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严超赣博士,心理所磁共振成像研究中心副主任,脑功能成像实验室PI。2006年毕业于北京科技大学获学士学位,2011年毕业于北京师范大学获博士学位。随后赴美留学,在美国内森克兰精神病学研究所和纽约大学儿童与青少年精神病学系先后担任研究科学家(Research Scientist)和研究助理教授(Research Assistant Professor)职位。2015年作为研究员加入中国科学院心理研究所工作。严超赣博士的主要研究领域集中在静息态功能磁共振方法学、数据分析软件平台、脑自发活动机制及其在抑郁症中的应用。他为一系列困扰静息态功能磁共振成像的方法学问题提出了广受领域认可和引用的解决方案,包括头动、标准化和多重比较校正等。他还对静息态功能磁共振成像的计算方法进行了规范化,建立了被引1700余次的脑成像流水线式计算平台DPARSF,并建立了脑成像分析与共享平台DPABI和基于大脑皮层的脑成像数据分析软件DPABISurf。他将静息态功能磁共振成像应用于抑郁症研究,发现了早期不良抚育可致大脑自发活动异常发育,与后期抑郁样行为有关。他牵头建立了抑郁症脑成像大数据联盟(REST-meta-MDD),并积极与ENIGMA-MDD等国际组织展开国际抑郁症脑成像大数据合作研究。他在国际主流学术期刊(如PNAS, Cerebral Cortex, NeuroImage, Human Brain Mapping, Translational Psychiatry, Neuroinformatics等)共发表50余篇学术论文,其中20余篇为第一作者和/或通讯作者。研究成果得到国际同行的高度关注,总引用8000余次,h指数28(Google Scholar)。第一/通讯作者论文中,有4篇入选ESI Top 1%高被引论文,其中有2篇更入选ESI Top 1‰高被引论文。他是《NeuroImage》和《Journal of Neuroscience Methods》等国际期刊编委,国际人脑图谱学会通讯委员会(OHBM Communications Committee)委员。 教育与工作经历 2002-2006  北京科技大学  自动化 学士 2006-2011  北京师范大学  认知神经科学 博士 2011-2015  The Nathan S. Kline Institute for Psychiatric Research       研究科学家 2013-2015  Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, New York University 研究助理教授 2015 –今  中国科学院心理研究所  研究员 课题组网站:http://rfmri.org/yan 获奖及荣誉: 教育部博士学术新人奖(2010) 葛兰素史克明日之星奖(2011)


认知与发展心理学 脑功能影像计算方法 认知与发展心理学 静息态功能磁共振 认知与发展心理学 脑自发活动及其在脑疾病中的应用



查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1. Yan, C.-G.*, Chen, X., Li, L., Castellanos, F.X., Bai, T.-J., Bo, Q.-J., Cao, J., Chen, G.-M., Chen, N.-X., Chen, W., Cheng, C., Cheng, Y.-Q., Cui, X.-L., Duan, J., Fang, Y.-R., Gong, Q.-Y., Guo, W.-B., Hou, Z.-H., Hu, L., Kuang, L., Li, F., Li, K.-M., Li, T., Liu, Y.-S., Liu, Z.-N., Long, Y.-C., Luo, Q.-H., Meng, H.-Q., Peng, D.-H., Qiu, H.-T., Qiu, J., Shen, Y.-D., Shi, Y.-S., Wang, C.-Y., Wang, F., Wang, K., Wang, L., Wang, X., Wang, Y., Wu, X.-P., Wu, X.-R., Xie, C.-M., Xie, G.-R., Xie, H.-Y., Xie, P., Xu, X.-F., Yang, H., Yang, J., Yao, J.-S., Yao, S.-Q., Yin, Y.-Y., Yuan, Y.-G., Zhang, A.-X., Zhang, H., Zhang, K.-R., Zhang, L., Zhang, Z.-J., Zhou, R.-B., Zhou, Y.-T., Zhu, J.-J., Zou, C.-J., Si, T.-M., Zuo, X.-N., Zhao, J.-P.*, Zang, Y.-F.* (2019). Reduced default mode network functional connectivity in patients with recurrent major depressive disorder. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 116(18), 9078-9083. 2. Chen X, Lu B, Yan CG* (2018) Reproducibility of R-fMRI metrics on the impact of different strategies for multiple comparison correction and sample sizes. Human Brain Mapping. 39: 300-318. 3. Kong QM, Qiao H, Liu CZ, Zhang P, Li K, Wang L, Li JT, Su YA, Li KQ, Yan CG*, Mitchell, PB, Si TM* (2018) Aberrant intrinsic functional connectivity in thalamo-cortical networks in major depressive disorder. CNS Neuroscience & Therapeutics. 24(11): 1063-1072. 4. Yan CG*, Yang Z, Colcombe S, Zuo XN, Milham MP (2017) Concordance among indices of intrinsic brain function: insights from inter-individual variation and temporal dynamics. Science Bulletin. 62: 1572-1584. 5. Yan CG#, Rincon-Cortes M#, Raineki C, Sarro E, Colcombe S, Guilfoyle DN, Yang Z, Gerum S, Biswal BB, Milham MP, Sullivan RM, Castellanos FX (2017) Aberrant development of intrinsic brain activity in a rat model of caregiver maltreatment of offspring. Translational Psychiatry. 7: e100. 6. Yan CG*, Wang XD, Zuo XN, Zang YF (2016) DPABI: Data processing & analysis for (resting-state) brain imaging. Neuroinformatics. 14: 339-351. 7. Yan CG, Cheung B, Kelly C, Colcombe S, Craddock RC, Di Martino A, Li Q, Zuo XN, Castellanos FX, Milham MP (2013) A comprehensive assessment of regional variation in the impact of head micromovements on functional connectomics. Neuroimage. 76:183-201. 8. Yan CG, Craddock RC, Zuo XN, Zang YF, Milham MP (2013) Standardizing the intrinsic brain: towards robust measurement of inter-individual variation in 1000 functional connectomes. Neuroimage. 80: 246-262. 9. Yan CG*, Craddock RC, He Y, Milham MP* (2013) Addressing head motion dependencies for small-world topologies in functional connectomics. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 7: 910. 10. Yan CG, Gong GL, Wang JH, Wang DY, Liu DQ, Zhu CZ, Chen ZJ, Evans A, Zang YF, He Y (2011) Sex- and brain size-related small-world structural cortical networks in young adults: a DTI tractography study. Cerebral Cortex. 21: 449-458. 11. Yan CG and He Y. (2011) Driving and driven architectures of directed small-world human brain functional networks. PLoS ONE. 6(8): e23460. 12. Yan CG* and Zang YF* (2010) DPARSF: a MATLAB toolbox for "pipeline" data analysis of resting-state fMRI. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience. 4(13). 13. Yan CG, Liu DQ, He Y, Zou QH, Zhu CZ, Zuo XN, Long XY, Zang YF (2009) Spontaneous brain activity in the default mode network is sensitive to different resting-state conditions with limited cognitive load. PLoS ONE. 4(5): e5743. 14. 鲁彬,陈骁,李乐,沈杨千,陈宁轩,梅婷,周会霞,刘靖,严超赣* (2018) 孤独症脑自发活动动态性及其整合的异常机制. 科学通报. 63(15): 1452-1463 15. 严超赣* (2018) 大数据时代的静息态功能磁共振成像——走向精神疾病诊疗应用. 中华精神科杂志. 51(4): 224-227. (*Corresponding author #Equal contribution)
