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招生专业 081201-计算机系统结构 招生方向 计算机网络 教育背景 1988-03--1991-07 中国科学院计算技术研究所 工学博士 1983-09--1986-07 中国科学院计算技术研究所 工学硕士 1979-09--1983-07 北京大学计算机科学技术系 理学学士 学历 中科院计算所 19870901--19910701 研究生毕业 学位 中科院计算所 19870901--19910701 博士 工作简历 1999-03--今 中科院计算所网络技术研究室(研究中心) 研究员 1994-10--1999-02 中科院计算所CAD开放实验室 研究员 1992-10--1994-10 中科院计算所CAD开放实验室 副研究员 1988-10--1992-10 中科院计算所CAD开放实验室 助理研究员 1986-07--1988-10 中科院计算所网络研究室 研究实习员 科研项目 (1) 多跳认知无线电网络信道接入问题研究,主持,国家级,2015-01--2018-12 (2) 物理干扰模型下多跳无线网络的链路调度算法研究,主持,国家级,2013-01--2016-12 (3) 面向云计算的泛在网络接入传输机制和标准研究,参与,国家级,2012-01--2016-12 (4) 物联网网络融合与自治的机理和方法,主持,国家级,2011-01--2013-08




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

(1) Throughput Optimizing Localized Link Scheduling for Multihop Wireless Networks Under Physical Interference Model,IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems,2014,第5作者 (2) Almost Optimal Channel Access in Multi-Hop Networks With Unknown Channel Variables,The 34th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS),2014,第5作者 (3) Mobility-Assisted Routing in Intermittently Connected Mobile Cognitive Radio Networks,IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems,2014,第5作者 (4) Freeway: Adaptively Isolating the Elephant and Mice Flows on Different Transmission Paths,IEEE 22nd International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP),2014,第5作者 (5) Opportunistic Routing in Intermittently Connected Mobile P2P Networks,IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications,2013,第4作者 (6) Distributed Link Scheduling for Throughput Maximization under Physical Interference Model,IEEE INFOCOM 2012 Mini-conference,2012,第4作者 (7) Cross-layer Design for Proportional Delay Differentiation and Network Utility Maximization in Multi-hop Wireless Networks,IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications,,2012,第3作者 (8) Modeling and Optimization of Medium Access in CSMA Wireless Networks with Topology Asymmetry,IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing,2012,第3作者 (9) Design and Performance Study of a Topology-Hiding Multipath Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks,IEEE INFOCOM ,2012,第4作者 (10) Churn-Resilient Protocol for Massive Data Dissemination in P2P Network,IEEE Trans. on Parallel and Distributed System,2011,第4作者 (11) Interference Pair-Based Distributed Spectrum Allocation in Wireless Mesh Networks with Frequency-Agile Radios,IEEE SECON ,2011,第3作者 (12) Performance Analysis and Optimization of Handoff Algorithms in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing,2008,第2作者 (13) Efficient and scalable consistency maintenance for heterogeneous Peer-to-Peer systems,IEEE Transaction on Parallel and Distributed Systems,2008,第3作者
