1. H.F. Yang, Y.Y. Feng*, L.X. Du, Z.H. Liu, D.S. Kong, Dealloyed PdAg Core Pt Monolayer Shell Electrocatalyst for Oxygen Reduction Reaction, RSC Adv. 2016, 6, 16904
2. G.P. Lu, X.B. Ma, H.F. Yang, D.S. Kong, Y.Y. Feng*, Highly active Pt catalysts promoted by molybdenum-doped SnO2 for methanol Electrooxidation, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 2015, 40, 5889.
3. X.B. Ma, Y.Y. Feng*, Y. Li, Y.S. Han, G.P. Lu, H.F. Yang, D.S. Kong, Promoting effect of polyaniline on Pd catalysts for the formic acid electrooxidation reaction, Chin. J. Catal. 2015, 36, 943.
4. Y.Y. Feng*, Q.Y. Yin, G.P. Lu, H.F. Yang, X. Zhu, D.S. Kong, J.M. You, Enhanced Catalytic Performance of Pd Catalyst for Formic Acid Electrooxidation in Ionic Liquid Aqueous Solution, J. Power Sources 2014, 272, 606.
5. Y.Y. Feng*, W.Q. Kong, Q.Y. Yin, L.X. Du, Y.T. Zheng, D.S. Kong, Platinum Catalysts Promoted by In doped SnO2 Support for Methanol Electro-oxidation in Alkaline Electrolyte, J. Power Sources 2014, 252, 156.
6. Y.Y. Feng*, Z.H. Liu, W.Q. Kong, Q.Y. Yin, L.X. Du, Promotion of Palladium Catalysis by Silver for Ethanol Electro-oxidation in Alkaline Electrolyte, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 2014, 39, 2497.
7. Y.Y. Feng, G.R. Zhang, B.Q. Xu, Catalytic Pd-on-Au Nanostructures with Improved Pd Activity for Formic Acid Electro-oxidation, RSC Adv. 2013, 3, 1748.
8. Y.Y. Feng*, Z.H. Liu, Y. Xu, P. Wang, W.H. Wang, D.S. Kong, Highly Active PdAu Alloy Catalysts for Ethanol Electro-oxidation, J. Power Sources 2013, 232, 99.
9. Y.Y. Feng*, L.X. Bi, Z.H Liu, D.S. Kong, Z.Y. Yu, Significantly Enhanced Electrocatalytic Activity for Methanol Electro-oxidation on Ag oxide promoted PtAg/C catalysts in alkaline electrolyte, J. Catal. 2012, 290, 18.
10. Y.Y. Feng, G.R. Zhang, J.H. Ma, G. Liu, B.Q. Xu, Carbon-Supported Pt^Ag Nanostructures as Cathode Catalysts for Oxygen Reduction Reaction, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2011, 13, 3863.
11. Y.Y. Feng, J.H. Ma, G.R. Zhang, G. Liu, B.Q. Xu, Dealloyed Carbon-supported PtAg Nanostructures: Enhanced Electrocatalytic Activity for Oxygen Reduction Reaction, Electrochem. Commun. 2010, 12, 1191.
12. Y.Y. Feng, J.H. Ma, G.R. Zhang, D. Zhao, B.Q. Xu, An Interfacially Alloyed Pt^Ag Cathode Catalyst for the Electrochemical Reduction of Oxygen, Chin. J. Catal. 2009, 30, 776.
13. 毕丽晓,刘增花,孔德生,郁章玉*,冯媛媛*,炭载PtAg双金属催化剂对甲醇氧化反应的电催化,应用化学, 2013, 30, 107.
14. D.S. Kong, W.Q. Kong, Y.Y. Feng, W.J. Li, Y.J. Wei, A Method Developed for Getting Kinetic Information from Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy Measured for Anodized Ti in Fluoride, J. Electrochem. Soc. 2013, 160, C461.
15. D.S. Kong, X.D. Zhang, J. Wang, C. Wang, X. Zhao, Y.Y. Feng, W.J. Li, A Photoelectrochemical Study on the Features of Carbonate-catalyzed Water Oxidation at Illuminated TiO2/Solution Interface, J. Solid State Electrochem. 2013, 17, 69.
16. G.R. Zhang, D. Zhao, Y.Y. Feng, B.S. Zhang, D.S. Su, G. Liu, B.Q. Xu, Catalytic Pt-on-Au Nanostructures: Why Pt Becomes More Active on Smaller Au Particles, ACS Nano 2012, 6, 2226.
17. J.H. Ma, Y.Y. Feng, J. Yu, D. Zhao, A.J. Wang, B.Q. Xu, Promotion by Hydrous Ruthenium Oxide of Platinum for Methanol Electro-oxidation, J. Catal. 2010, 275, 34.
18. J.H. Ma, Y.Y. Feng, G.R. Zhang, A.J. Wang, B.Q. Xu, Performance Improvement by Tungsten Oxides (WOm) of the Pt-RuOxHy Electrocatalyst for Methanol Oxidation,Chin. J. Catal. 31 2010, 31, 521.
19. D.S. Kong, Y.Y. Feng, Electrochemical Anodic Dissolution Kinetics of Titanium in Fluoride Containing Perchloric Acid Solutions at Open Circuit Potentials, J. Electrochem. Soc. 2009, 156, C283-C291.
20. D.S. Kong, W.H. Lu, Y.Y. Feng, Z.Y. Yu, J.X. Wu, W.J. Fan, H.Y. Liu, Studying on the Point-Defect-Conductive Property of the Semiconducting Anodic Oxide Films on Titanium, J. Electrochem. Soc. 2009, 156, C39-C44.