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2014年06月至今 云南大学,教授,博士生导师 2013年09月-2014年06月 长春理工大学(原长春光学精密机械学院)教授,博士生导师 2006年03月-2013年08月 长春理工大学,讲师,博士后,副教授 2003年03月-2006年03月 中国科学院长春光学精密机械与物理研究所,光学专业,获理学博士学位 2001年09月-2003年03月 中国科学院长春光学精密机械与物理研究所,光学工程专业,工学硕士(直博) 1997年09月-2001年07月 长春光学精密机械学院(现更名为长春理工大学),光学技术与光电仪器专业,获工学学士学位


1. 激光物理、全固态激光及非线性光学频率变换技术; 2. 衍射光学元件设计及其在激光光学谐振腔中应用; 3. 空心激光束的产生、控制和传播特性; 4. 纵波激光


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Yan-Fei Lü*, Xi-He Zhang, Jing Xia, Chang-Li Li, Zhen-Ming Zhao, Zhi-Teng Li, "Diode-pumped Nd:LuVO4-Nd:YLiF4 crystals blue laser at 489 nm by intracavity sum-frequency-mixing," Optics Communications, 2010, 283:3067-3069. Yanfei Lü*, Lianshui Zhao , Pei Zhai, Jing Xia, Xihong Fu, and Shutao Li, "Simultaneous three-wavelength continuous-wave laser at 946 nm, 1319 nm and 1064 nm in Nd:YAG," Optics Communications, 2013, 286 (1): 257-260. Y.F. Lü*, X.H. Zhang, J.F. Chen, G.C. Sun, and Z.M. Zhao, "All-solid-state Nd:LuVO4 laser operating at 1066 nm and 1343 nm under diode pumping into the emitting level," Laser Physics Letters, 2010, 7(10): 699-702. Y.F. Lü*, J. Xia, X.H. Zhang, A.F. Zhang, J.G. Wang, L. Bao, X.D. Yin, "High-efficiency direct-pumped Nd:YLF laser operating at 1321 nm," Applied Physics B, 2010, 98: 305-309. Y. F. Lü*, X. H. Zhang, X. D. Yin, J. Xia, A. F. Zhang, J. Q. Lin, "Highly efficient continuous-wave intracavity frequency-doubled Nd:YVO4-LBO laser at 457 nm under diode pumping into the emitting level 4 F 3/2," Applied Physics B, 2010, 99: 115-119. Y.F. Lü*, X.D. Yin, J. Xia, L. Bao, and X.H. Zhang, "All-solid-state continuous-wave doubly resonant all-intracavity sum-frequency mixing blue laser at 488 nm," Laser Physics Letters, 2009, 6 (12): 860-863. Y.F. Lü*, X.H. Zhang, J. Xia, A.F. Zhang, X.D. Yin, and L. Bao, "Highly efficient continuous-wave 912 nm Nd:GdVO4 laser emission under direct 880 nm pumping," Laser Physics Letters, 2009, 6(11):796-799. J. Xia, Y.F. Lü*, X.H. Zhang, W.B. Cheng, Z. Xiong, J. Lu, L.J. Xu, G.C. Sun, Z.M. Zhao, and Y. Tan, "All-solid-state CW Nd:KGd(WO4)2 self-Raman laser at 561 nm by intracavity sum-frequency mixing of fundamental and first-Stokes wavelengths," Laser Physics Letters, 2011, 8(1):21-23. Yan-Fei Lü*, Xi-He Zhang, Jing Xia, Xiao-Dong Yin, An-Feng Zhang, Lin Bao, Wang Lü, "High-efficiency direct-pumped Nd:YVO4-LBO laser operating at 671nm," Optics & Laser Technology, 2010, 42: 522-525. Yanfei Lü*, Jing Zhang, Huilong Liu, Jing Xia, Xihong Fu, and Anfeng Zhang, "Fine wavelength control in 1.3 μm Nd:YAG lasers by electro-optical crystal lens," Journal of Applied Physics, 2014, 115 (7), 073102. Yanfei Lü*, Jing Xia, Huilong Liu, and Xiaoyun Pu, "Simultaneous triple 914nm, 1084nm, and 1086nm operation of a diode-pumped Nd:YVO4 laser," Journal of Applied Physics, 2014, 116 (16):163107. Yanfei Lü*, Jing Xia, Xihong Fu, Anfeng Zhang, Huilong Liu, and Jing Zhang, "Diode-pumped orthogonally polarized Nd:LuVO4 lasers based on the 4 F 3/2–4I11/2 transition," Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 2014, 31 (4): 898-903. Yanfei Lü*, Jing Zhang, Jing Xia, and Huilong Liu, "Diode-Pumped Quasi-Three-Level Nd:YVO4 Laser with Orthogonally Polarized Emission," IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 2014, 26 (7): 656-659. Hui-Long Liu, Yuan Dong, Jing Zhang, Shu-Tao Li, and Yan-Fei Lü*, "The diffraction propagation properties of double-half inverse Gaussian hollow beams," Optics & Laser Technology, 2014, 56 (3): 404-408. Yanfei Lü*, Jing Xia, Jing Zhang, Xihong Fu, and Huilong Liu, "Orthogonally polarized dual-wavelength Nd:YAlO3 laser at 1341 and 1339 nm and sum-frequency mixing for an emission at 670 nm," Applied Optics, 2014, 53 (23): 5141-5146. Huilong Liu, Yanfei Lü*, Jing Zhang, Jing Xia, Xiaoyun Pu, Yuan Dong, Shutao Li, Xihong Fu, Angfeng Zhang, Changjia Wang, Yong Tan, and Xihe Zhang, "Research on propagation properties of control able hollow flat-topped beams in turbulent atmosphere based on ABCD matrix," Optics Communications, 2015, 334 (1): 133-140. Jing Xia, Yanfei Lü*, Huilong Liu, and Xiaoyun Pu, "Diode-pumped Pr3+:LiYF4 visible dual-wavelength laser," Optics Communications, 2015, 334(1): 160–163. Y.F. Lü*, J. Xia, J.Q. Lin, X. Gao, Y. Dong, L.J. Xu, G.C. Sun, Z.M. Zhao, Y. Tan, J.F. Chen, Z.X. Liu, C.L. Li, H.X. Cai, Z.T. Liu, Z.Y. Ma, and G.B. Ning, "Diode-pumped CW frequency-doubled Nd:CNGG-BiBO blue laser at 468 nm," Laser Physics Letters, 2011, 8 (2): 103-106. Huilong Liu, Yanfei Lü*, Jing Xia, Xiaoyun and Li Zhang, Flat-topped vortex hollow beam and its propagation properties, Journal of Optics, 2015, 17(7): 075606 (7pp). Huilong Liu, Yanfei Lü*, JingXia, Xiaoyun Pu, Li Zhang, "Propagation of an Airy-Gaussian beam passing through the ABCD optical system with a rectangular aperture," Optics Communications, 2015, 355(15): 438-444.
