吉林大学 -- 学士
美国华盛顿大学 -- 博士
2009- 至今, 中国科学院生物物理研究所,脑与认知国家重点实验室, 研究员
2003- 2009, 美国加州大学洛杉矶分校,生化及生理系,博士后
Fundamental Biomedical Signal Processing (FBSP) (英文授课,部分)
1. Introduction to Matlab Programming
神经科学实验技术 (部分)
1. 实验数据采集、处理与分析; 2. Matlab编程; 3. 基本生物统计; 4. 荧光显微镜光镜与电镜技术; 5. 果蝇遗传学与行为分析
Zhan Yin Peng, Liu Li, Zhu Yan. Taotie neurons regulate appetite in Drosophila. Nature communications 2016;7:13633. doi:10.1038/ncomms13633
Qiu Rong, Sun Yuanjie, Liu Li, Zhu Yan. (2016) Higher brain functions in Drosophila. Progress in Biochemistry and Biophysics 2016;43(4):330-336. doi:10.16476/j.pibb.2016.0096
Ji Feiteng, Zhu Yan. A novel assay reveals hygrotactic behavior in Drosophila. PloS one 2015;10(3):e0119162. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0119162
Wang Guang-Zhong, Marini Simone, Ma Xinyun, Yang Qiang, Zhang Xuegong, Zhu Yan. Improvement of Dscam homophilic binding affinity throughout Drosophila evolution. BMC evolutionary biology 2014;14:186. doi:10.1186/s12862-014-0186-z
Zhu Yan. The Drosophila visual system: From neural circuits to behavior. Cell adhesion & migration 2013;7(4):333-344 . doi:10.4161/cam.25521
Zhu Y*, Frye MA (2009) Neurogenetics and the 'fly stampede': dissecting neural circuits involved in visual behaviors. Fly (extra view), in press
Zhu Y, Nern A, Zipursky SL, Frye MA. Peripheral visual circuits functionally segregate motion and phototaxis behaviors in the fly. Current Biology 2009, 19(7):613-619.
Nern A, Zhu Y, Zipursky SL. Local N-cadherin interactions mediate distinct steps in the targeting of lamina neurons. Neuron 2008, 58(1):34-41.
Duistermars B, Zhu Y, and Frye M. Dynamic properties of large-field and small-field optomotor responses in Drosophila. J. Comp. Physic. 2007, 193(7):787-99.
Zhu Y, Yu T, Rao Y. Temporal regulation of cerebellar EGL migration through a switch in cellular responsiveness to the meninges. Developmental Biology 2004, 267(1):153-64.
Zhu Y, Yu T, Zhang XC, Nagasawa T, Wu JY and Rao Y. Role of the chemokine SDF-1 as the meningeal attractant for embryonic cerebellar neurons. Nature Neuroscience 2002, 5(8):719-20.
Zhu, Y*, Li, H.S.*, Zhou, L, Wu, JY, and Rao Y. Cellular and molecular guidance of GABAergic neuronal migration from an extra-cortical origin to the neocortex. Neuron 1999, 23: 473-485.
Miskevich F*, Zhu Y*, Ranscht B, Sanes JR. Expression of multiple cadherins and catenins in the chick optic tectum. Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience 1998, 12(4-5):240-55.