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周连童,男,大气物理研究所季风系统研究中心党支部书记,研究员,博士生导师。2007年于中国科学院大气物理研究所获博士学位。在科研工作期间参加或主持过国家重点基础研究发展规划项目 ,国家自然科学基金面上项目以及中国科学院重大项目、重要方向性项目等。目前在国内外学术刊物上已发表论文40余篇。 2005年获 大气物理研究所“学笃风正” 海峡两岸大气科学优秀论文奖




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Zhou Lian-Tong, Du ZC. 2015.Regional differences in the surface energy budget over China:an evaluation of a selection of CMIP5 models. Theor Appl Climatol. Doi: 10.1007/s00704-015-1407-0. Zhou Lian-Tong,Guosen Chen and Renguang Wu.2015. Change in surface latent heat flux and its association with tropical cyclone genesis in the western North Pacific. Theor Appl Climatol. 119:221–227. DOI 10.1007/s00704-014-1096-0. Zhou Lian-Tong and Renguang Wu. 2015.Interdecadal Variability of Winter Precipitation in Northwest China and Its Association with the North Atlantic SST Change. International Journal of Climatology. 35: 1172–1179. DOI:10.1002/joc.4047. Zhou Lian-Tong. 2015. Influence of land–air temperature difference on spring rainfall anomalies over North China and its feedback mechanism. International Journal of Climatology 35: 2676–2681. Doi: 10.1002/joc.4126. Zhou Lian-Tong, and Ronghui Huang, 2014:Regional differences in surface sensible and latent heat fluxes in China. Theor. Appl. Climtol. 116:625–637doi:10.1007/s00704-013-0975-0. 吴国雄, 李占清, 符淙斌, 张小曳, ZHANG RenYi,张人禾, 周天军, 李建平, 李剑东, 周德刚, 武亮,周连童, 何编, 黄荣辉.2015. 气溶胶与东亚季风相互影响的研究进展. 中国科学: 地球科学, 45: 1609–1627. Zhou Lian-Tong.2014: Interdecadal Variability in Large and Small Warm Pools in Western Pacific and Their Association with Rainfall Anomalies. Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters. 7( 1), 56-61 温李明,周连童*,黄荣辉,范广洲,2014:我国东西部地区地气温差的年代际变化特征.气候与环境研究19(5):636-648,doi:10.3878/j.issn.1006-9585.2013.13106. 黄荣辉,吴国雄,陈文,刘屹岷,周连童,王林. 2014.大气科学和全球气候变化研究进展与前沿.科学出版社,北京。 Zhou Lian-Tong, 2013:Influence of Thermal State of Warm Pool in Western Pacific on Sensible heat Flux. Atmospheric Science Letters,14:91-96. Chen Gguosen, Ronghui Huang, and Zhou Lian-Tong,2013:Baroclinic Instability of the Silk Road Pattern Induced by Thermal Damping. Journal of The Atmospheric Sciences,70,2875-2893. Doi: 10.1175/JAS-D-12-0326.1. 黄荣辉,周德刚,陈文,周连童,韦志刚,张强,高晓清,卫国安,候旭宏,2013:关于中国西北干旱区陆—气相互作用及其对气候影响研究的最近进展. 大气科学, 37 (2): 189–210, doi:10.3878/j.issn.1006-9895.2012.12303. 周连童.2013.中国西北干旱、半干旱区感热的年代际变化特征及其与中国夏季降水的关系.中国南方洪涝和持续性暴雨的气候背景,陈文,杨修群等著,气象出版社,240-252。 Zhou Lian-Tong, 2011. Interdecadal Change in SST Anomalies Associated with Winter Rainfall over South China, Journal of Geophysical Research (Atmosphere), 116(D11101), Doi: 10.1029/2010JD015425 Zhou Lian-Tong,, 2011. Interdecadal Variability in Surface Solar Radiation over Northwest China and its Possible Cause ,Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, 4(2):103-108 Zhou Lian-Tong, 2011.Impact of East Asian winter monsoon on rainfall over southeastern China and its dynamical process. International Journal of Climatology, 31(5), 677-686, doi:10.1002/joc.2101.(SCI) 黄荣辉,陈文,张强,马耀明,卫国安,高晓清,胡泽勇,吕世华,周连童,韦志刚和周德刚.2011:中国西北干旱区陆气相互作用及其对东亚气候变化的影响.气象出版社,北京。 周连童, 2010. 欧亚大陆干旱、半干旱区春夏季感热通量的时空变化特征,大气科学学报,33(3),299-306; Zhou Lian-Tong, and Huang Rong-Hui, 2010.The Interdecadal Variability of Summer Rainfall in Northwest China and Its Possible Causes, International Journal of Climatoloty; 30(4), 549-557,DOI:10.1002/joc.1923. Zhou Lian-Tong, and Ronghui Huang, 2010. An Assessment of the Quality of Surface Sensible Heat Flux Derived from Reanalysis Data Through Comparison with Station Observations in Northwest China, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 27(3), 500-512, Doi: 10.1007/s00376-009-9081-8.
