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1964年,毕业于中国科技大学生物物理系 1978-1980年,吉林大学理论化学进修班学习 1985-1987年,获洪堡奖学金在德国纽伦堡大学从事量子生物学研究 1994-2003年,作为访问学者或访问教授先后在香港中文大学;美国加州洛杉矶大学;美国哈佛大学;日本大阪大学蛋白质研究所;台湾理论科学中心等从事合作研究 1989年-至今,中国科学院生物物理研究所研究员 2007年11月,当选中国科学院院士 2014年7月,当选欧亚科学院院士 陈润生院士是我国最早从事理论生物学、生物信息学以及非编码RNA研究的科研人员之一。二十多年来在生物信息学领域进行了系统的研究,曾参加我国第一个完整基因组泉生热袍菌B4基因组序列的组装和基因标识,曾参加人类基因组1%和水稻基因组工作草图的研究。构建了收录非编码RNA及其基因的数据库NONCODE,以及收录非编码RNA与其它生物大分子相互作用的数据库NPInter,这两个数据库也已成为了国际在非编码RNA领域非常有影响力的数据库。共发表SCI学术论文200余篇,自1996年以来在国际学术会议上共作大会报告及分组会报告二十余次。由于其在基因组信息学领域的早期工作,1996年9月29日至10月3日在日本筑波召开的第十五届国际科学技术数据委员会(CODATA)大会上应邀作“Kotani Memorial Lecture”,同时获得“小谷正雄”奖(“Kotani Prize”,生物领域)。2008年获何梁何利基金科学与技术进步奖;2012年获谈家桢生命科学成就奖;2013年获得国家科学技术进步奖二等奖(第一完成人)。




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 [1] Chen X, Hao Y, Cui Y, Fan Z, He S, Luo J and Chen R. LncVar: a database of genetic variation associated with long non-coding genes. Bioinformatics 2017; 33: 112-118.   [2] Zhao Y, Li H, Fang S, Kang Y, Wu W, HaoY, . . . Chen R. NONCODE 2016: an informative and valuable data source of long non-coding RNAs. Nucleic Acids Res 2016; 44: D203-208.   [3] Liu L, Yue H, Liu Q, Yuan J, Li J, Wei G, . . . Chen R. LncRNA MT1JP functions as a tumor suppressor by interacting with TIAR to modulate the p53 pathway. Oncotarget 2016; 7: 15787-15800.   [4] Cui Y, Chen X, Luo H, Fan Z, Luo J, He S, . . . Chen R. BioCircos.js: an interactive Circos JavaScript library for biological data visualization on web applications. Bioinformatics 2016; 32: 1740-1742.   [5] Xiao T, Liu L, Li H, Sun Y, Luo H, Li T, . . . Chen R. Long Noncoding RNA ADINR Regulates Adipogenesis by Transcriptionally Activating C/EBPalpha. Stem Cell Reports 2015; 5: 856-865.   [6] Wang Y, He L, Du Y, Zhu P, Huang G, Luo J, . . Chen R, Fan Z. The Long Noncoding RNA lncTCF7 Promotes Self-Renewal of Human Liver Cancer Stem Cells through Activation of Wnt Signaling. Cell Stem Cell 2015; 16: 413-425.   [7] Yuan J, Wu W, Xie C, Zhao G, Zhao Y and Chen R. NPInter v2.0: an updated database of ncRNA interactions. Nucleic Acids Res 2014; 42: D104-108.   [8] Li J, Chen Z, Tian L, Zhou C, He MY, Gao Y, . . . Chen R, He J. LncRNA profile study reveals a three-lncRNA signature associated with the survival of patients with oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Gut 2014; 63: 1700-1710.   [9] Lu X, Wang L, Chen S, He L, Yang X, Shi Y, . . . Chen R,. Coronary ADG-WR. Genome-wide association study in Han Chinese identifies four new susceptibility loci for coronary artery disease. Nature Genetics 2012; 44: 890-+.   [10] Wang Y, Chen J, Wei G, He H, Zhu X, Xiao T, . . . Chen R. The Caenorhabditiselegans intermediate-size transcriptome shows high degree of stage-specific expression. Nucleic Acids Research 2011; 39: 5203-5214.   [11] Zhao Y, He S, Liu C, Ru S, Zha H, Yang Z, . . . Chen R. MicroRNA regulation of messenger-like noncoding RNAs: a network of mutual microRNA control. Trends in Genetics 2008; 24: 323-327.   [12] He S, Su H, Liu C, Skogerbo G, He H, He D, . . . Chen R. MicroRNA-encoding long non-coding RNAs. BMC Genomics 2008; 9:   [13] Aftab MN, He H, Skogerbo G and Chen R. Microarray analysis of ncRNA expression patterns in Caenorhabditiselegans after RNAi against snoRNA associated proteins. BMC Genomics 2008; 9: 278.   [14] He H, Wang J, Liu T, Liu XS, Li T, Wang Y, . . . Chen R. Mapping the C-elegans noncoding transcriptome with a whole-genome tiling microarray. Genome Research 2007; 17: 1471-1477.   [15] Zhang Z, Liu C, Skogerbo G, Zhu X, Lu H, Chen L, . . . Chen R. Dynamic changes in subgraph preference profiles of crucial transcription factors. Plos Computational Biology 2006; 2: 383-391.   [16] Zhang Y, Li S, Skogerbo G, Zhang Z, Zhu X, Zhang Z, . . . Chen R. Phylophenetic properties of metabolic pathway topologies as revealed by global analysis. BMC Bioinformatics 2006; 7:   [17] Muzny D, Scherer S, Kaul R, Wang J, Yu J, Sudbrak R, . . . Chen R, … Gibbs R. The DNA sequence, annotation and analysis of human chromosome 3. Nature 2006; 440: 1194-1198.   [18] He H, Cai L, Skogerbo G, Deng W, Liu T, Zhu X, . . . Chen R. Profiling Caenorhabditiselegans non-coding RNA expression with a combined microarray. Nucleic Acids Research 2006; 34: 2976-2983.   [19] Deng W, Zhu X, Skogerbo G, Zhao Y, Fu Z, Wang Y, . . . Chen R. Organization of the Caenorhabditiselegans small non-coding transcriptome: Genomic features, biogenesis, and expression. Genome Research 2006; 16: 20-29.   [20] Liu C, Bai B, Skogerbo G, Cai L, Deng W, Zhang Y, . . . Chen R. NONCODE: an integrated knowledge database of non-coding RNAs. Nucleic Acids Research 2005; 33: D112-D115.   [21] Yu J, Hu S, Wang J, Wong G, Li S, Liu B, . . . Chen R, … Yang H. A draft sequence of the rice genome (Oryza sativa L. sspindica). Science 2002; 296: 79-92.   [22] Bu D, Zhao Y, Cai L, Xue H, Zhu X, Lu H, . . . Chen R. Topological structure analysis of the protein-protein interaction network in budding yeast. Nucleic Acids Res 2003; 31: 2443-2450.   [23] Bao Q, Tian Y, Li W, Xu Z, Xuan Z, Hu S, . . . Chen R, .. Yang H.A complete sequence of the T tengcongensis genome. Genome Research2002; 12: 689-700.   [24] Li W, Fang W, Ling L, Wang J, Xuan Z and Chen R. Phylogeny Based on Whole Genome as inferred from Complete Information Set Analysis. Journal of Biological Physics 2002; 28: 439-447.


现为国际人类基因组组织(HUGO)会员;国际数据库组织(CODATA)生物大分子专业组委员;国际纯粹及应用物理学会(IUPAP)生物信息学专业委员会委员;国际学术期刊《Journal of Theoretical Biology》编委
