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1993年复旦大学微生物系毕业,获学士学位。 1999年德国Free University Berlin毕业,获硕士学位。 2003年德国Justus-Liebig-University Giessen毕业,获博士学位。 2008年回国后,任中科院上海生科院生化与细胞所研究员,研究组长


RNA加工 (RNA processing)是RNA成熟并发挥功能所必不可少的步骤,也是基因表达过程中的一个重要调控层面。我们实验室主要关注调控mRNA与非编码RNA加工成熟的分子机制


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Müller-McNicoll M, Rossbach O, Hui J, Medenbach J.Auto-regulatory feedback by RNA-binding proteins.J Mol Cell Biol,2019, pii: mjz043 Yang XJ, Zhu H, Mu SR, Wei WJ, Yuan X, Wang M, Liu Y, Hui J#, Huang Y#.Crystal structure of a Y-box binding protein 1 (YB-1)-RNA complex reveals key features and residues interacting with RNA. J Biol Chem, 2019, pii: jbc.RA119.007545 Wu DR, Gu KL, Yu JC, Fu X, Wang XW, Guo WT, Liao LQ, Zhu H, Zhang XS, Hui J*, Wang Y*. Opposing roles of miR-294 and MBNL1/2 in shaping the gene regulatory network of embryonic stem cells. EMBO Rep. 2018;19(6). pii: e45657. Wang F, Fu X, Chen P, Wu P, Fan XJ, Li N, Zhu H, Jia Ting-Ting, Ji HB, Wang ZF, Wong C. C L, Hu RG#, Hui J#. SPSB1-mediated HnRNP A1 ubiquitylation regulates alternative splicing and cell migration in EGF signaling. (2017) Cell Res, doi: 10.1038/cr.2017.7 (highlighted by Fu XD, Cell Research, 2017.2.10) Wang F, Song W, Zhao HM, Ma YN, Li YX, Zhai D, Pi JN, Si YM, Xu JY, Dong L, Su R, Zhang MM, Zhu Y, Ren XX, Miao F, Liu WJ, Li FJ, Zhang JW, He AB, Shan G, Hui J, Wang LF, Yu J. The RNA-binding protein QKI5 regulates primary miR-124-1 processing via a distal RNA motif during erythropoiesis, (2017) Cell Res, doi: 10.1038/cr.2017.26 Li F, Yi P, Pi J, Li L, Hui J, Wang F, Liang A, Yu J.QKI5-mediated alternative splicing of the histone variant macroH2A1 regulates gastric carcinogenesis. (2016) Oncotarget, 7, 32821-32834 Wu SL, Fu X, Huang J, Jia TT, Zong FY, Mu SR, Zhu H, Yan Y, Qiu S, Wu Q, Yan W, Peng Y, Chen J, Hui J#. Genome-wide analysis of YB-1-RNA interactions reveals a novel role of YB-1 in miRNA processing in glioblastoma multiforme. (2015) Nucleic Acids Res, 43, 8516-8528 Guo R, Zheng L, Park JW, Lv R, Chen H, Jiao F, Xu W, Mu S, Wen H, Qiu J, Wang Z, Yang P, Wu F, Hui J, Fu X, Shi X, Shi YG, Xing Y, Lan F, Shi Y. BS69/ZMYND11 reads and connects histone H3.3 lysine 36 trimethylation-decorated chromatin to regulated pre-mRNA processing. (2014) Mol Cell, 56, 298-310 Zong FY, Fu X, Wei WJ, Luo YG, Heiner M, Cao LJ, Fang Z, Fang R, Lu D, Ji H, Hui J#. The RNA-binding protein QKI suppresses cancer-associated aberrant splicing. (2014) PLOS Genet, 10, e1004289 Jiang Y, Hui J#. Chromatin structure and mRNA alternative splicing. (2014) Chem Life, 4, 449-455 (invited review) Wei WJ, Mu SR, Heiner M, Fu X, Cao LJ, Gong XF, Bindereif A, Hui J#. YB-1 binds to CAUC motifs and stimulates exon inclusion by enhancing the recruitment of U2AF to weak polypyrimidine tracts. (2012) Nucleic Acids Res, 40, 8622-8636 Huang Y, Li W, Yao X, Lin QJ, Yin JW, Liang Y, Heiner M, Tian B, Hui J, Wang G. Mediator complex regulates alternative mRNA processing via the MED23 subunit. (2012) Mol Cell, 45, 459-469 Heiner M, Hui J, Schreiner S, Hung LH, Bindereif A. HnRNP L-mediated regulation of mammalian alternative splicing by interference with splice site recognition. (2010) RNA Biol, 7, 56-64 Kishore S, Khanna A, Zhang Z, Hui J, Balwierz PJ, Stefan M, Beach C, Nicholls RD, Zavolan M, Stamm S. The snoRNA MBII-52 (SNORD 115) is processed into smaller RNAs and regulates alternative splicing. (2010) Hum Mol Genet, 19, 1153-1164 Roßbach O, Hung LH, Schreiner S, Grishina I, Heiner M, Hui J, Bindereif A. Auto- and crossregulation of the hnRNP L proteins by alternative splicing. (2009) Mol Cell Biol, 29, 1442-1451 Hui J. Regulation of mammalian pre-mRNA splicing. (2009) Sci China C Life Sci, 52, 253-260 (invited review) Hui J, Kishore S, Khanna A, Stamm S. Analysis of alternative splicing with microarrays. (2009) In Bioinformatics for Systems Biology (Krawetz SA ed.), Humana Press, pp267-279 Hung LH*, Heiner M*, Hui J*, Schreiner S, Benes V, Bindereif A. Diverse roles of hnRNP L in mammalian mRNA processing: a combined microarray and RNAi analysis. (2008) RNA, 14, 284-296 Lorenz M, Hewing B, Hui J, Zepp A, Baumann G, Bindereif A, Stangl V, Stangl K. Alternative splicing in intron 13 of the human eNOS gene: a potential mechanism for regulating eNOS activity. (2007) FASEB J, 21, 1556-1564 Hui J, Bindereif A. Alternative pre-mRNA splicing in the human system: unexpected role of repetitive sequences as regulatory elements. (2005) Biol Chem, 386, 1265-1271 (invited review)
