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招生专业 071001-植物学 招生方向 植物生态与民族植物学 土壤生态学 全球气候变化 学历 1991年~1992年 菲律宾大学环境科学专业硕士 学位 2001年:中国农业大学 博士学位 环境与资源专业 1988年至1990年:中科院研究生院 硕士学位 民族生态学专业 1982年至1986年:南京农业大学 学士学位 园艺学专业 出国学习工作 1991年~1992年 菲律宾大学环境科学专业硕士 2004年7月~2007年7月任国际山地综合发展中心水、灾害和环境管理部主任 工作简历 2007年至今,任世界混农林业中心高级科学家及中国及东亚办公室首席代表;中科院昆明植物研究所研究员 2004年7月~2007年7月任国际山地综合发展中心水、灾害和环境管理部主任;1997年至2004年,中科院昆明植物研究所生物地理与民族植物学研究室教授、副主任; 1995年至2004年,云南省生物多样性和传统知识研究会执行主任 许建初研究员为昆明植物所博士生指导导师,昆明植物所与世界混农林业中心联合实验室山地生态系统研究中心主任,长期活跃在国际科研舞台,具有丰富的国际交流合作的经验。1996~1998年担任国际保护和发展论坛理事会常务理事;1996年和2000年两次被选为国际民族生物学学会理事会理事;1999-2004年担任国际全球变化项目地球生物圈土地利用和地被覆盖(LUCC-IGBP/IHDP)常务委员,2000年至今担任国际保护联盟(IUCN)生态系统管理委员会委员;2001~2005年担任联合国粮农组织亚太地区社区林业培训中心理事会理事、副主席;千年生态系统评估报告审稿人。2004年7月~2007年7月任国际山地综合发展中心水、灾害和环境管理部主任。目前担任国际生态系统和人类健康学会理事会理事。 发表著作 (1) 湄公河流域野生菌识别手册,Mushrooms for Trees and People: A field guide to useful mushrooms of the Mekong region,World Agroforestry Center (ICRAF),2014-04,第2作者 (2) 朝鲜参与式混农林业发展,Participatory agroforestry development in DRP Korea,Kunming: World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF), China and East Asia Node,2011-03,第1作者 (3) 东南亚山地地区土地利用类型的转变,Special Issue: Land Use Transition in Montane Mainland Southeast Asia,Mountain Research and Development,2006-01,第1作者 (4) 参与式技术发展(PTD):联系本土知识和生物多样性,获取可持续生计,Participatory Technology Development (PTD): Linking Indigenous Knowledge and Biodiversity for Sustainable Livelihoods,Yunnan Science and Technology Press ,2004-09,第2作者 (5) 景观多样性:东南亚山地的本土知识、可持续生计及资源管理,Landscapes of Diversity: Indigenous Knowledge, Sustainable Livelihoods and Resource Governance in Montane Mainland Southeast Asia,云南科技出版社,2003-09,第1作者 (6) 绿春黄连山自然保护区,Lvchun Huanglianshan National Nature Reserve,云南科技出版社,2003-01,第1作者 (7) 金平分水岭国家级自然保护区综合考察报告,Jingping Fenshuiling National Nature Reserve,云南科技出版社,2002-01,第1作者 科研项目 (1) 西南山地典型生态系统植物多样性对气候变化的响应,主持,国家级,2014-01--2018-12 (2) 西南山地典型生态系统植物多样性对气候变化的响应,主持,国家级,2014-01--2018-12 (3) 露天磷矿山地生态恢复和景观,主持,部委级,2013-12--2016-06 (4) 东喜马拉雅地区树形杜鹃(Rhododendron arboreum Smith)的气候变化响应,主持,国家级,2013-01--2016-12 (5) 亚洲高山水资源管理的风险评估及恢复力建设项目,主持,其他级,2012-11--2015-12 (6) 喜马拉雅地区气候变化适应性研究,主持,其他级,2012-11--2015-12 (7) 桂南地区重要工业原料植物调查,参与,部委级,2012-06--2018-06 (8) 减少伐林和林地退化造成的碳排放和提高碳汇(REDD+)影响,参与,其他级,2011-01--2014-12 参与会议 Organized international workshop on Flash Flood Management and Sustainable Development in the Himalayan Region held in Lhasa, October 22-29, 2005 with joint statement of “The Lhasa Declaration” which is intended to serve as a platform for increased action towards improved management of flash floods. Organized Mobile workshop on Land Use History in Montane Mainland Southeast Asia, transecting Xishuangbanna, Luang Prabang & Chiang Mai, 15-27 January 2005, supported by Rockefeller Foundation with partner organizations of Kunming Institute of Botany (KIB), Center for Biodiversity and Indigenous Knowledge (CBIK), National University of Laos (NUoL), National Agricultural and Forestry Research Institute (NAFRI), Chiang Mai University (CMU), World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF), International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), and East–West Center (EWC). Coordinated and chaired, The III Montane Mountain Southeast Asia Conference, 22-29, August, 2002, Lijiang, Yunnan, China, Supported by the Ford Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation and others. Coordinated and chaired, Culture and Biodiversity International Congress 2000, 20-30 July, 2000, Kunming, Xishuangbanna, Diqing, Yunnan China, Supported by The Ford Foundation, GTZ, etc. The policy document on Yunnan Initiative: Visions and Actions for the Enhancement of Biological and Cultural Diversity, was widely disseminated


