTP). Journal of Systematics and Evolution 52: 378-396
Song, B., Chen, G., St?cklin, J., Peng, D. L., Niu, Y., Li, Z. M., & Sun, H. * 2014. A new pollinating seed‐consuming mutualism between Rheum nobile and a fly fungus gnat, Bradysia sp., involving pollinator attraction by a specific floral compound. New Phytologist, 203: 1109-1118.
Chen, G. F., Sun, W. G., Hong, D. Y., Zhou, Z., Niu, Y., Nie, Z. L., ... & Li, Z. M.* 2014. Systematic significance of cytology in Cyananthus (Campanulaceae) endemic to the Sino‐Himalayan region. Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 52: 260-270.
Peng, D. L., Ou, X. K., Xu, B., Zhang, Z. Q., Niu, Y., Li, Z. M., & Sun, H*. 2014. Plant sexual systems correlated with morphological traits: Reflecting reproductive strategies of alpine plants. Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 52: 368-377.
Li, X. H., Zhu, X. X., Niu, Y., & Sun, H.* 2014. Phylogenetic clustering and overdispersion for alpine plants along elevational gradient in the Hengduan Mountains Region, southwest China. Journal of Systematics and Evolution,52: 280-288.