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

(1) Responses of spring phenology in temperate zone trees to climate warming: A case study of apricot flowering in China,Agricultural and Forest Meteorology,2015,通讯作者 (2) Indigenous trees restore soil microbial biomass at faster rates than exotic species,Plant and Soil,2015,通讯作者 (3) Assessing drought variability since 1650 AD from tree‐rings on the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, southwest China,International Journal of Climatology,2015,第2作者 (4) Current trends of rubber plantation expansion may threaten biodiversity and livelihoods,Global Environmental Change,2015,通讯作者 (5) Structure of the Epophyte Community in a Tropical Montane Forest in SW China.,Plos One,2015,通讯作者 (6) Intensified food production and correlated risks to human health in the Greater Mekong Subregion: a systematic review,Environmental Health,2015,第5作者 (7) Deforestation and fragmentation of natural forests in the upper Changhua watershed, Hainan, China: implications for biodiversity conservation,Environmental Monitoring and Assessment ,2015,第5作者 (8) Changing Perceptions of Forest Value and Attitudes toward Management of a Recently Established Nature Reserve: A Case Study in Southwest China,Forests,2015,通讯作者 (9) Litterfall and nutrient return along a disturbance gradient in a tropical montane forest,Forest Ecology and Management ,2015,第3作者 (10) Yet Another Empty Forest: Considering the Conservation Value of a Recently Established Tropical Nature Reserve,PloS One,2015,第3作者 (11) Structure of the Epiphyte Community in a Tropical Montane Forest in SW China,PloS One,2015,第3作者 (12) Responses of spring phenology in temperate zone plants to climate warming,Agricultural and Forest Meteorology,2014,通讯作者 (13) The sooty moulds,Fungal Diversity,2014,通讯作者 (14) Landscape transformation through the use of ecological and socioeconomic indicators in Xishuangbanna, Southwest China, Mekong Region,Ecolological Indicators ,2014,第1作者 (15) Response of Chestnut Flowering in Beijing to Photosynthetically Active Radiation Variation and Change in Recent Fifty Years,Plant Diversity and Resources,2014,通讯作者 (16) Building ecosystem resilience for climate change adaptation in the Asian highlands,Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews Climate Change,2014,第1作者 (17) Ensemble forecast of climate suitability for the Trans-Himalayan Nyctaginaceae species,Ecological Modelling,2014,第2作者 (18) Yield and household consumption of Rhododendron arboreum as a fuelwood species in Eastern Nepal,Biomass and Bioenergy,2014,通讯作者 (19) Chilling and heat requirements for flowering in temperate fruit trees,International Journal of Biometeorology,2014,通讯作者 (20) Flowering phenology of tree rhododendron along an elevation gradient in two sites in the Eastern Himalayas,International Journal of Biometeorology,2013,通讯作者 (21) Response of chestnut phenology in China to climate variation and change,Agricultural and Forest Meteorology,2013,通讯作者 (22) Seasonal response of grasslands to climate change on the Tibetan Plateau,PloS One,2012,第2作者 (23) Mekong hydropower: drivers of change and governance challenges,Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment,2012,第3作者 (24) Spatial distribution and temporal variation of high fluoride contents in groundwater and prevalence of fluorosis in humans in Yuanmou County, Southwest China,Journal of Hazardous Materials ,2012,通讯作者 (25) Conservation with Chinese Characters,Biological Conservation,2011,第2作者 (26) 湄公河水利发展,Mekong under hydropower development,Science,2011,第2作者 (27) Winter and spring warming result in delayed spring phenology on the Tibetan Plateau,Proceedings of National Academy of Science,2010,通讯作者 (28) Sensitivity of streamflow from a Himalayan catchment to plausible changes in land-cover and climate,Hydrological Processes,2010,通讯作者 (29) Climate change and sediment flux from the Roof of the World,Earth Surface Processes and Landforms,2010,第3作者 (30) Pursuits of adaptiveness in the shared rivers of Monsoon Asia,International Environmental Agreements,2010,第2作者 (31) Functional links between biodiversity. livelihoods and culture in a Hani swidden landscape in Southwest China,Ecology and Society,2009,第1作者 (32) The Melting Himalayas: Cascading effects of climate change on water. biodiversity and livelihoods, Conservation Biology,2009,第1作者 (33) Response of hydrological processes to land-cover and climate changes in Kejie watershed. SW China,Hydrological Processes,2009,通讯作者 (34) China shakes the world and then what,Conservation Biology,2009,第2作者 (35) The rubber juggernaut,Science,2009,第3作者


2009-01--今 Board member International Association for Ecology and Human Health
